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  File Severity Checker name Message Bug path length Review status
1 /usr/include/c++/9/bits/atomic_base.h @ Line 207 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to '__b' during its initialization is never read 1
2 /usr/include/c++/9/bits/atomic_base.h @ Line 218 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to '__b' during its initialization is never read 1
3 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/global/qflags.h @ Line 137 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 23
4 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h @ Line 1068 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 11
5 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/io/qdebug.h @ Line 113 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 14
6 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qpropertyprivate.h @ Line 82 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 14
7 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.h @ Line 422 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 3
8 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.h @ Line 422 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 7
9 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.h @ Line 487 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 20
10 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/text/qstring.h @ Line 1485 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 5
11 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/text/qstring.h @ Line 1491 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 5
12 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/text/qstring.h @ Line 1485 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 5
13 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/text/qstring.h @ Line 1485 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 5
14 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/text/qstring.h @ Line 1491 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 5
15 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/thread/qatomic.h @ Line 247 cplusplus.NewDelete Argument to 'delete' is the address of a global variable, which is not memory allocated by 'new' 10
16 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/tools/qarraydataops.h @ Line 701 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 3 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 5
17 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/tools/qarraydataops.h @ Line 701 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 3 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 5
18 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/tools/qshareddata.h @ Line 107 cplusplus.NewDelete Argument to 'delete' is the address of the static variable 'locale', which is not memory allocated by 'new' 13
19 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/tools/qvarlengtharray.h @ Line 516 cplusplus.Move Method called on moved-from object of type 'std::function' 8
20 build/include/QtCore/../../../src/corelib/tools/qversionnumber.h @ Line 162 cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks Potential memory leak 13
21 build/include/QtCore/6.0.3/QtCore/private/../../../../../../src/corelib/io/qfilesystemmetadata_p.h @ Line 79 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 6 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 5
22 build/include/QtCore/6.0.3/QtCore/private/../../../../../../src/corelib/io/qfilesystemmetadata_p.h @ Line 79 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 6 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 4
23 build/include/QtCore/6.0.3/QtCore/private/../../../../../../src/corelib/io/qfilesystemmetadata_p.h @ Line 79 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 6 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 3
24 build/include/QtCore/6.0.3/QtCore/private/../../../../../../src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h @ Line 195 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 19
25 build/include/QtCore/6.0.3/QtCore/private/../../../../../../src/corelib/text/qbytedata_p.h @ Line 232 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'size' is never read 1
26 build/include/QtCore/6.0.3/QtCore/private/../../../../../../src/corelib/text/qbytedata_p.h @ Line 249 core.uninitialized.UndefReturn Undefined or garbage value returned to caller 8
27 build/include/QtGui/6.0.3/QtGui/private/../../../../../../src/gui/painting/qvectorpath_p.h @ Line 107 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 5 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 12
28 build/include/QtGui/6.0.3/QtGui/private/../../../../../../src/gui/painting/qvectorpath_p.h @ Line 107 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 5 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 6
29 build/include/QtGui/6.0.3/QtGui/private/../../../../../../src/gui/painting/qvectorpath_p.h @ Line 107 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 5 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 3
30 build/include/QtGui/6.0.3/QtGui/private/../../../../../../src/gui/painting/qvectorpath_p.h @ Line 107 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 5 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 6
31 build/include/QtGui/6.0.3/QtGui/private/../../../../../../src/gui/painting/qvectorpath_p.h @ Line 107 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 5 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 10
32 build/include/QtGui/6.0.3/QtGui/private/../../../../../../src/gui/painting/qvectorpath_p.h @ Line 107 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 5 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 6
33 build/include/QtGui/6.0.3/QtGui/private/../../../../../../src/gui/text/qtextengine_p.h @ Line 211 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 5 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 4
34 build/include/QtGui/6.0.3/QtGui/private/../../../../../../src/gui/text/qtextengine_p.h @ Line 211 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 5 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 6
35 build/include/QtGui/6.0.3/QtGui/private/../../../../../../src/gui/text/qtextengine_p.h @ Line 211 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 5 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 4
36 build/include/QtGui/6.0.3/QtGui/private/../../../../../../src/gui/text/qtextengine_p.h @ Line 211 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 5 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 8
37 build/include/QtGui/6.0.3/QtGui/private/../../../../../../src/gui/text/qtextengine_p.h @ Line 211 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 5 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 8
38 build/include/QtOpenGL/6.0.3/QtOpenGL/private/../../../../../../src/opengl/qopenglvertexarrayobject_p.h @ Line 88 core.CallAndMessage Called function pointer is null (null dereference) 20
39 build/include/QtWidgets/6.0.3/QtWidgets/private/../../../../../../src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem_p.h @ Line 701 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 17
40 build/include/QtWidgets/6.0.3/QtWidgets/private/../../../../../../src/widgets/itemviews/qabstractitemview_p.h @ Line 287 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 12
41 build/include/QtWidgets/6.0.3/QtWidgets/private/../../../../../../src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview_p.h @ Line 321 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 9
42 build/include/QtWidgets/6.0.3/QtWidgets/private/../../../../../../src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview_p.h @ Line 323 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 13
43 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/QNJJSGFXID/moc_qmimetype.cpp @ Line 103 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
44 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 316 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
45 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 320 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
46 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 322 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
47 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 324 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'QModelIndex' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
48 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 326 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'QModelIndex' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
49 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 328 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'QModelIndex' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
50 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 330 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'QModelIndex' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
51 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 332 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
52 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 334 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
53 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 336 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
54 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 338 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
55 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 340 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
56 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 342 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
57 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 348 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
58 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 350 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
59 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 357 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
60 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 359 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'Qt::ItemFlags' (aka 'QFlags') has no effect; remove std::move() 1
61 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractproxymodel.cpp @ Line 112 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'QModelIndex' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
62 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qabstractproxymodel.cpp @ Line 114 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'QModelIndex' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
63 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qitemselectionmodel.cpp @ Line 277 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
64 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qitemselectionmodel.cpp @ Line 279 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
65 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qitemselectionmodel.cpp @ Line 281 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
66 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qitemselectionmodel.cpp @ Line 283 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
67 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qitemselectionmodel.cpp @ Line 285 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
68 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qitemselectionmodel.cpp @ Line 287 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
69 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qitemselectionmodel.cpp @ Line 289 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
70 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qitemselectionmodel.cpp @ Line 291 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
71 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qitemselectionmodel.cpp @ Line 293 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
72 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qprocess.cpp @ Line 204 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
73 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qprocess.cpp @ Line 206 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
74 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qprocess.cpp @ Line 208 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
75 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qprocess.cpp @ Line 210 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
76 build/src/corelib/Core_autogen/include/moc_qprocess.cpp @ Line 212 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
77 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnection_p.cpp @ Line 181 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
78 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnection_p.cpp @ Line 183 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
79 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnection_p.cpp @ Line 194 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
80 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnection_p.cpp @ Line 196 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
81 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp @ Line 198 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
82 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp @ Line 200 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
83 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp @ Line 202 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
84 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp @ Line 204 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
85 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp @ Line 206 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
86 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp @ Line 208 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
