Agent 1707750846-509237 one_id: 1370454 running (buildKey: qt/qtspeech/738e6533778f4db0183ae3b28205c8d2a888cc00/LinuxUbuntu_22_04x86_64LinuxQEMUarmv7GCCqtci-linux-Ubuntu-22.04-x86_64-51-def3fcSccache_UseConfigure/de070217b56dbc9550f22f00c895da90bbd376d8/Test) agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:232: Welcome. The agent (id: 1707750846-509237) is listening on agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:233: The local time is: 2024-03-02 18:25:51.014995586 +0000 UTC m=+0.087253270 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:235: The agent has 2 cores and 8946 MB of memory agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:95: Request: Test 'qt/qtspeech' agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:96: Path: qt/qtspeech/738e6533778f4db0183ae3b28205c8d2a888cc00/LinuxUbuntu_22_04x86_64LinuxQEMUarmv7GCCqtci-linux-Ubuntu-22.04-x86_64-51-def3fcSccache_UseConfigure/de070217b56dbc9550f22f00c895da90bbd376d8/test_1709403967 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:97: Branch: dev agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:98: ID: qemu-armv7-developer-build agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:99: Configuration: BuildAndTest agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:100: Host: os: Linux, osVersion: Ubuntu_22_04, compiler: GCC, arch: X86_64 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:101: Target: os: Linux, osVersion: QEMU, compiler: GCC, arch: ARMv7 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:102: Features: &[Sccache UseConfigure AbortTestingOnFirstFailure] agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:103: Extra Configure Args: &[] agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:104: Toolsets: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:113: VM Template: 'qtci-linux-Ubuntu-22.04-x86_64-51-def3fc' agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:114: Environment: running on '' agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:115: AbortTestingOnFirstFailure: 'true' agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:324: Environment variables: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: SHELL=/bin/bash agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: SESSION_MANAGER=local/localhost.localdomain:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1086,unix/localhost.localdomain:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1086 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: VXWORKS_EMULATOR=/home/qt/ agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: FFMPEG_DIR=/usr/local/FFmpeg-n6.1.1 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntu:/etc/xdg agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: SSH_AGENT_LAUNCHER=gnome-keyring agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome- agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LC_ADDRESS=en_US.UTF-8 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: MQTT_TEST_BROKER_LOCATION=/opt/paho_broker/interoperability/ agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: GNOME_SHELL_SESSION_MODE=ubuntu agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LC_NAME=en_US.UTF-8 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QNX_QEMU_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/proc/boot:/system/lib:/system/lib/dll:/home/qt/work/install/target/lib agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMUARMV7_TOOLCHAIN_CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi- agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: SCCACHE_IDLE_TIMEOUT=0 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMUARM64_TOOLCHAIN_SYSROOT=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/cortexa57-poky-linux agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: SSH_PUBLIC_KEY= agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: DESKTOP_SESSION=ubuntu agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: DISK_ID=1 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: ANDROID_API_VERSION=android-34 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: CONAN_REVISIONS_ENABLED=1 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QNX_QEMU_IPADDR= agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: PWD=/home/qt agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: VCPKG_ROOT=/home/qt/vcpkg-2023.10.19 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=ubuntu agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LOGNAME=qt agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/libclang-15.0.0 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: BREAKPAD_SOURCE_DIR=/home/qt/breakpad agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: GPG_AGENT_INFO=/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent:0:1 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: SYSTEMD_EXEC_PID=1086 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: XAUTHORITY=/run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: COIN_LAUNCH_PARAMETERS=--scheduler-service= --webserver-service= --sourcestorage-service= --storage-service= qt/qtspeech/738e6533778f4db0183ae3b28205c8d2a888cc00/LinuxUbuntu_22_04x86_64LinuxQEMUarmv7GCCqtci-linux-Ubuntu-22.04-x86_64-51-def3fcSccache_UseConfigure/de070217b56dbc9550f22f00c895da90bbd376d8/Test 1707750846-509237 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMUARMV7_TOOLCHAIN_SYSROOT=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/armv7vet2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: COIN_DOWNLOAD_URL= agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: absl_ROOT=/home/qt/install-grpc-1.50.1 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LLVM_DYNAMIC_LIBS_100=/usr/local/libclang-dynlibs-10.0 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: WINDOWPATH=2 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: HOME=/home/qt agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: USERNAME=qt agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LANG=C.UTF-8 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QNX_QEMU_SSH=root@ agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=ubuntu:GNOME agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMUMIPS64_TOOLCHAIN_ENVSETUP=/opt/b2qt/3.2/environment-setup-mips64r2-poky-linux agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: ANDROID_NDK_ROOT_DEFAULT=/opt/android/android-ndk-r26b agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMUMIPS64_TOOLCHAIN_CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/mips64-poky-linux/mips64-poky-linux- agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: ANDROID_NDK_HOST=linux-x86_64 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMUARMV7_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/share/cmake/OEToolchainConfig.cmake agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QNX_710=/opt/qnx710 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: INVOCATION_ID=698a7c4d3db34631a5728957c1cc6b10 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMUMIPS64_TOOLCHAIN_SYSROOT=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/mips64r2-poky-linux agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: MANAGERPID=793 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMUARMV7_TOOLCHAIN_ENVSETUP=/opt/b2qt/3.2/environment-setup-armv7vet2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/opt/android/android-ndk-r26b agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: OPENSSL_ANDROID_HOME_LATEST=/home/qt/prebuilt-openssl-3.0.7-for-android-ndk-r26b agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: OPENSSL_ANDROID_HOME_DEFAULT=/home/qt/prebuilt-openssl-3.0.7-for-android-ndk-r26b agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: XDG_SESSION_CLASS=user agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMU_SET_ENV=QT_WAYLAND_DISABLE_WINDOWDECORATION=1 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LC_IDENTIFICATION=en_US.UTF-8 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: VXWORKS_SSH=WindRiver@ agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: USER=qt agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: DISPLAY=:0 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: SHLVL=0 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LC_TELEPHONE=en_US.UTF-8 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMUARM64_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/share/cmake/OEToolchainConfig.cmake agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/opt/android/sdk agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QT_IM_MODULE=ibus agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LC_MEASUREMENT=en_US.UTF-8 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: DESKTOP_AUTOSTART_ID=10dd98581f57f998d170940394861348900000010860016 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: PAPERSIZE=letter agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMUARM64_TOOLCHAIN_CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/aarch64-poky-linux/aarch64-poky-linux- agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: VXWORKS_HOME=/opt/vxworks agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: WIND_CC_SYSROOT=/opt/fsl_imx6_2_0_6_2_VSB agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LC_ALL=en_US.UTF8 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: ANDROID_NDK_ROOT_LATEST=/opt/android/android-ndk-r26b agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: JOURNAL_STREAM=8:22670 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: CONAN_V2_MODE=1 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share/ubuntu:/usr/share/gnome:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/:/var/lib/snapd/desktop agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: PATH=/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin:/home/qt/.local/bin:/home/qt/sccache_wrapper:/usr/local/sccache:/opt/node-v18.16.0-linux-x64/bin:/home/qt/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/snap/bin agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QNX_QEMU=/home/qt/QNX agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMUMIPS64_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/share/cmake/OEToolchainConfig.cmake agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: gRPC_ROOT=/home/qt/install-grpc-1.50.1 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: GDMSESSION=ubuntu agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QEMUARM64_TOOLCHAIN_ENVSETUP=/opt/b2qt/3.2/environment-setup-cortexa57-poky-linux agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID=1598 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: FBXSDK=/opt/fbx agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE=/home/qt/.config/autostart/coin-bootstrap-agent.desktop agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: LC_NUMERIC=en_US.UTF-8 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: ANDROID_EMULATOR_RUNNER=/home/qt/ agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: TARGET=hdb agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: _=/home/qt/agent agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: QT_COIN_GIT_DAEMON= agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: INTEGRATION_ID=1709403910 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: COIN_UNIQUE_JOB_ID=1707750846-509237-Ubuntu_22_04 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: TESTED_MODULE_BRANCH_COIN=dev agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: TESTED_MODULE_REVISION_COIN=1947a7a3346f6ddb7ceb43e3e19a781baf7539c5 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: TESTED_MODULE_COIN=qtspeech agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: TESTED_MODULE_PLAIN_COIN=speech agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: HOST_OS_COIN=linux agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: HOST_OSVERSION_COIN=ubuntu_22_04 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: HOST_COMPILER_COIN=gcc agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: HOST_ARCH_COIN=x86_64 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: TARGET_OS_COIN=linux agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: TARGET_OSVERSION_COIN=qemu agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: TARGET_COMPILER_COIN=gcc agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: TARGET_ARCH_COIN=armv7 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:51 agent.go:327: IPADDRESS= agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 1 of 80 - ExecuteCommand agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:375: Started on background: [/usr/bin/sudo -E telegraf --config /etc/telegraf-coin.conf] 3m0s 3m0s true true agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 2 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set MODULE_ARTIFACTS_RELATIVE_STORAGE_PATH=qt/qtspeech/738e6533778f4db0183ae3b28205c8d2a888cc00/LinuxUbuntu_22_04x86_64LinuxQEMUarmv7GCCqtci-linux-Ubuntu-22.04-x86_64-51-def3fcSccache_UseConfigure/de070217b56dbc9550f22f00c895da90bbd376d8/build_1709403786 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 3 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set MODULE_SOURCES_RELATIVE_STORAGE_PATH=qt/qtspeech/1947a7a3346f6ddb7ceb43e3e19a781baf7539c5/sources_unix.tar.gz agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 4 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set MAKEFLAGS=--jobs=2 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 5 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set NINJAFLAGS=-j2 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 6 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:515: unset CONFIGURE_ARGS agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 7 of 80 - InstallSourceArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 278491 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech" agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 8 of 80 - ChangeDirectory agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:820: cd /home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 9 of 80 - ChangeDirectory agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:820: cd /home/qt/work agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 10 of 80 - WriteFile agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:900: Write file: /home/qt/work/../.aws/credentials using FileMode 420 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 11 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set SCCACHE_ENDPOINT=ci-sccache:9000 agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 12 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set SCCACHE_BUCKET=cache agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 13 of 80 - ExecuteCommand agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:427: [sccache --start-server] 3m0s 3m0s false true agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:404: sccache: Starting the server... agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 14 of 80 - ChangeDirectory agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:820: cd /home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 15 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set TARGET_CONFIGURE_ARGS=-release -force-debug-info -developer-build -no-warnings-are-errors -make examples -qt-harfbuzz -device linux-imx7-g++ -device-option "CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-" -device-option "DISTRO_OPTS=hard-float boot2qt" -no-feature-forkfd_pidfd agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 16 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set TARGET_CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/share/cmake/OEToolchainConfig.cmake -DQT_FORCE_BUILD_TOOLS=ON agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 17 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set QT_YOCTO_ENVSETUP=/opt/b2qt/3.2/environment-setup-armv7vet2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 18 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set QT_CMAKE_DIR=/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 19 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set QT_SYSROOT_FOR_RUNNING_TESTS=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/armv7vet2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 20 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set GST_PLUGIN_SCANNER=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/armv7vet2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/libexec/gstreamer-1.0/gst-plugin-scanner agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 21 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:513: set QT_QUICK_BACKEND=software agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 build.go:795: Executing instruction 22 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:25:52 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 186433596 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 build.go:795: Executing instruction 23 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 248541 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 build.go:795: Executing instruction 24 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 32838128 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 build.go:795: Executing instruction 25 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 54378 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 build.go:795: Executing instruction 26 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 