87 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp @ Line 210 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
88 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp @ Line 212 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
89 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp @ Line 214 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
90 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp @ Line 216 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
91 build/src/dbus/DBus_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qdbusconnectioninterface.cpp @ Line 218 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
92 build/src/gui/.rcc/qrc_qpdf.cpp @ Line 335 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'initializer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
93 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/A4VIB776BC/moc_qxdgnotificationproxy_p.cpp @ Line 124 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
94 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/A4VIB776BC/moc_qxdgnotificationproxy_p.cpp @ Line 126 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
95 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/A4VIB776BC/moc_qxdgnotificationproxy_p.cpp @ Line 128 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
96 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/A4VIB776BC/moc_qxdgnotificationproxy_p.cpp @ Line 130 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
97 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/A4VIB776BC/moc_qxdgnotificationproxy_p.cpp @ Line 132 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
98 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/EJRQKI7XPS/moc_bus_interface.cpp @ Line 73 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
99 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/EJRQKI7XPS/moc_deviceeventcontroller_adaptor.cpp @ Line 97 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
100 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/EJRQKI7XPS/moc_socket_interface.cpp @ Line 89 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
101 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/EJRQKI7XPS/moc_socket_interface.cpp @ Line 91 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
102 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/U4EE5AVHME/moc_qdbusmenuadaptor_p.cpp @ Line 210 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
103 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/U4EE5AVHME/moc_qdbusmenuadaptor_p.cpp @ Line 219 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'uint' (aka 'unsigned int') has no effect; remove std::move() 1
104 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/U4EE5AVHME/moc_qdbusmenuregistrarproxy_p.cpp @ Line 92 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
105 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/U4EE5AVHME/moc_qdbusmenuregistrarproxy_p.cpp @ Line 94 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
106 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/U4EE5AVHME/moc_qdbusmenuregistrarproxy_p.cpp @ Line 96 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
107 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/U4EE5AVHME/moc_qdbusmenuregistrarproxy_p.cpp @ Line 98 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
108 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/include/moc_qabstracttextdocumentlayout.cpp @ Line 112 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
109 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/include/moc_qabstracttextdocumentlayout.cpp @ Line 114 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'QSizeF' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
110 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/include/moc_qmovie.cpp @ Line 159 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
111 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/include/moc_qwindow.cpp @ Line 396 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
112 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/include/moc_qwindow.cpp @ Line 400 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
113 build/src/gui/Gui_autogen/include/moc_qwindow.cpp @ Line 402 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
114 build/src/gui/bus_interface.h @ Line 27 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'OrgA11yBusInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
115 build/src/gui/bus_interface.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'OrgA11yStatusInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
116 build/src/gui/cache_adaptor.h @ Line 23 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'CacheAdaptor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
117 build/src/gui/deviceeventcontroller_adaptor.h @ Line 23 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'DeviceEventControllerAdaptor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
118 build/src/gui/socket_interface.h @ Line 27 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'OrgA11yAtspiSocketInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
119 build/src/network/Network_autogen/JYXB7FYCGW/moc_qhttp2protocolhandler_p.cpp @ Line 118 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
120 build/src/network/Network_autogen/JYXB7FYCGW/moc_qhttp2protocolhandler_p.cpp @ Line 120 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
121 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 241 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
122 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 243 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
123 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 245 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
124 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 247 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
125 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 249 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
126 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 251 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
127 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 253 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
128 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 255 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
129 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 257 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
130 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 259 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
131 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 261 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
132 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 263 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
133 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 265 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
134 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusinputcontextproxy.cpp @ Line 267 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
135 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusproxy.cpp @ Line 117 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
136 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusproxy.cpp @ Line 119 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
137 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusproxy.cpp @ Line 121 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
138 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusproxy.cpp @ Line 123 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
139 build/src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/moc_qibusproxyportal.cpp @ Line 75 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
140 build/src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/.rcc/qrc_cursor.cpp @ Line 248 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'initializer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
141 build/src/printsupport/.rcc/qrc_qprintdialog.cpp @ Line 2301 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'initializer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
142 build/src/printsupport/.rcc/qrc_qprintdialog1.cpp @ Line 293 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'initializer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
143 build/src/printsupport/PrintSupport_autogen/include/ui_qprintwidget.h @ Line 48 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 12
144 build/src/sql/Sql_autogen/7GB2EGQPHR/moc_qsqldriver.cpp @ Line 85 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
145 build/src/sql/Sql_autogen/IVK4DJNV27/moc_qsqltablemodel.cpp @ Line 114 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
146 build/src/sql/Sql_autogen/IVK4DJNV27/moc_qsqltablemodel.cpp @ Line 116 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
147 build/src/sql/Sql_autogen/IVK4DJNV27/moc_qsqltablemodel.cpp @ Line 118 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
148 build/src/sql/Sql_autogen/IVK4DJNV27/moc_qsqltablemodel.cpp @ Line 121 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
149 build/src/widgets/.rcc/qrc_qmessagebox.cpp @ Line 166 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'initializer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
150 build/src/widgets/.rcc/qrc_qstyle.cpp @ Line 22941 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'initializer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
151 build/src/widgets/.rcc/qrc_qstyle1.cpp @ Line 356 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'initializer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
152 build/src/widgets/Widgets_autogen/include/../../../../../src/widgets/itemviews/qtreewidget.h @ Line 213 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QTreeWidgetItem::setData' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 5
153 build/src/widgets/Widgets_autogen/include/moc_qapplication.cpp @ Line 121 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
154 build/src/widgets/Widgets_autogen/include/moc_qdatawidgetmapper.cpp @ Line 147 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
155 build/src/widgets/Widgets_autogen/include/moc_qdialog.cpp @ Line 109 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
156 build/src/widgets/Widgets_autogen/include/moc_qgraphicsproxywidget.cpp @ Line 83 cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks Potential leak of memory pointed to by '_r' 12
157 build/src/widgets/Widgets_autogen/include/moc_qgraphicsproxywidget.cpp @ Line 78 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'QGraphicsProxyWidget *' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
158 build/src/widgets/Widgets_autogen/include/moc_qgraphicsscene.cpp @ Line 189 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
159 build/src/widgets/Widgets_autogen/include/moc_qgraphicswidget.cpp @ Line 124 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
160 build/src/widgets/Widgets_autogen/include/moc_qwidget.cpp @ Line 346 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'bool' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
161 build/src/widgets/Widgets_autogen/include/moc_qwidget.cpp @ Line 353 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable '_r' of the trivially-copyable type 'QWindow *' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
162 src/concurrent/qtconcurrentiteratekernel.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'BlockSizeManager' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
163 src/concurrent/qtconcurrentiteratekernel.h @ Line 156 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'IterateKernel' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
164 src/concurrent/qtconcurrentthreadengine.h @ Line 87 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ThreadEngineBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
165 src/concurrent/qtconcurrentthreadengine.h @ Line 210 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ThreadEngineStarterBase' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
166 src/corelib/animation/qabstractanimation.cpp @ Line 217 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
167 src/corelib/animation/qabstractanimation.cpp @ Line 549 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
168 src/corelib/animation/qabstractanimation.h @ Line 132 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAnimationDriver' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
169 src/corelib/animation/qabstractanimation_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractAnimationPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
170 src/corelib/animation/qsequentialanimationgroup.cpp @ Line 510 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 3
171 src/corelib/animation/qvariantanimation.cpp @ Line 394 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
172 src/corelib/global/qglobal.cpp @ Line 4030 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
173 src/corelib/global/qglobal.h @ Line 1082 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QForeachContainer' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
174 src/corelib/global/qglobal.h @ Line 1088 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 1
175 src/corelib/global/qglobal.h @ Line 1096 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move assignment operators should be marked noexcept 1
176 src/corelib/global/qlibraryinfo.cpp @ Line 98 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
177 src/corelib/global/qlogging.cpp @ Line 1072 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMessagePattern' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