437393 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 build.go:795: Executing instruction 27 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 1812457 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 build.go:795: Executing instruction 28 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:25:55 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 21154942 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:25:56 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:56 build.go:795: Executing instruction 29 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:25:56 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 86050 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:25:56 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:56 build.go:795: Executing instruction 30 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:25:56 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 33832170 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:25:56 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:56 build.go:795: Executing instruction 31 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:25:56 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 74387596 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:25:57 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:25:57 build.go:795: Executing instruction 32 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:25:57 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 937736808 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:12 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:12 build.go:795: Executing instruction 33 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:26:12 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 3881092 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:12 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:12 build.go:795: Executing instruction 34 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:26:12 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 11460966 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:13 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:13 build.go:795: Executing instruction 35 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:26:13 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 183887086 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:16 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:16 build.go:795: Executing instruction 36 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:26:16 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 29281918 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:16 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:16 build.go:795: Executing instruction 37 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:26:16 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 6766217 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:16 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:16 build.go:795: Executing instruction 38 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:26:16 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 5908302 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:16 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:16 build.go:795: Executing instruction 39 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:26:16 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 445747576 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 40 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 2067858 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 41 of 80 - InstallBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 131384 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 42 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set CMAKE_GENERATOR=Ninja agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 43 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set CI_PATH_SEP=/ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 44 of 80 - PrependToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 45 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:515: unset ENV_PREFIX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 46 of 80 - WriteFile agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:902: Write file: /home/qt/ using FileMode 493 #!/bin/bash unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH . /opt/b2qt/3.2/environment-setup-armv7vet2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi export PATH=/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin:$PATH; unset QMAKESPEC "$@" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 47 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set TARGET_ENV_PREFIX=/home/qt/ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 48 of 80 - ExecuteCommand agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:427: [sudo update-binfmts --enable] 10s 10s false false agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 49 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 50 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_NON_QTBASE_CMAKE_ARGS= -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 51 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_TEST_CMAKE_ARGS= -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 52 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_TARGET_CMAKE_ARGS= -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 53 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_NON_QTBASE_TARGET_CMAKE_ARGS= -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 54 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_TARGET_TEST_CMAKE_ARGS= -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 55 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 56 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_NON_QTBASE_CMAKE_ARGS= -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 57 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_TEST_CMAKE_ARGS= -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 58 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_TARGET_CMAKE_ARGS= -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 59 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_NON_QTBASE_TARGET_CMAKE_ARGS= -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 60 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_TARGET_TEST_CMAKE_ARGS= -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 61 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DQT_INTERNAL_EXAMPLES_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/installed_examples agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 62 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COMMON_TARGET_CMAKE_ARGS= -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DQT_INTERNAL_EXAMPLES_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/installed_examples agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 63 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set HOST_INSTALL_DIR=/home/qt/work/install agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 64 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set LIBEXEC_INSTALL_DIR=/home/qt/work/install/libexec/ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 65 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COIN_COMMAND_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT=900 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 66 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set QTEST_ENVIRONMENT=ci agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 67 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set TESTS_ENV_PREFIX=/home/qt/ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 68 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set QEMU_LD_PREFIX=/opt/b2qt/3.2/sysroots/armv7vet2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 69 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 70 of 80 - MakeDirectory agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:826: mkdir /home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 71 of 80 - InstallTestBinaryArchive agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 storageclient.go:325: Streaming-Unpacking 3934888 bytes from "" in "/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 72 of 80 - ChangeDirectory agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:820: cd /home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 73 of 80 - ScheduleUploadTestResults agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 74 of 80 - PrependToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set PATH=:/opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin:/home/qt/.local/bin:/home/qt/sccache_wrapper:/usr/local/sccache:/opt/node-v18.16.0-linux-x64/bin:/home/qt/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/snap/bin agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 75 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set TESTRUNNER=/home/qt/work/install/libexec/ -- agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 76 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR=/home/qt/work/testresults agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 77 of 80 - EnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set CTEST_ARGS=-V agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 78 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set CTEST_ARGS=-V --stop-on-failure agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 79 of 80 - AppendToEnvironmentVariable agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:513: set CTEST_ARGS=-V --stop-on-failure --output-junit /home/qt/work/testresults/test_summary.ctest_junit_xml agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:1190: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:795: Executing instruction 80 of 80 - ExecuteCommand agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:427: [/home/qt/ ctest -V --stop-on-failure --output-junit /home/qt/work/testresults/test_summary.ctest_junit_xml] 3h0m0s 15m0s false false agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/DartConfiguration.tcl agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: Parse Config file:/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/DartConfiguration.tcl agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/DartConfiguration.tcl agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: Parse Config file:/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/DartConfiguration.tcl agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: Test project /home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: Constructing a list of tests agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: Done constructing a list of tests agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: Updating test list for fixtures agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: Checking test dependency graph... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: Checking test dependency graph end agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: test 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: Start 1: tst_qtexttospeech agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: 1: Test command: /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake "-P" "/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech/tst_qtexttospeechWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: 1: Working Directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: 1: Test timeout computed to be: 1500 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: 1: INFO: Will write XML test logs to directory COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR=/home/qt/work/testresults agent:2024/03/02 18:26:23 build.go:404: 1: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech/tst_qtexttospeech', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech-1709403983828.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech-1709403983828.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech-1709403983828.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: ********* Start testing of tst_QTextToSpeech ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: Config: Using QtTest library 6.8.0, Qt 6.8.0 (arm-little_endian-ilp32-eabi-hardfloat shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 10.2.0), b2qt 3.2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: QINFO : tst_QTextToSpeech::initTestCase() Available text-to-speech engines: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: QINFO : tst_QTextToSpeech::initTestCase() - mock agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::initTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::capabilities(mock) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: QINFO : tst_QTextToSpeech::availableVoices(mock) Available voices: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: QINFO : tst_QTextToSpeech::availableVoices(mock) - QVoice(name: Bob, locale: QLocale(English, Latin, United Kingdom), gender: Male, age: Adult; data: QVariant(QString, en-GB-1)) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: QINFO : tst_QTextToSpeech::availableVoices(mock) - QVoice(name: Anne, locale: QLocale(English, Latin, United Kingdom), gender: Female, age: Adult; data: QVariant(QString, en-GB-2)) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::availableVoices(mock) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: QINFO : tst_QTextToSpeech::availableLocales(mock) Available locales: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: QINFO : tst_QTextToSpeech::availableLocales(mock) - QLocale(English, Latin, United Kingdom) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: QINFO : tst_QTextToSpeech::availableLocales(mock) - QLocale(English, Latin, United States) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: QINFO : tst_QTextToSpeech::availableLocales(mock) - QLocale(Norwegian Bokmål, Latin, Norway) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: QINFO : tst_QTextToSpeech::availableLocales(mock) - QLocale(Norwegian Nynorsk, Latin, Norway) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: QINFO : tst_QTextToSpeech::availableLocales(mock) - QLocale(Finnish, Latin, Finland) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::availableLocales(mock) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:one-of-one) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:none) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:all) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:bobs) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:male) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:senior) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:Chinese) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:from Norway) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:QLatin1String) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:QLatin1StringView) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:QStringView) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:QRegularExpression) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:const char*) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::findVoices(mock:QByteArray) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::locale(mock) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::voice(mock) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::rate(mock) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::pitch(mock) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::volume(mock) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayHello(mock) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::pauseResume(mock) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:24 build.go:404: 1: QDEBUG : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayWithVoices(mock) "engine mock with voice of Bob" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:25 build.go:404: 1: QDEBUG : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayWithVoices(mock) "engine mock with voice of Anne" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:26 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayWithVoices(mock) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:27 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayWithRates(mock) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:28 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayMultiple(mock:one) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:28 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayMultiple(mock:three) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:28 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::pauseAtUtterance(mock:one) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:28 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::pauseAtUtterance(mock:three) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:29 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayingWord(mock:one word) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:29 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayingWord(mock:sentence) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:30 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayingWord(mock:punctuation) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:30 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayingWord(mock:two sentences) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:31 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayingWordWithPause(mock:pause1) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:33 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::sayingWordWithPause(mock:pause4) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:34 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::synthesize(mock:text) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:35 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::synthesizeCallback(mock:one) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:40 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::synthesizeCallback(mock:several) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:40 build.go:404: 1: PASS : tst_QTextToSpeech::cleanupTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:40 build.go:404: 1: Totals: 41 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 16324ms agent:2024/03/02 18:26:40 build.go:404: 1: ********* Finished testing of tst_QTextToSpeech ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:42 build.go:404: 1: INFO: Test process exited with code: 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:42 build.go:404: 1: INFO: Parsed XML file /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech-1709403983828.xml in 0.001 seconds agent:2024/03/02 18:26:42 build.go:404: 1: INFO: Found 41 passes and 0 failures agent:2024/03/02 18:26:42 build.go:404: 1/3 Test #1: tst_qtexttospeech ................ Passed 18.79 sec agent:2024/03/02 18:26:42 build.go:404: test 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:42 build.go:404: Start 2: tst_qtexttospeech_qml agent:2024/03/02 18:26:42 build.go:404: 2: Test command: /opt/cmake-3.27.7/bin/cmake "-P" "/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_qtexttospeech_qmlWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:42 build.go:404: 2: Working Directory: /home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml agent:2024/03/02 18:26:42 build.go:404: 2: Test timeout computed to be: 1500 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:42 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Will write XML test logs to directory COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR=/home/qt/work/testresults agent:2024/03/02 18:26:42 build.go:404: 2: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_qtexttospeech_qml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404002515.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404002515.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404002515.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: ********* Start testing of tst_qtexttospeech_qml ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: Config: Using QtTest library 6.8.0, Qt 6.8.0 (arm-little_endian-ilp32-eabi-hardfloat shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 10.2.0), b2qt 3.2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::TextToSpeech::initTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::TextToSpeech::test_availableLocales() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::TextToSpeech::test_availableVoices() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: QCRITICAL: tst_qtexttospeech_qml::TextToSpeech::test_defaultEngine() No text-to-speech plug-ins were found. agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: SKIP : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::TextToSpeech::test_defaultEngine() No default engine available on this platform agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml(35)] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::TextToSpeech::test_delayedSelection() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::TextToSpeech::test_findVoices() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: QCRITICAL: tst_qtexttospeech_qml::TextToSpeech::test_lateEngine() No text-to-speech plug-ins were found. agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::TextToSpeech::test_lateEngine() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::TextToSpeech::test_regularExpressionName() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::TextToSpeech::test_voiceSelector() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::TextToSpeech::cleanupTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: FAIL! : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() Compared values are not the same agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: Actual (): QLocale(English, Latin, United Kingdom) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: Expected (): QLocale(English, Latin, United States) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml(26)] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::cleanupTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: Totals: 11 passed, 1 failed, 1 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 612ms agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: ********* Finished testing of tst_qtexttospeech_qml ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Parsed XML file /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404002515.xml in 0.000 seconds agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Found 12 passes and 1 failures agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Some tests failed, will re-run at most 5 times. agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Re-running testcase: Voice::test_default_voice agent:2024/03/02 18:26:43 build.go:404: 2: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_qtexttospeech_qml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404003883.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404003883.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404003883.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt', 'Voice::test_default_voice'] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: ********* Start testing of tst_qtexttospeech_qml ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: Config: Using QtTest library 6.8.0, Qt 6.8.0 (arm-little_endian-ilp32-eabi-hardfloat shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 10.2.0), b2qt 3.2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: FAIL! : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() Compared values are not the same agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: Actual (): QLocale(English, Latin, United Kingdom) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: Expected (): QLocale(English, Latin, United States) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml(26)] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::cleanupTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: Totals: 2 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 99ms agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: ********* Finished testing of tst_qtexttospeech_qml ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Re-running testcase: Voice::test_default_voice agent:2024/03/02 18:26:44 build.go:404: 2: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_qtexttospeech_qml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404004711.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404004711.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404004711.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt', 'Voice::test_default_voice'] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: ********* Start testing of tst_qtexttospeech_qml ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: Config: Using QtTest library 6.8.0, Qt 6.8.0 (arm-little_endian-ilp32-eabi-hardfloat shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 10.2.0), b2qt 3.2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: FAIL! : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() Compared values are not the same agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: Actual (): QLocale(English, Latin, United Kingdom) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: Expected (): QLocale(English, Latin, United States) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml(26)] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::cleanupTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: Totals: 2 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 96ms agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: ********* Finished testing of tst_qtexttospeech_qml ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Re-running testcase: Voice::test_default_voice agent:2024/03/02 18:26:45 build.go:404: 2: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_qtexttospeech_qml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404005555.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404005555.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404005555.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt', 'Voice::test_default_voice'] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: ********* Start testing of tst_qtexttospeech_qml ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: Config: Using QtTest library 6.8.0, Qt 6.8.0 (arm-little_endian-ilp32-eabi-hardfloat shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 10.2.0), b2qt 3.2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: FAIL! : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() Compared values are not the same agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: Actual (): QLocale(English, Latin, United Kingdom) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: Expected (): QLocale(English, Latin, United States) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml(26)] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::cleanupTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: Totals: 2 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 96ms agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: ********* Finished testing of tst_qtexttospeech_qml ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Re-running testcase: Voice::test_default_voice agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_qtexttospeech_qml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404006338.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404006338.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404006338.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt', 'Voice::test_default_voice'] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: ********* Start testing of tst_qtexttospeech_qml ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: Config: Using QtTest library 6.8.0, Qt 6.8.0 (arm-little_endian-ilp32-eabi-hardfloat shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 10.2.0), b2qt 3.2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: FAIL! : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() Compared values are not the same agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: Actual (): QLocale(English, Latin, United Kingdom) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: Expected (): QLocale(English, Latin, United States) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml(26)] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:46 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::cleanupTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: Totals: 2 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 95ms agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ********* Finished testing of tst_qtexttospeech_qml ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Re-running testcase: Voice::test_default_voice agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_qtexttospeech_qml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404007092.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404007092.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qtexttospeech_qml-1709404007092.txt,txt', '-o', '-,txt', '-v2', '-maxwarnings', '0', 'Voice::test_default_voice'] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.001 D] qt.highdpi unknown:0 unknown() - Initializing high-DPI scaling agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.005 D] qt.highdpi unknown:0 unknown() - Initialization done, high-DPI scaling is active agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.007 D] qt.qpa.plugin unknown:0 unknown() - init_platform called with pluginNamesWithArguments "offscreen" platformPluginPath "" platformThemeName "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.011 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/install/target/bin/platforms" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.012 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.014 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - looking at "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.016 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.016 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.017 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 29092 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.018 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x6768 memsz 0x6768 align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.018 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program LOAD offset 0x6a2c virtaddr 0x16a2c filesz 0x620 memsz 0x634 align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.018 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0x6d64 virtaddr 0x16d64 filesz 0x138 memsz 0x138 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.018 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xb8 memsz 0xb8 align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.018 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.018 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0x6a2c virtaddr 0x16a2c filesz 0x5d4 memsz 0x5d4 align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.019 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 121 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.027 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "MetaData": { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Keys": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "minimalegl" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: }, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QMinimalEglIntegrationPlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.029 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - Got keys from plugin meta data QList("minimalegl") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.030 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - looking at "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.030 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.030 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.030 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 65956 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.030 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0xeefc memsz 0xeefc align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.031 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program LOAD offset 0xf7ac virtaddr 0x1f7ac filesz 0x8a0 memsz 0x8d8 align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.031 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0xfbd4 virtaddr 0x1fbd4 filesz 0x128 memsz 0x128 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.031 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xb4 memsz 0xb4 align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.031 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.031 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0xf7ac virtaddr 0x1f7ac filesz 0x854 memsz 0x854 align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.031 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 119 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.031 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "MetaData": { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Keys": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "offscreen" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: }, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QOffscreenIntegrationPlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.031 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - Got keys from plugin meta data QList("offscreen") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.031 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - looking at "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.031 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.031 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 74596 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x10f54 memsz 0x10f54 align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program LOAD offset 0x112e8 virtaddr 0x212e8 filesz 0xf24 memsz 0xf74 align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0x11b58 virtaddr 0x21b58 filesz 0x130 memsz 0x130 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xa8 memsz 0xa8 align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0x112e8 virtaddr 0x212e8 filesz 0xd18 memsz 0xd18 align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 106 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "MetaData": { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Keys": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "vnc" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: }, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QVncIntegrationPlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - Got keys from plugin meta data QList("vnc") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - looking