178 src/corelib/global/qlogging.cpp @ Line 1355 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
179 src/corelib/global/qlogging.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMessageLogContext' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
180 src/corelib/global/qlogging.h @ Line 92 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMessageLogger' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
181 src/corelib/global/qnumeric_p.h @ Line 195 cert-dcl59-cpp,google-build-namespaces do not use unnamed namespaces in header files 1
182 src/corelib/global/qrandom.cpp @ Line 416 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'PRNGLocker' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
183 src/corelib/global/qrandom.cpp @ Line 1298 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The left operand of '<<' is a garbage value 12
184 src/corelib/global/qrandom.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRandomGenerator' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
185 src/corelib/io/qabstractfileengine.cpp @ Line 110 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
186 src/corelib/io/qabstractfileengine.cpp @ Line 112 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractFileEngineHandlerList' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
187 src/corelib/io/qabstractfileengine.cpp @ Line 121 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
188 src/corelib/io/qabstractfileengine_p.h @ Line 216 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractFileEngineHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
189 src/corelib/io/qabstractfileengine_p.h @ Line 255 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractFileEnginePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
190 src/corelib/io/qbuffer.cpp @ Line 47 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBufferPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
191 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 150 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 9
192 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 257 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
193 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 258 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
194 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 275 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
195 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 276 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
196 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 277 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
197 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 278 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
198 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 279 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
199 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 280 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
200 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 289 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
201 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 290 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
202 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 291 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
203 src/corelib/io/qdebug.cpp @ Line 292 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
204 src/corelib/io/qdir.cpp @ Line 808 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'absoluteDirPath' prevents automatic move 1
205 src/corelib/io/qdir.cpp @ Line 1012 core.uninitialized.Branch Branch condition evaluates to a garbage value 22
206 src/corelib/io/qdir.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDir' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
207 src/corelib/io/qdir_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDirPrivate' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
208 src/corelib/io/qdiriterator.cpp @ Line 115 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDirIteratorPrivateIteratorStack' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
209 src/corelib/io/qfile_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFilePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
210 src/corelib/io/qfiledevice.cpp @ Line 228 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QFileDevice::close' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
211 src/corelib/io/qfiledevice_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFileDevicePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
212 src/corelib/io/qfileinfo.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFileInfo' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
213 src/corelib/io/qfileinfo_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFileInfoPrivate' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
214 src/corelib/io/qfileselector.cpp @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
215 src/corelib/io/qfileselector.h @ Line 49 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFileSelector' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
216 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemengine_unix.cpp @ Line 1096 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'n' is never read 1
217 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemengine_unix.cpp @ Line 1097 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'n' is never read 1
218 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemengine_unix.cpp @ Line 1098 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'n' is never read 1
219 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemmetadata_p.h @ Line 79 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 6 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 6
220 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemmetadata_p.h @ Line 79 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 6 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 9
221 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemmetadata_p.h @ Line 79 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 6 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 3
222 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFileSystemWatcher' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
223 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_inotify_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
224 src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine_iterator_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFSFileEngineIterator' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
225 src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine_p.h @ Line 74 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFSFileEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
226 src/corelib/io/qiodevice_p.h @ Line 72 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIODevicePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
227 src/corelib/io/qloggingcategory.cpp @ Line 47 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
228 src/corelib/io/qloggingregistry.cpp @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
229 src/corelib/io/qnoncontiguousbytedevice_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNonContiguousByteDevice' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
230 src/corelib/io/qnoncontiguousbytedevice_p.h @ Line 102 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNonContiguousByteDeviceByteArrayImpl' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
231 src/corelib/io/qnoncontiguousbytedevice_p.h @ Line 119 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNonContiguousByteDeviceRingBufferImpl' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
232 src/corelib/io/qnoncontiguousbytedevice_p.h @ Line 136 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
233 src/corelib/io/qnoncontiguousbytedevice_p.h @ Line 160 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNonContiguousByteDeviceBufferImpl' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
234 src/corelib/io/qnoncontiguousbytedevice_p.h @ Line 179 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QByteDeviceWrappingIoDevice' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
235 src/corelib/io/qprocess.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QProcessEnvironment' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
236 src/corelib/io/qprocess_p.h @ Line 139 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QProcessEnvironmentPrivate' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
237 src/corelib/io/qprocess_p.h @ Line 177 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'sname' prevents automatic move 1
238 src/corelib/io/qprocess_p.h @ Line 183 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 1
239 src/corelib/io/qprocess_p.h @ Line 227 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QProcessPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
240 src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp @ Line 884 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'offset' is never read 1
241 src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp @ Line 1107 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'offset' is never read 1
242 src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp @ Line 1208 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'data_len' is never read 1
243 src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp @ Line 132 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QResourceRoot' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
244 src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp @ Line 206 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
245 src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp @ Line 294 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QResourcePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
246 src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp @ Line 1063 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDynamicBufferResourceRoot' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
247 src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp @ Line 1133 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDynamicFileResourceRoot' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
248 src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp @ Line 1594 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'absoluteFilePath' prevents automatic move 1
249 src/corelib/io/qresource.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QResource' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
250 src/corelib/io/qresource_iterator_p.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QResourceFileEngineIterator' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
251 src/corelib/io/qresource_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QResourceFileEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
252 src/corelib/io/qsavefile_p.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSaveFilePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
253 src/corelib/io/qsettings.cpp @ Line 129 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
254 src/corelib/io/qsettings.cpp @ Line 130 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
255 src/corelib/io/qsettings.cpp @ Line 131 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
256 src/corelib/io/qsettings.cpp @ Line 132 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
257 src/corelib/io/qsettings.cpp @ Line 933 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QConfFileSettingsPrivate::sync' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 8
258 src/corelib/io/qsettings.cpp @ Line 1116 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QConfFileSettingsPrivate::initAccess' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 15
259 src/corelib/io/qsettings.cpp @ Line 1129 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QConfFileSettingsPrivate::initAccess' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 5
260 src/corelib/io/qsettings_p.h @ Line 151 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QConfFile' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
261 src/corelib/io/qsettings_p.h @ Line 183 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSettingsPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
262 src/corelib/io/qsettings_p.h @ Line 258 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QConfFileSettingsPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
263 src/corelib/io/qstandardpaths.cpp @ Line 393 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'path' prevents automatic move 1
264 src/corelib/io/qstandardpaths.cpp @ Line 443 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'absPath' prevents automatic move 1
265 src/corelib/io/qstandardpaths.h @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStandardPaths' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
266 src/corelib/io/qstorageinfo.cpp @ Line 400 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
267 src/corelib/io/qstorageinfo.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStorageInfo' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
268 src/corelib/io/qstorageinfo_unix.cpp @ Line 121 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStorageIterator' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
269 src/corelib/io/qtemporarydir.cpp @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTemporaryDirPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
270 src/corelib/io/qtemporaryfile_p.h @ Line 86 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTemporaryFilePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