at "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.032 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 251400 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.033 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x3b328 memsz 0x3b328 align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.033 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program LOAD offset 0x3b8c4 virtaddr 0x4b8c4 filesz 0x1bec memsz 0x1d14 align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.033 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0x3c668 virtaddr 0x4c668 filesz 0x168 memsz 0x168 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.033 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xb0 memsz 0xb0 align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.033 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.033 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0x3b8c4 virtaddr 0x4b8c4 filesz 0x173c memsz 0x173c align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.033 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 115 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.033 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "MetaData": { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Keys": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "linuxfb" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: }, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QLinuxFbIntegrationPlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.033 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - Got keys from plugin meta data QList("linuxfb") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.033 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - looking at "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.033 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 24996 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x5478 memsz 0x5478 align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program LOAD offset 0x5b88 virtaddr 0x15b88 filesz 0x4c4 memsz 0x4d8 align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0x5dc8 virtaddr 0x15dc8 filesz 0x128 memsz 0x128 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xb0 memsz 0xb0 align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0x5b88 virtaddr 0x15b88 filesz 0x478 memsz 0x478 align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 115 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "MetaData": { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Keys": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "minimal" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: }, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QMinimalIntegrationPlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - Got keys from plugin meta data QList("minimal") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - looking at "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.034 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.035 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 12708 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.035 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x29bc memsz 0x29bc align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.035 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program LOAD offset 0x2e00 virtaddr 0x12e00 filesz 0x24c memsz 0x25c align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.035 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0x2e74 virtaddr 0x12e74 filesz 0x128 memsz 0x128 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.035 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xac memsz 0xac align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.035 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.035 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0x2e00 virtaddr 0x12e00 filesz 0x200 memsz 0x200 align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.035 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 110 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.035 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "MetaData": { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Keys": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "eglfs" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: }, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QEglFSIntegrationPlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.035 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - Got keys from plugin meta data QList("eglfs") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.035 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/platforms" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.037 D] qt.qpa.plugin unknown:0 unknown() - Attempting to load Qt platform plugin "offscreen" with arguments QList() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.040 D] qt.core.library unknown:0 unknown() - "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/" loaded library agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.046 D] qt.highdpi unknown:0 unknown() - Updating high-DPI scaling agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.046 D] qt.highdpi unknown:0 unknown() - Update done, high-DPI scaling is inactive agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.047 D] qt.qpa.plugin unknown:0 unknown() - Successfully loaded Qt platform plugin "offscreen" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.047 D] qt.qpa.theme unknown:0 unknown() - Adding platform integration's theme names to list of theme names: QList("offscreen") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.048 D] qt.qpa.theme unknown:0 unknown() - Attempting to create platform theme "offscreen" via QPlatformThemeFactory::create agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.048 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/install/target/bin/platformthemes" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.048 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.049 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - looking at "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.049 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.049 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.049 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 78820 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.049 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x1189c memsz 0x1189c align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.049 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes/ : program LOAD offset 0x12864 virtaddr 0x22864 filesz 0xa28 memsz 0xa94 align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.049 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0x12b3c virtaddr 0x22b3c filesz 0x130 memsz 0x130 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.049 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xc4 memsz 0xc4 align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.049 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.049 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0x12864 virtaddr 0x22864 filesz 0x79c memsz 0x79c align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.049 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 134 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.050 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platformthemes/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformThemeFactoryInterface.5.1", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "MetaData": { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Keys": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "xdgdesktopportal", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "flatpak", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "snap" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: }, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QXdgDesktopPortalThemePlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.050 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - Got keys from plugin meta data QList("xdgdesktopportal", "flatpak", "snap") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.050 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/platformthemes" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.050 D] qt.qpa.theme unknown:0 unknown() - Attempting to create platform theme "offscreen" via createPlatformTheme agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.051 D] qt.qpa.theme unknown:0 unknown() - Successfully created platform theme "offscreen" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.054 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.055 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.055 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/install/target/bin/platforminputcontexts" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.055 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.055 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - looking at "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.056 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.056 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.056 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 112228 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.056 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x19bf0 memsz 0x19bf0 align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.056 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : program LOAD offset 0x1a4f8 virtaddr 0x2a4f8 filesz 0x1014 memsz 0x1074 align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.056 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0x1aa1c virtaddr 0x2aa1c filesz 0x130 memsz 0x130 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.056 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xb0 memsz 0xb0 align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.056 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.056 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0x1a4f8 virtaddr 0x2a4f8 filesz 0xb08 memsz 0xb08 align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.056 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 115 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.056 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPlatformInputContextFactoryInterface.5.1", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "MetaData": { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Keys": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "ibus" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: }, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - Got keys from plugin meta data QList("ibus") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - looking at "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 20964 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x4168 memsz 0x4168 align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : program LOAD offset 0x4c80 virtaddr 0x14c80 filesz 0x40c memsz 0x430 align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0x4dd8 virtaddr 0x14dd8 filesz 0x130 memsz 0x130 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xbc memsz 0xbc align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0x4c80 virtaddr 0x14c80 filesz 0x380 memsz 0x380 align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 125 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.057 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPlatformInputContextFactoryInterface.5.1", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "MetaData": { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Keys": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "compose", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "xim" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: }, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QComposePlatformInputContextPlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.058 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - Got keys from plugin meta data QList("compose", "xim") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.058 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/platforminputcontexts" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.059 D] qt.core.library unknown:0 unknown() - "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/" loaded library agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.072 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.073 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.088 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) loop level to 1 with leaf loop now QEventLoop(0x3b46eba4) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.093 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.112 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.112 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.115 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.115 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.120 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.120 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.121 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.124 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.124 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.126 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.126 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.130 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.131 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.135 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.137 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.138 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.141 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.142 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.142 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.143 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.144 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.145 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.146 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.146 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.147 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.147 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.148 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.148 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.149 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.149 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.149 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.150 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.150 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.150 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.151 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.151 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.152 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.153 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.153 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.157 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.157 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.157 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.158 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.158 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.158 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.159 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.159 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.160 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.160 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.161 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.161 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.163 D] qt.qpa.input.methods.serialize unknown:0 unknown() - QIBusEngineDesc::fromDBusArgument() "(sa{sv}ssssssssussssssss)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.165 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.165 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.165 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.165 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.170 D] qt.qpa.input.methods unknown:0 unknown() - socketWatcher.addPath "/home/qt/.config/ibus/bus/0bd81e7f0bca47218c7e14300793512c-unix-0" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.171 D] qt.core.filesystemwatcher unknown:0 unknown() - adding QList("/home/qt/.config/ibus/bus/0bd81e7f0bca47218c7e14300793512c-unix-0") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.174 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.174 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.175 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.175 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.176 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.176 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.177 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.177 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.177 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.178 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.178 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.178 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.179 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.179 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.179 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.179 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.180 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.180 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.185 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.186 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.207 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImportPath: "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.208 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImportPath: "qrc:/qt/qml" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.209 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImportPath: "qrc:/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.209 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImportPath: "/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.213 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.213 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.215 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x4003e150, name = "QQmlThread") loop level to 1 with leaf loop now QEventLoop(0x3aafebcc) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.274 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x4003e150, name = "QQmlThread") scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.288 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "QtQuick" version ' invalid ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.293 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.294 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "qtquick2plugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.356 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml" version 6.8 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.357 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "QtQml" version ' 6.8 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.358 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.358 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "qmlmetaplugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.358 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Base" version 6.8 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.359 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "QtQml.Base" version ' 6.8 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.360 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.360 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "qmlplugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.369 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QML" version 1.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.369 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "QML" version ' 1.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.370 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml.Base module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/Base/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.370 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Models" version 6.8 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.370 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "QtQml.Models" version ' 6.8 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.371 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.371 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "modelsplugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.377 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml.Models module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/Models/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.377 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.WorkerScript" version 6.8 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.377 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "QtQml.WorkerScript" version ' 6.8 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.378 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml loaded "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.380 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.380 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.381 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 12708 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.381 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x2a38 memsz 0x2a38 align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.382 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/ : program LOAD offset 0x2df4 virtaddr 0x12df4 filesz 0x258 memsz 0x268 align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.382 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0x2e78 virtaddr 0x12e78 filesz 0x128 memsz 0x128 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.382 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xa4 memsz 0xa4 align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.382 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.382 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0x2df4 virtaddr 0x12df4 filesz 0x20c memsz 0x20c align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.382 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 104 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.390 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QQmlEngineExtensionInterface", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QtQmlWorkerScriptPlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "uri": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "QtQml.WorkerScript" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ], agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.400 D] qt.core.library unknown:0 unknown() - "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/" loaded library agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.402 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml.WorkerScript module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.403 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.403 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQuick module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.403 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "QtTest" version ' invalid ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.404 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.404 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "quicktestplugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.406 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtTest module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTest/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.406 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "QtTextToSpeech" version ' invalid ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.407 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml loaded "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.407 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.407 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.407 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 54628 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.407 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0xbfb0 memsz 0xbfb0 align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.407 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/ : program LOAD offset 0xc86c virtaddr 0x1c86c filesz 0xba0 memsz 0xc00 align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.407 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0xcbc8 virtaddr 0x1cbc8 filesz 0x130 memsz 0x130 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.407 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xa0 memsz 0xa0 align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.407 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.407 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0xc86c virtaddr 0x1c86c filesz 0x794 memsz 0x794 align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.407 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 97 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.408 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QQmlEngineExtensionInterface", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QtTextToSpeechPlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "uri": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "QtTextToSpeech" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ], agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.413 D] qt.core.library unknown:0 unknown() - "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/" loaded library agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.415 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtTextToSpeech module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.416 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImplicitImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.416 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addFileImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "." invalid as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.422 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestSchedule" => "TestSchedule" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL-SINGLETON agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.425 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml" version ' invalid ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.425 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Base" version 6.8 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.Base" version ' 6.8 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QML" version 1.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QML" version ' 1.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Models" version 6.8 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.Models" version ' 6.8 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.WorkerScript" version 6.8 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.WorkerScript" version ' 6.8 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImplicitImport: qrc:/ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.426 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addFileImport: qrc:/ "." invalid as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.427 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.428 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "QtObject" => "QObject" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.428 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "Timer" => "QQmlTimer" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.433 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "QtObject" => "QObject" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.433 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "QtObject" => "QObject" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.441 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestSchedule" => "TestSchedule" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL-SINGLETON agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.442 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TextToSpeech" => "QDeclarativeTextToSpeech" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.442 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "VoiceSelector" => "QVoiceSelectorAttached" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.442 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.444 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQuick" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.444 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.444 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.444 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.444 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.444 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Base" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.445 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.Base" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.445 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.445 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QML" version 1.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.445 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QML" version ' 1.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.445 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml.Base module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/Base/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.445 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Models" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.446 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.Models" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.446 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.446 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml.Models module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/Models/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.446 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.WorkerScript" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.447 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.WorkerScript" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.447 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.447 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml.WorkerScript module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.447 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.447 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQuick module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.448 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQuick.Window" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.448 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.448 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.448 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.448 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 16804 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.449 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x2e54 memsz 0x2e54 align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.449 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/ : program LOAD offset 0x3de0 virtaddr 0x13de0 filesz 0x26c memsz 0x284 align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.449 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0x3e6c virtaddr 0x13e6c filesz 0x120 memsz 0x120 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.449 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xa0 memsz 0xa0 align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.449 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.449 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0x3de0 virtaddr 0x13de0 filesz 0x220 memsz 0x220 align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.449 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 97 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.449 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QQmlEngineExtensionInterface", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QtQuick_WindowPlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "uri": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "QtQuick.Window" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ], agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.450 D] qt.core.library unknown:0 unknown() - "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/" loaded library agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.450 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQuick" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.450 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQuick" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.450 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.450 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.450 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.450 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.450 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Base" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.450 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.Base" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QML" version 1.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QML" version ' 1.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Models" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.Models" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.WorkerScript" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.WorkerScript" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQuick.Window module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtTest" version ' 1.2 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.451 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtTest module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTest/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.453 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImplicitImport: qrc:/ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.453 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addFileImport: qrc:/ "." invalid as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.453 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "TestSchedule" => "TestSchedule" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL-SINGLETON agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.453 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "Component" => "QQmlComponent" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.453 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "Item" => "QQuickItem" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.454 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "TestResult" => "QuickTestResult" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.454 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "TestEvent" => "QuickTestEvent" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.454 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "TestUtil" => "QuickTestUtil" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.461 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "Component" => "QQmlComponent" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.477 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x4003e150, name = "QQmlThread") scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.482 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.483 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.483 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.483 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.483 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.483 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.483 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.484 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.484 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.484 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_texttospeech.