271 src/corelib/io/qtemporaryfile_p.h @ Line 107 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTemporaryFileEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
272 src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp @ Line 454 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QUrlPrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
273 src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp @ Line 2503 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'ourPath' prevents automatic move 1
274 src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp @ Line 621 cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks Potential leak of memory pointed to by field '_M_head_impl' 15
275 src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp @ Line 1584 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'in' is never read 1
276 src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp @ Line 1607 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'in' is never read 1
277 src/corelib/io/qurlquery.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QUrlQuery' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
278 src/corelib/itemmodels/qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 730 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
279 src/corelib/itemmodels/qabstractitemmodel.cpp @ Line 769 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
280 src/corelib/itemmodels/qabstractitemmodel_p.h @ Line 76 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractItemModelPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
281 src/corelib/itemmodels/qabstractproxymodel.cpp @ Line 100 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QAbstractProxyModel::setSourceModel' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
282 src/corelib/itemmodels/qabstractproxymodel.cpp @ Line 110 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QAbstractProxyModel::setSourceModel' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
283 src/corelib/itemmodels/qitemselectionmodel.cpp @ Line 566 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'left' is never read 1
284 src/corelib/itemmodels/qitemselectionmodel.cpp @ Line 572 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'right' is never read 1
285 src/corelib/itemmodels/qstringlistmodel.h @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStringListModel' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
286 src/corelib/itemmodels/qtransposeproxymodel_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTransposeProxyModelPrivate' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
287 src/corelib/kernel/qabstracteventdispatcher.cpp @ Line 89 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
288 src/corelib/kernel/qabstracteventdispatcher.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractEventDispatcher' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
289 src/corelib/kernel/qassociativeiterable.h @ Line 137 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'other' of the trivially-copyable type 'QIterable' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
290 src/corelib/kernel/qassociativeiterable.h @ Line 141 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'other' of the trivially-copyable type 'QIterable' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
291 src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp @ Line 251 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
292 src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp @ Line 253 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
293 src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp @ Line 355 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCoreApplicationData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
294 src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp @ Line 383 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
295 src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp @ Line 1693 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'CleanUp' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
296 src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp @ Line 2624 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
297 src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication_p.h @ Line 81 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCoreApplicationPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
298 src/corelib/kernel/qcoreglobaldata.cpp @ Line 44 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
299 src/corelib/kernel/qcoreglobaldata_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCoreGlobalData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
300 src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEventDispatcherGlib' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
301 src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_unix_p.h @ Line 77 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QThreadPipe' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
302 src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_unix_p.h @ Line 99 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEventDispatcherUNIX' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
303 src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_unix_p.h @ Line 127 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEventDispatcherUNIXPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
304 src/corelib/kernel/qeventloop.cpp @ Line 180 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'LoopReference' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
305 src/corelib/kernel/qeventloop.cpp @ Line 358 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEventLoopLockerPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
306 src/corelib/kernel/qeventloop.h @ Line 49 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEventLoop' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
307 src/corelib/kernel/qiterable.h @ Line 175 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 1
308 src/corelib/kernel/qiterable.h @ Line 189 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move assignment operators should be marked noexcept 1
309 src/corelib/kernel/qmetaobject.cpp @ Line 682 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
310 src/corelib/kernel/qmetaobject.cpp @ Line 1457 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Holder' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
311 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 581 cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'where' 11
312 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 983 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
313 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 984 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
314 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 985 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
315 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 986 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
316 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 987 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
317 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 988 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
318 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 989 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
319 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 990 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
320 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 991 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
321 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 992 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
322 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 993 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
323 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 994 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
324 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 995 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
325 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 996 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
326 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 999 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
327 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1000 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
328 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1009 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
329 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1010 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
330 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1016 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
331 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1017 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
332 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1018 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
333 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1019 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
334 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1020 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
335 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1021 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
336 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1022 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
337 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1023 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
338 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1024 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
339 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1025 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
340 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1026 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
341 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1027 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
342 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1030 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
343 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1031 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
344 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1035 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
345 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1036 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
346 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1037 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
347 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1038 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
348 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1039 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
349 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1040 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
350 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1041 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
351 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1042 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
352 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1043 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
353 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1047 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
354 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1051 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
355 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1055 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
356 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1060 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
357 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1066 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
358 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1067 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
359 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1068 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
360 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1070 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
361 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1071 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
362 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1075 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
363 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1076 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
364 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1084 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
365 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1087 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
366 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1088 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
367 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1092 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
368 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1093 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
369 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1094 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
370 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1095 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
371 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1096 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
372 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1097 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
373 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1098 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
374 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1099 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
375 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1100 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
376 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1101 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
377 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1102 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
378 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1103 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
379 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1107 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
380 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1111 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
381 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1113 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
382 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1114 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
383 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1115 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
384 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1116 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
385 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1119 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
386 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1120 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
387 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1121 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
388 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1122 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
389 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1123 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
390 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1124 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
391 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1125 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
392 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1126 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
393 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1129 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
394 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1135 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
395 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1142 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
396 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1148 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
397 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1154 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
398 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1156 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
399 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1161 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
400 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1168 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
401 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1169 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
402 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1175 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
403 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1176 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
404 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1183 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
405 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1184 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
406 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1190 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
407 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1191 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
408 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1197 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
409 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1198 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
410 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1204 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
411 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1205 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
412 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1212 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
413 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1213 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
414 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1221 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
415 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1226 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
416 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1230 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
417 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1231 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
418 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1232 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
419 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1233 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
420 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1234 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
421 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1235 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
422 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1236 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
423 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1237 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
424 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1238 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
425 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1239 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
426 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1240 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
427 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1241 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
428 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1242 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
429 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1243 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
430 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1244 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
431 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1248 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
432 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1252 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
433 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1253 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
434 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1257 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
435 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1261 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
436 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1265 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
437 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1273 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
438 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1274 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
439 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1276 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
440 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1277 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
441 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1285 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
442 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1286 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
443 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1294 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
444 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1295 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
445 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1296 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
446 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1297 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
447 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1298 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
448 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1299 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
449 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1300 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
450 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1302 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
451 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1308 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
452 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1314 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
453 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1320 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
454 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1324 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
455 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1330 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
456 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1336 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
457 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1342 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
458 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1348 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
459 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1354 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
460 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1355 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
461 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1361 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
462 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1362 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
463 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1368 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
464 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1371 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
465 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1372 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
466 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1373 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
467 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1379 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
468 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1385 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
469 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1391 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
470 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1392 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
471 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1393 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
472 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1394 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
473 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1400 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
474 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1406 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
475 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1412 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
476 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1414 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
477 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1419 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
478 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1423 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
479 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1426 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
480 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1427 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
481 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1428 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
482 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1429 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
483 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1430 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
484 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1431 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
485 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1432 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
486 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1433 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
487 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1434 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
488 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1435 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
489 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1436 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
490 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1437 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
491 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1438 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
492 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1439 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
493 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1440 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