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.487 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x4003e150, name = "QQmlThread") scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.487 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x4003e150, name = "QQmlThread") scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.487 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x4003e150, name = "QQmlThread") loop level to 0 with leaf loop now QObject(0x0) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.488 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Sending deferred delete events as part of finishing thread QThread(0x4003e150, name = "QQmlThread") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.493 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - Qml GC memory allocation statistics: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.493 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - Total memory allocated: 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.493 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - Max memory used before a GC run: 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.493 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - Max memory used after a GC run: 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.494 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - Requests for different item sizes: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.494 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - < 32 bytes: 2659 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.494 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - < 64 bytes: 664 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.494 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - < 96 bytes: 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.494 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - < 128 bytes: 61 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.494 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - < 160 bytes: 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.494 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - < 192 bytes: 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.494 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - >= 224 bytes: 61 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.505 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImportPath: "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.505 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImportPath: "qrc:/qt/qml" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.506 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImportPath: "qrc:/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.506 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImportPath: "/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.508 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.508 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.509 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40054f58, name = "QQmlThread") loop level to 1 with leaf loop now QEventLoop(0x3aafebcc) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.516 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40054f58, name = "QQmlThread") scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.517 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml "QtTest" version ' invalid ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.518 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.518 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "quicktestplugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.518 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtTest module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTest/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.519 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml "QtTextToSpeech" version ' invalid ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.519 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.519 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "texttospeechqmlplugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.519 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtTextToSpeech module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.519 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImplicitImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.519 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addFileImport: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml "." invalid as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.520 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml "TestSchedule" => "TestSchedule" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL-SINGLETON agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.520 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml" version ' invalid ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.520 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.520 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "qmlmetaplugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.521 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Base" version 6.8 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.521 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.Base" version ' 6.8 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.521 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.521 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "qmlplugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.521 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QML" version 1.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.522 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QML" version ' 1.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.522 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml.Base module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/Base/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.522 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Models" version 6.8 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.522 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.Models" version ' 6.8 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.522 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.523 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "modelsplugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.523 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml.Models module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/Models/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.523 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.WorkerScript" version 6.8 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.523 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.WorkerScript" version ' 6.8 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.523 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.524 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "workerscriptplugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.524 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml.WorkerScript module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.524 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.524 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImplicitImport: qrc:/ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.524 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addFileImport: qrc:/ "." invalid as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.524 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.524 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "QtObject" => "QObject" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.525 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "Timer" => "QQmlTimer" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.525 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "QtObject" => "QObject" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.525 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "QtObject" => "QObject" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.525 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml "TestSchedule" => "TestSchedule" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL-SINGLETON agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.525 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml "TextToSpeech" => "QDeclarativeTextToSpeech" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.526 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.526 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQuick" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.526 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.527 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "qtquick2plugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.527 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.527 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.527 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.527 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Base" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.528 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.Base" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.528 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.528 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QML" version 1.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.528 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QML" version ' 1.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.528 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml.Base module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/Base/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.528 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Models" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.528 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.Models" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.528 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.529 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml.Models module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/Models/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.529 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.WorkerScript" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.529 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.WorkerScript" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.529 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.529 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml.WorkerScript module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.529 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQml module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.530 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQuick module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.530 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQuick.Window" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.530 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.530 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolvePlugin Could not resolve dynamic plugin with base name "quickwindowplugin" in ":/" file does not exist agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.530 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQuick" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQuick" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Base" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.Base" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QML" version 1.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QML" version ' 1.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.Models" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.Models" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - loading dependent import "QtQml.WorkerScript" version 2.0 as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtQml.WorkerScript" version ' 2.0 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.531 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtQuick.Window module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.532 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addLibraryImport: qrc:/ "QtTest" version ' 1.2 ' as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.532 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - importExtension: qrc:/ loaded ":/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.532 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - locateLocalQmldir: QtTest module's qmldir found at "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTest/qmldir" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.532 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addImplicitImport: qrc:/ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.532 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - addFileImport: qrc:/ "." invalid as "" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.532 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "TestSchedule" => "TestSchedule" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL-SINGLETON agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.533 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "Component" => "QQmlComponent" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.533 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "Item" => "QQuickItem" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.533 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "TestResult" => "QuickTestResult" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.533 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "TestEvent" => "QuickTestEvent" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.533 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: qrc:/ "TestUtil" => "QuickTestUtil" TYPE agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.536 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40054f58, name = "QQmlThread") scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.537 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.537 D] qt.qml.import unknown:0 unknown() - resolveType: file:///home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml "TestCase" => "" QUrl("qrc:/") TYPE/URL agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.540 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.540 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.541 D] qt.scenegraph.general unknown:0 unknown() - Loading backend software agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.544 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.544 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.547 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.547 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.561 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.561 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.565 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.565 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.572 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/install/target/bin/texttospeech" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.572 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.573 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - looking at "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.573 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/ : ELF 32-bit LSB (GNU/Linux), version 1, shared library or PIC executable, ARM agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.573 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/ : contains 6 program headers of 32 bytes at offset 52 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.573 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/ : contains 28 sections of 40 bytes at offset 33316 ; section header string table (shstrtab) is entry 27 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.574 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/ : program LOAD offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x75f8 memsz 0x75f8 align 0x10000 