494 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1444 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
495 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1448 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
496 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1452 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
497 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1456 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
498 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1460 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
499 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1464 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
500 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1469 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
501 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1473 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
502 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1477 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
503 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1484 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
504 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1485 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
505 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1486 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
506 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1488 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
507 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1492 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
508 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1496 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
509 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1858 core.uninitialized.Assign Assigned value is garbage or undefined 31
510 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1861 core.uninitialized.Assign Assigned value is garbage or undefined 31
511 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1864 core.uninitialized.Assign Assigned value is garbage or undefined 31
512 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1867 core.uninitialized.Assign Assigned value is garbage or undefined 31
513 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 178 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
514 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 987 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'Short' (aka 'short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 3
515 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 988 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'UShort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 3
516 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 989 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'Int' (aka 'int') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 3
517 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 990 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'UInt' (aka 'unsigned int') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 3
518 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 991 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'Long' (aka 'long') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 3
519 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 992 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ULong' (aka 'unsigned long') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 3
520 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 993 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'LongLong' (aka 'long long') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 3
521 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 994 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ULongLong' (aka 'unsigned long long') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 3
522 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1523 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMetaTypeFunctionRegistry' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
523 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1568 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
524 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1572 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
525 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1792 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'qlonglong' (aka 'long long') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
526 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 1974 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'impl' of the trivially-copyable type 'QSequentialIterable' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
527 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 2028 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'j' of the trivially-copyable type 'QIterable' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
528 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 2052 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'impl' of the trivially-copyable type 'QAssociativeIterable' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
529 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.cpp @ Line 2110 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'j' of the trivially-copyable type 'QIterable' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
530 src/corelib/kernel/qmetatype.h @ Line 1087 misc-definitions-in-headers variable 'IsUnsignedEnum' defined in a header file; variable definitions in header files can lead to ODR violations 1
531 src/corelib/kernel/qobject.cpp @ Line 3786 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QObject::metaObject' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 26
532 src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h @ Line 99 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QObjectPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
533 src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h @ Line 137 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Connection' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
534 src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h @ Line 190 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Sender' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
535 src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h @ Line 248 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ConnectionData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
536 src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h @ Line 510 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractMetaCallEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
537 src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h @ Line 534 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMetaCallEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
538 src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h @ Line 595 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDynamicMetaObjectData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
539 src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h @ Line 604 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractDynamicMetaObject' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
540 src/corelib/kernel/qobjectcleanuphandler.h @ Line 47 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QObjectCleanupHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
541 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.cpp @ Line 276 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 28
542 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.cpp @ Line 169 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the const variable 'location' of the trivially-copyable type 'const QPropertyBindingSourceLocation' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
543 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.cpp @ Line 173 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 1
544 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.cpp @ Line 189 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move assignment operators should be marked noexcept 1
545 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.cpp @ Line 290 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 2
546 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.cpp @ Line 484 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPropertyObserverNodeProtector' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
547 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.cpp @ Line 613 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 1
548 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.cpp @ Line 618 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move assignment operators should be marked noexcept 1
549 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPropertyData' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
550 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.h @ Line 128 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 2
551 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.h @ Line 129 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move assignment operators should be marked noexcept 2
552 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.h @ Line 154 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 2
553 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.h @ Line 157 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move assignment operators should be marked noexcept 2
554 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.h @ Line 662 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPropertyAlias' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
555 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty.h @ Line 792 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBindingStorage' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
556 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty_p.h @ Line 124 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'BindingEvaluationState' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
557 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty_p.h @ Line 144 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'CompatPropertySafePoint' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
558 src/corelib/kernel/qproperty_p.h @ Line 161 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPropertyBindingPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
559 src/corelib/kernel/qpropertyprivate.h @ Line 229 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 2
560 src/corelib/kernel/qsequentialiterable.h @ Line 130 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'other' of the trivially-copyable type 'QIterable' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
561 src/corelib/kernel/qsequentialiterable.h @ Line 134 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'other' of the trivially-copyable type 'QIterable' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
562 src/corelib/kernel/qsharedmemory_p.h @ Line 85 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSharedMemoryLocker' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
563 src/corelib/kernel/qtimer.cpp @ Line 282 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSingleShotTimer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
564 src/corelib/kernel/qtranslator.cpp @ Line 972 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'c' is never read 1
565 src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp @ Line 1196 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'quintptr' (aka 'unsigned long long') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
566 src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp @ Line 276 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 20
567 src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.h @ Line 672 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 2
568 src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.h @ Line 677 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
569 src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.h @ Line 678 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move assignment operators should be marked noexcept 2
570 src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.h @ Line 678 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
571 src/corelib/mimetypes/qmimedatabase.cpp @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
572 src/corelib/mimetypes/qmimedatabase.cpp @ Line 184 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'ret' prevents automatic move 1
573 src/corelib/mimetypes/qmimeprovider.cpp @ Line 99 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'CacheFile' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
574 src/corelib/mimetypes/qmimeprovider.cpp @ Line 96 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QMimeBinaryProvider::ensureLoaded' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
575 src/corelib/mimetypes/qmimeprovider.cpp @ Line 690 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QMimeXMLProvider::ensureLoaded' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
576 src/corelib/mimetypes/qmimeprovider_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMimeProviderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
577 src/corelib/mimetypes/qmimeprovider_p.h @ Line 95 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMimeBinaryProvider' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
578 src/corelib/mimetypes/qmimeprovider_p.h @ Line 134 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMimeXMLProvider' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