flags RX agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.574 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/ : program LOAD offset 0x7be8 virtaddr 0x17be8 filesz 0x4e4 memsz 0x4f4 align 0x10000 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.574 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/ : program DYNAMIC offset 0x7d38 virtaddr 0x17d38 filesz 0x130 memsz 0x130 align 0x4 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.574 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/ : program NOTE offset 0xf4 virtaddr 0xf4 filesz 0xf4 memsz 0xf4 align 0x4 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.574 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/ : program GNU_STACK offset 0x0 virtaddr 0x0 filesz 0x0 memsz 0x0 align 0x10 flags RW agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.574 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/ : program GNU_RELRO offset 0x7be8 virtaddr 0x17be8 filesz 0x418 memsz 0x418 align 0x1 flags R agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.574 D] qt.core.plugin.elfparser unknown:0 unknown() - /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/ : found Qt metadata in ELF note at 0x130 size 182 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.575 D] qt.core.plugin.loader unknown:0 unknown() - Found metadata in lib /home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/, metadata= agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "IID": "org.qt-project.qt.speech.tts.plugin/6.0", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "MetaData": { agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Capabilities": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Speak", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "PauseResume", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Synthesize", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "WordByWordProgress" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ], agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Keys": [ agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "mock" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ], agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Priority": -1, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Provider": "mock", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "Version": 100 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: }, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "archlevel": 0, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "className": "QTextToSpeechMockPlugin", agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "debug": false, agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: "version": 395264 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: } agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.576 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - Got keys from plugin meta data QList("mock") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.576 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/texttospeech" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.579 D] qt.core.library unknown:0 unknown() - "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/" loaded library agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.595 D] qt.quick.viewport unknown:0 unknown() - turned off subtree transformChanged notification after checking all children of TestCase_QMLTYPE_9_QML_10(0x4003b318, id="testCase", parent=0x4009d008, geometry=0,0 0x0 🖼) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.597 D] default unknown:0 unknown() - TestCase_QMLTYPE_9_QML_10(0x4003b318, id="testCase", parent=0x4009d008, geometry=0,0 0x0 🖼) (0x40031910) now has the following listeners: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.598 D] default unknown:0 unknown() - - ChangeListener listener=0x4009ece8 types=QFlags(0x1) (QObject: QQuickView(0x3fffc778, name = "tst_voice")) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.600 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.600 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.600 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.601 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.603 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.603 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.603 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.603 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.603 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.604 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.605 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.605 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.605 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.605 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.605 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.606 D] qt.quick.pointer unknown:0 unknown() - detached root of QQuickRootItem(0x4009d008, parent=0x0, geometry=0,0 0x0 🖼) is not a QQuickRootItem and also does not have its own DeliveryAgent agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.607 D] qt.quick.focus unknown:0 unknown() - QQuickDeliveryAgent(root=QQuickRootItem) focus QQuickRootItem(0x4009d008, parent=0x0, geometry=0,0 0x0 🖼) in scope QQuickItem(nullptr) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.607 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.608 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.608 D] qt.quick.focus unknown:0 unknown() - activeFocusItem QQuickItem(nullptr) -> QQuickRootItem(0x4009d008, parent=0x0, geometry=0,0 0x0 🖼) in QQuickDeliveryAgent(root=QQuickRootItem) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.609 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/install/target/bin/accessible" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.609 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/accessible" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.609 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/accessible" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.612 D] qt.accessibility.cache unknown:0 unknown() - insert - id: 2147483648 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x4003a908 name="tst_voice" role=Window obj=QQuickView(0x3fffc778, name = "tst_voice")rect=QRect(50,50 200x200)) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.612 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/install/target/bin/accessiblebridge" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.613 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/accessiblebridge" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.613 D] qt.core.plugin.factoryloader unknown:0 unknown() - checking directory path "/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/accessiblebridge" ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.613 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.613 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.613 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.613 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 3 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.613 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.613 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.613 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.613 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.614 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.615 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.615 D] qt.quick.viewport unknown:0 unknown() - turned off subtree transformChanged notification after checking all children of QQuickRootItem(0x4009d008, parent=0x0, geometry=0,0 200x200 🖼) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.615 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.616 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.617 D] qt.quick.mouse unknown:0 unknown() - mouse grabber ambiguous: no event is currently being delivered agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.617 D] qt.qpa.input.devices unknown:0 unknown() - no mouse-like devices registered for seat "" The platform plugin should have provided one via QWindowSystemInterface::registerInputDevice(). Creating a default mouse for now. agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.618 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.618 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.621 D] qt.scenegraph.softwarecontext.abstractrenderer unknown:0 unknown() - nodeAdded 0x400b8848 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.622 D] qt.quick.dirty unknown:0 unknown() - QQuickWindowPrivate::updateDirtyNodes(): agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.623 D] qt.quick.dirty unknown:0 unknown() - QSGNode: TestCase_QMLTYPE_9_QML_10(0x4003b318, id="testCase", parent=0x4009d008, geometry=0,0 0x0 🖼) ParentChanged|Window|Visible agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.623 D] qt.quick.dirty unknown:0 unknown() - QSGNode: QQuickRootItem(0x4009d008, parent=0x0, geometry=0,0 200x200 🖼) Size|ChildrenChanged agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.626 D] qt.scenegraph.softwarecontext.renderable unknown:0 unknown() - addDirtyRegion: QRegion(0,0 200x200) old dirtyRegion: QRegion(0,0 200x200) new dirtyRegion: QRegion(0,0 200x200) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.638 D] qt.scenegraph.softwarecontext.renderer unknown:0 unknown() - render QRegion(0,0 200x200) 0 1 9 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.638 D] qt.scenegraph.time.renderer unknown:0 unknown() - time in renderer: total=13ms, preprocess=0, updates=0, rendering=13 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.640 D] qt.scenegraph.time.renderloop unknown:0 unknown() - Frame rendered with 'software' renderloop in 20ms, polish=0, sync=5, render=14, swap=1, frameDelta=1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.640 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.640 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.640 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.641 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) loop level to 1 with leaf loop now QEventLoop(0x3fffc6f8) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.641 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.641 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.641 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.641 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.642 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.642 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.642 D] qt.quick.mouse unknown:0 unknown() - mouse grabber ambiguous: no event is currently being delivered agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.642 D] qt.quick.dirty unknown:0 unknown() - QQuickWindowPrivate::updateDirtyNodes(): agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.643 D] qt.scenegraph.softwarecontext.renderer unknown:0 unknown() - render QRegion(null) 0 0 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.643 D] qt.scenegraph.time.renderer unknown:0 unknown() - time in renderer: total=0ms, preprocess=0, updates=0, rendering=0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.643 D] qt.scenegraph.time.renderloop unknown:0 unknown() - Frame rendered with 'software' renderloop in 0ms, polish=0, sync=0, render=0, swap=0, frameDelta=3 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.643 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.643 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.643 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.644 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.644 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ********* Start testing of tst_qtexttospeech_qml ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: Config: Using QtTest library 6.8.0, Qt 6.8.0 (arm-little_endian-ilp32-eabi-hardfloat shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 10.2.0), b2qt 3.2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: INFO : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() entering agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() [ 0.663 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "callerFile()" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() [ 0.664 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() [ 0.664 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() [ 0.665 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "callerLine()" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() [ 0.665 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() [ 0.665 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: INFO : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() QCOMPARE(, ) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml(18)] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::initTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: INFO : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() entering agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.681 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "callerFile()" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.681 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.681 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.681 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "callerLine()" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.681 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.681 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: INFO : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() QCOMPARE(, ) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml(23)] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.682 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "callerFile()" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.682 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.682 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.682 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "callerLine()" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.682 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.683 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: INFO : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() QCOMPARE(, ) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml(24)] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.690 D] default unknown:0 unknown() - Generated BaselineJIT code for function compare: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.690 D] default unknown:0 unknown() - Code at [0x38af9001, 0x38af9667): agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.692 D] qt.qml.v4.asm unknown:0 unknown() - disassembly not available for range 0x38af9001...0x38af9517 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.695 D] default unknown:0 unknown() - Generated BaselineJIT code for function qtest_compareInternal: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.695 D] default unknown:0 unknown() - Code at [0x38af6001, 0x38af89d3): agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.695 D] qt.qml.v4.asm unknown:0 unknown() - disassembly not available for range 0x38af6001...0x38af7dcb agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.696 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "callerFile()" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.696 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.696 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.696 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "callerLine()" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.696 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.696 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: INFO : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() QCOMPARE(, ) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml(25)] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.698 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "locale(QString)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.699 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.699 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.700 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(QDateTime)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.700 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.700 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(QDateTime,QLocale::FormatType)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.701 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.701 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(QDateTime,QString)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.701 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.701 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(double,QString)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.701 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.701 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(double,QString,int)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.701 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.701 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(double)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.702 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.702 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(int)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.702 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.702 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString()" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.702 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.702 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.703 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(QDateTime)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.703 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.703 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(QDateTime,QLocale::FormatType)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.703 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.703 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(QDateTime,QString)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.703 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.703 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(double,QString)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.703 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.704 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(double,QString,int)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.704 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.704 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(double)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.704 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.704 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString(int)" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.704 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - rejected, insufficient arguments agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.704 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "toString()" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.704 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.704 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.707 D] default unknown:0 unknown() - Generated BaselineJIT code for function qtest_typeof: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.707 D] default unknown:0 unknown() - Code at [0x38af5001, 0x38af5e69): agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.708 D] qt.qml.v4.asm unknown:0 unknown() - disassembly not available for range 0x38af5001...0x38af5a17 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.711 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "callerFile()" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.711 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.712 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.712 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - ::: considering signature "callerLine()" agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.712 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - updated best bestParameterScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestMaxMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: bestSumMatchScore 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.712 D] qt.qml.overloadresolution unknown:0 unknown() - perfect match agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: INFO : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() QCOMPARE(, ) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml(26)] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.722 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.722 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: FAIL! : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() Compared values are not the same agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: Actual (): QLocale(English, Latin, United Kingdom) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: Expected (): QLocale(English, Latin, United States) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_voice.qml(26)] agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.726 D] default unknown:0 unknown() - Generated BaselineJIT code for function qtest_runInternal: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.726 D] default unknown:0 unknown() - Code at [0x38af9671, 0x38af9e25): agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.726 D] qt.qml.v4.asm unknown:0 unknown() - disassembly not available for range 0x38af9671...0x38af9c79 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.727 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::test_default_voice() [ 0.727 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: INFO : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::cleanupTestCase() entering agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: PASS : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::Voice::cleanupTestCase() agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.736 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.736 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.737 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.737 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.737 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.738 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) loop level to 0 with leaf loop now QObject(0x0) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.741 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.741 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.744 D] qt.scenegraph.softwarecontext.abstractrenderer unknown:0 unknown() - nodeRemoved 0x40042478 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.745 D] qt.scenegraph.softwarecontext.abstractrenderer unknown:0 unknown() - nodeRemoved 0x400b8848 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.746 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.746 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.747 D] qt.quick.image unknown:0 unknown() - reduce unreferenced cost 0 to less than limit 2097152 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.748 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.748 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.748 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.749 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.750 D] qt.accessibility.cache unknown:0 unknown() - delete - id: 2147483648 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x4003a908 invalid) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.752 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40054f58, name = "QQmlThread") scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.753 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40054f58, name = "QQmlThread") scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.753 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40054f58, name = "QQmlThread") loop level to 0 with leaf loop now QObject(0x0) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.753 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Sending deferred delete events as part of finishing thread QThread(0x40054f58, name = "QQmlThread") agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.754 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - Qml GC memory allocation statistics: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.754 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - Total memory allocated: 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.754 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - Max memory used before a GC run: 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.754 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - Max memory used after a GC run: 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.754 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - Requests for different item sizes: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.754 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - < 32 bytes: 3927 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.754 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - < 64 bytes: 761 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.754 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - < 96 bytes: 211 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.754 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - < 128 bytes: 65 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.754 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - < 160 bytes: 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.754 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - < 192 bytes: 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: QDEBUG : tst_qtexttospeech_qml::UnknownTestFunc() [ 0.755 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown() - >= 224 bytes: 63 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: Totals: 2 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 112ms agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: ********* Finished testing of tst_qtexttospeech_qml ********* agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.763 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.763 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QThread(0x40027590) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.767 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.768 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.768 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.772 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.772 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.772 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.773 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.774 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.774 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.774 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.775 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Posting deferred delete for QDBusConnectionPrivate(0x3ab02400) with loop level 0 and scope level 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.776 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Processing deferred delete event for QDBusConnectionPrivate(0x3ab02400) with loop level 0 and scope level 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.776 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Checking QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) with loop level 1 and scope level 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.777 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Event was posted outside outermost event loop and current thread has an event loop running. agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.777 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Sending deferred delete to QDBusConnectionPrivate(0x3ab02400) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.777 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.777 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Deferred deleting QDBusConnectionPrivate(0x3ab02400) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.782 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.782 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.782 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.782 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.785 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.785 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:47 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.787 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.808 D] qt.scenegraph.leaks unknown:0 unknown() - Number of leaked pixmaps: 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.812 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) loop level to 0 with leaf loop now QObject(0x0) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.813 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Increased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.813 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Decreased QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) scope level to 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: [ 0.814 D] qt.core.qobject.deletelater unknown:0 unknown() - Sending deferred delete events as part of finishing thread QDBusConnectionManager(0x3d8fbe50) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforminputcontexts/" unloaded library agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/platforms/" unloaded library agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: "/home/qt/work/install/target/plugins/texttospeech/" unloaded library agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/" unloaded library agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtQuick/Window/" unloaded library agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: "/home/qt/work/install/target/qml/QtTextToSpeech/" unloaded library agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Test process exited with code: 1 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: INFO: Test has FAILed despite all repetitions! re-runs:5 failures:5 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: CMake Error at tst_qtexttospeech_qmlWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message): agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/install/libexec/ -- agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_qtexttospeech_qml agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: execution failed with exit code 2. agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2/3 Test #2: tst_qtexttospeech_qml ............***Failed 5.56 sec agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 50% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 2 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Label Time Summary: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: tests/auto/qtexttospeech/tst_qtexttospeech = 18.79 sec*proc (1 test) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: tests/auto/qtexttospeech_qml/tst_qtexttospeech_qml = 5.56 sec*proc (1 test) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: tests/auto/qvoice/tst_qvoice = 0.00 sec*proc (0 test) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Total Test time (real) = 24.35 sec agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: The following tests FAILED: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: 2 - tst_qtexttospeech_qml (Failed) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Errors while running CTest agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Output from these tests are in: /home/qt/work/qt/qtspeech_standalone_tests/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Use "--rerun-failed --output-on-failure" to re-run the failed cases verbosely. agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:455: Process finished with error: exit status 8 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:755: Executing scheduled instruction 1 of 3 - Upload all core dumps if there are some agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:652: Skip uploading core files because CORE_FILES_PATH is not set in the environment agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:763: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:755: Executing scheduled instruction 2 of 3 - Print sccache statistics agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:427: [sccache -s] 30s 30s false true agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Compile requests 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Compile requests executed 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Cache hits 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Cache misses 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Cache timeouts 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Cache read errors 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Forced recaches 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Cache write errors 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Compilation failures 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Cache errors 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Non-cacheable compilations 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Non-cacheable calls 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Non-compilation calls 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Unsupported compiler calls 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Average cache write 0.000 s agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Average cache read miss 0.000 s agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Average cache read hit 0.000 s agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Failed distributed compilations 0 agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:404: Cache location S3, bucket: Bucket(name=cache, base_url=http://ci-sccache:9000/cache/) agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:763: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:755: Executing scheduled instruction 3 of 3 - Upload test results agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 storageclient.go:532: Collecting test results, archiving and uploading them agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 result.go:216: Collecting 22 test results ... agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 build.go:763: agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 agent.go:385: Test failed agent:2024/03/02 18:26:48 agent.go:248: ERROR building: exit status 8 Agent FINISHED FAIL: : qt/qtspeech/738e6533778f4db0183ae3b28205c8d2a888cc00/LinuxUbuntu_22_04x86_64LinuxQEMUarmv7GCCqtci-linux-Ubuntu-22.04-x86_64-51-def3fcSccache_UseConfigure/de070217b56dbc9550f22f00c895da90bbd376d8/Test VM metrics Host metrics