579 src/corelib/mimetypes/qmimetype.cpp @ Line 266 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'comm' prevents automatic move 1
580 src/corelib/mimetypes/qmimetype.cpp @ Line 273 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'commShort' prevents automatic move 1
581 src/corelib/mimetypes/qmimetype.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMimeType' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
582 src/corelib/plugin/qelfparser_p.cpp @ Line 141 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'data' is never read 1
583 src/corelib/plugin/qfactoryinterface.h @ Line 48 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFactoryInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
584 src/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader.cpp @ Line 140 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFactoryLoaderPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
585 src/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader.cpp @ Line 159 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
586 src/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader.cpp @ Line 161 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
587 src/corelib/plugin/qfactoryloader_p.h @ Line 73 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFactoryLoader' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
588 src/corelib/plugin/qlibrary.cpp @ Line 372 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLibraryStore' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
589 src/corelib/plugin/qlibrary.cpp @ Line 442 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'qlibraryCleanup_dtor_class_' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
590 src/corelib/plugin/qlibrary_p.h @ Line 72 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLibraryPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
591 src/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader.cpp @ Line 297 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'fn' prevents automatic move 1
592 src/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader.cpp @ Line 403 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
593 src/corelib/plugin/quuid.cpp @ Line 960 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 3 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 3
594 src/corelib/plugin/quuid.cpp @ Line 75 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'uint' (aka 'unsigned int') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
595 src/corelib/serialization/qcborarray.cpp @ Line 46 google-global-names-in-headers using declarations in the global namespace in headers are prohibited 1
596 src/corelib/serialization/qcborarray.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCborArray' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
597 src/corelib/serialization/qcborarray.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Iterator' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
598 src/corelib/serialization/qcborarray.h @ Line 108 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ConstIterator' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
599 src/corelib/serialization/qcbordiagnostic.cpp @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Nest' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
600 src/corelib/serialization/qcbormap.cpp @ Line 45 google-global-names-in-headers using declarations in the global namespace in headers are prohibited 1
601 src/corelib/serialization/qcbormap.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCborMap' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
602 src/corelib/serialization/qcbormap.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Iterator' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
603 src/corelib/serialization/qcbormap.h @ Line 115 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ConstIterator' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
604 src/corelib/serialization/qcborstreamreader.cpp @ Line 550 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCborStreamReaderPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
605 src/corelib/serialization/qcborstreamwriter.cpp @ Line 217 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCborStreamWriterPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
606 src/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue.cpp @ Line 1357 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 18
607 src/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue.cpp @ Line 1368 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 18
608 src/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue.cpp @ Line 1515 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 15
609 src/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue.h @ Line 333 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCborValueRef' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move constructor but does not define a destructor or a move assignment operator 1
610 src/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue.h @ Line 343 bugprone-use-after-move 'other' used after it was moved 2
611 src/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue_p.h @ Line 128 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCborContainerPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
612 src/corelib/serialization/qdatastream.h @ Line 217 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'StreamStateSaver' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
613 src/corelib/serialization/qjson_p.h @ Line 76 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 2
614 src/corelib/serialization/qjson_p.h @ Line 88 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move assignment operators should be marked noexcept 1
615 src/corelib/serialization/qjsonarray.cpp @ Line 184 cert-oop11-cpp,performance-move-constructor-init move constructor initializes class member by calling a copy constructor 3
616 src/corelib/serialization/qjsonarray.cpp @ Line 421 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'v' prevents automatic move 1
617 src/corelib/serialization/qjsonarray.h @ Line 109 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'iterator' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
618 src/corelib/serialization/qjsonarray.h @ Line 169 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'const_iterator' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
619 src/corelib/serialization/qjsonobject.cpp @ Line 166 cert-oop11-cpp,performance-move-constructor-init move constructor initializes class member by calling a copy constructor 3
620 src/corelib/serialization/qjsonobject.cpp @ Line 623 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'v' prevents automatic move 1
621 src/corelib/serialization/qjsonobject.h @ Line 120 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'iterator' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
622 src/corelib/serialization/qjsonobject.h @ Line 184 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'const_iterator' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
623 src/corelib/serialization/qjsonparser.cpp @ Line 790 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'uint' (aka 'unsigned int') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
624 src/corelib/serialization/qjsonvalue.h @ Line 151 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QJsonValueRef' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
625 src/corelib/serialization/qtextstream.cpp @ Line 646 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'canStillReadFromDevice' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'canStillReadFromDevice' 1
626 src/corelib/serialization/qtextstream_p.h @ Line 86 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextStreamPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
627 src/corelib/serialization/qxmlstream.cpp @ Line 2843 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXmlStreamWriterPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
628 src/corelib/serialization/qxmlstream.h @ Line 207 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXmlStreamEntityResolver' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
629 src/corelib/serialization/qxmlstream_p.h @ Line 123 google-global-names-in-headers using declarations in the global namespace in headers are prohibited 1
630 src/corelib/serialization/qxmlstream_p.h @ Line 125 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXmlStreamSimpleStack' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
631 src/corelib/serialization/qxmlstream_p.h @ Line 235 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXmlStreamReaderPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
632 src/corelib/serialization/qxmlstreamparser_p.h @ Line 79 misc-definitions-in-headers function 'parse' defined in a header file; function definitions in header files can lead to ODR violations 2
633 src/corelib/text/qbytearray.cpp @ Line 4228 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
634 src/corelib/text/qbytearray.cpp @ Line 4458 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
635 src/corelib/text/qbytearray.cpp @ Line 4459 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
636 src/corelib/text/qbytearraylist.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QListSpecialMethods' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
637 src/corelib/text/qbytearraymatcher.h @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QByteArrayMatcher' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
638 src/corelib/text/qcollator.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCollatorSortKey' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
639 src/corelib/text/qcollator_p.h @ Line 71 misc-misplaced-const 'NoCollator' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'UCollator *const' instead of 'const UCollator *' 2
640 src/corelib/text/qcollator_p.h @ Line 125 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCollatorSortKeyPrivate' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
641 src/corelib/text/qlocale.cpp @ Line 89 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
642 src/corelib/text/qlocale.cpp @ Line 811 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
643 src/corelib/text/qlocale.cpp @ Line 2975 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'result' prevents automatic move 1
644 src/corelib/text/qlocale.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLocale' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
645 src/corelib/text/qlocale_p.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSystemLocale' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
646 src/corelib/text/qlocale_unix.cpp @ Line 108 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
647 src/corelib/text/qregularexpression.cpp @ Line 734 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRegularExpressionPrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
648 src/corelib/text/qregularexpression.cpp @ Line 987 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
649 src/corelib/text/qregularexpression.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRegularExpression' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
650 src/corelib/text/qregularexpression.h @ Line 203 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRegularExpressionMatch' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
651 src/corelib/text/qregularexpression.h @ Line 277 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRegularExpressionMatchIterator' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
652 src/corelib/text/qstring.cpp @ Line 4560 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 's' of the trivially-copyable type 'QStringView' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
653 src/corelib/text/qstring.cpp @ Line 6123 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
654 src/corelib/text/qstring.cpp @ Line 6363 bugprone-use-after-move 'str' used after it was moved 2
655 src/corelib/text/qstring.cpp @ Line 6486 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 's' prevents automatic move 1
656 src/corelib/text/qstring.h @ Line 685 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the const expression has no effect; remove std::move() 1
657 src/corelib/text/qstring.h @ Line 686 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the const expression has no effect; remove std::move() 1
658 src/corelib/text/qstringalgorithms_p.h @ Line 141 bugprone-use-after-move 'str' used after it was moved 2
659 src/corelib/text/qstringbuilder.h @ Line 140 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStringBuilder' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
660 src/corelib/text/qstringbuilder.h @ Line 157 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStringBuilder' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
661 src/corelib/text/qstringconverter.cpp @ Line 957 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'uint' (aka 'unsigned int') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
662 src/corelib/text/qstringconverter.cpp @ Line 1011 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'uint' (aka 'unsigned int') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
663 src/corelib/text/qstringconverter.cpp @ Line 1040 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'length' is never read 1
664 src/corelib/text/qstringconverter.h @ Line 75 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 1
665 src/corelib/text/qstringconverter.h @ Line 82 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move assignment operators should be marked noexcept 1
666 src/corelib/text/qstringmatcher.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStringMatcher' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
667 src/corelib/text/qstringtokenizer.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStringTokenizerBaseBase' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
668 src/corelib/text/qtextboundaryfinder.h @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextBoundaryFinder' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
669 src/corelib/text/qunicodetables.cpp @ Line 14343 google-global-names-in-headers using declarations in the global namespace in headers are prohibited 1
670 src/corelib/text/qunicodetools.cpp @ Line 1748 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
671 src/corelib/text/qunicodetools.cpp @ Line 2086 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
672 src/corelib/thread/qatomic.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAtomicInteger' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
673 src/corelib/thread/qatomic.h @ Line 171 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAtomicPointer' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
674 src/corelib/thread/qbasicatomic.h @ Line 81 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBasicAtomicInteger' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
675 src/corelib/thread/qbasicatomic.h @ Line 100 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should return 'QBasicAtomicInteger&' 1
676 src/corelib/thread/qbasicatomic.h @ Line 221 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBasicAtomicPointer' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
677 src/corelib/thread/qbasicatomic.h @ Line 234 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should return 'QBasicAtomicPointer&' 1
678 src/corelib/thread/qexception.cpp @ Line 128 cert-err09-cpp throw expression should throw anonymous temporary values instead 1
679 src/corelib/thread/qexception.cpp @ Line 211 cert-err09-cpp throw expression should throw anonymous temporary values instead 1
680 src/corelib/thread/qexception.h @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QException' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
681 src/corelib/thread/qfuture.h @ Line 89 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should return 'QFuture&' 1
682 src/corelib/thread/qfuture.h @ Line 185 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'const_iterator' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
683 src/corelib/thread/qfuture_impl.h @ Line 246 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Continuation' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
684 src/corelib/thread/qfuture_impl.h @ Line 287 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'SyncContinuation' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
685 src/corelib/thread/qfuture_impl.h @ Line 304 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'AsyncContinuation' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
686 src/corelib/thread/qfutureinterface.cpp @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ThreadPoolThreadReleaser' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
687 src/corelib/thread/qfutureinterface.h @ Line 76 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFutureInterfaceBase' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
688 src/corelib/thread/qfutureinterface.h @ Line 205 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFutureInterface' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
689 src/corelib/thread/qfutureinterface_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFutureCallOutEvent' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
690 src/corelib/thread/qfutureinterface_p.h @ Line 123 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFutureCallOutInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
691 src/corelib/thread/qfuturewatcher.h @ Line 135 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFutureWatcher' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
692 src/corelib/thread/qlocking_p.h @ Line 84 cert-dcl59-cpp,google-build-namespaces do not use unnamed namespaces in header files 1
693 src/corelib/thread/qmutex.h @ Line 97 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBasicMutex' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
694 src/corelib/thread/qmutex.h @ Line 147 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMutex' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
695 src/corelib/thread/qmutex_linux.cpp @ Line 57 google-global-names-in-headers using declarations in the global namespace in headers are prohibited 1
696 src/corelib/thread/qorderedmutexlocker_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOrderedMutexLocker' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
697 src/corelib/thread/qpromise.h @ Line 62 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 2
698 src/corelib/thread/qpromise.h @ Line 67 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move assignment operators should be marked noexcept 1
699 src/corelib/thread/qreadwritelock.cpp @ Line 617 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
700 src/corelib/thread/qresultstore.h @ Line 125 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ResultStoreBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
701 src/corelib/thread/qsemaphore.h @ Line 76 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSemaphoreReleaser' defines a non-default destructor, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a copy constructor or a copy assignment operator 1
702 src/corelib/thread/qthread.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QThread' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
703 src/corelib/thread/qthread_p.h @ Line 138 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDaemonThread' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
704 src/corelib/thread/qthread_p.h @ Line 145 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QThreadPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
705 src/corelib/thread/qthread_p.h @ Line 232 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QThreadData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
706 src/corelib/thread/qthread_p.h @ Line 304 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QScopedScopeLevelCounter' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
707 src/corelib/thread/qthread_p.h @ Line 316 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAdoptedThread' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
708 src/corelib/thread/qthread_unix.cpp @ Line 154 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'destroy_current_thread_data_key_dtor_class_' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
709 src/corelib/thread/qthreadpool.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QThreadPool' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
710 src/corelib/thread/qthreadstorage.cpp @ Line 73 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
711 src/corelib/thread/qthreadstorage.h @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QThreadStorageData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
712 src/corelib/time/qcalendar.cpp @ Line 85 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Registry' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
713 src/corelib/time/qcalendar.cpp @ Line 174 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
714 src/corelib/time/qcalendarbackend_p.h @ Line 89 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCalendarBackend' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
715 src/corelib/time/qdatetime.cpp @ Line 1269 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'parts' of the trivially-copyable type 'QCalendar::YearMonthDay' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
716 src/corelib/time/qdatetime.cpp @ Line 1301 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'parts' of the trivially-copyable type 'QCalendar::YearMonthDay' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
717 src/corelib/time/qdatetime.cpp @ Line 1334 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'parts' of the trivially-copyable type 'QCalendar::YearMonthDay' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
718 src/corelib/time/qdatetime.cpp @ Line 1357 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'parts' of the trivially-copyable type 'QCalendar::YearMonthDay' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
719 src/corelib/time/qdatetime.cpp @ Line 2190 bugprone-bool-pointer-implicit-conversion dubious check of 'bool *' against 'nullptr', did you mean to dereference it? 2
720 src/corelib/time/qdatetime.cpp @ Line 2928 bugprone-suspicious-enum-usage enum values are from different enum types 1
721 src/corelib/time/qdatetime.cpp @ Line 3072 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 1
722 src/corelib/time/qdatetime.cpp @ Line 3922 bugprone-misplaced-widening-cast either cast from 'int' to 'qint64' (aka 'long long') is ineffective, or there is loss of precision before the conversion 1
723 src/corelib/time/qdatetime.cpp @ Line 3109 cplusplus.NewDelete Argument to 'delete' is a constant address (1), which is not memory allocated by 'new' 17
724 src/corelib/time/qdatetime.h @ Line 251 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Data' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move constructor but does not define a move assignment operator 1
725 src/corelib/time/qdatetime.h @ Line 262 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 2
726 src/corelib/time/qdatetimeparser_p.h @ Line 78 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDateTimeParser' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
727 src/corelib/time/qtimezone.cpp @ Line 118 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
728 src/corelib/time/qtimezone.cpp @ Line 773 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'sys' prevents automatic move 1
729 src/corelib/time/qtimezone.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTimeZone' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
730 src/corelib/time/qtimezoneprivate_p.h @ Line 78 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTimeZonePrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
731 src/corelib/time/qtimezoneprivate_p.h @ Line 177 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QUtcTimeZonePrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
732 src/corelib/time/qtimezoneprivate_p.h @ Line 234 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIcuTimeZonePrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
733 src/corelib/time/qtimezoneprivate_p.h @ Line 305 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTzTimeZonePrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
734 src/corelib/time/qtimezoneprivate_tz.cpp @ Line 497 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'nameBegin' during its initialization is never read 1
735 src/corelib/time/qtimezoneprivate_tz.cpp @ Line 110 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
736 src/corelib/time/qtimezoneprivate_tz.cpp @ Line 867 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the const variable 'entry' has no effect; remove std::move() or make the variable non-const 1
737 src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha1/sha1.cpp @ Line 188 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'a' is never read 1
738 src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha1/sha1.cpp @ Line 188 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'b' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'b' 1
739 src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha1/sha1.cpp @ Line 188 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'c' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'c' 1
740 src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha1/sha1.cpp @ Line 188 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'd' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'd' 1
741 src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha1/sha1.cpp @ Line 188 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'e' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'e' 1
742 src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha3/KeccakF-1600-opt64.c @ Line 220 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The right operand of '^' is a garbage value due to array index out of bounds 14
743 src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha3/KeccakF-1600-opt64.c @ Line 236 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The right operand of '^' is a garbage value due to array index out of bounds 15
744 src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha3/KeccakF-1600-opt64.c @ Line 252 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The right operand of '^' is a garbage value due to array index out of bounds 16
745 src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha3/KeccakF-1600-opt64.c @ Line 268 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The right operand of '^' is a garbage value due to array index out of bounds 17
746 src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha3/KeccakF-1600-opt64.c @ Line 284 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The right operand of '^' is a garbage value due to array index out of bounds 18
747 src/corelib/tools/../../3rdparty/sha3/KeccakF-1600-opt64.c @ Line 300 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The right operand of '^' is a garbage value due to array index out of bounds 19
748 src/corelib/tools/qarraydataops.h @ Line 318 bugprone-infinite-loop this loop is infinite; none of its condition variables (newSize) are updated in the loop body 1
749 src/corelib/tools/qarraydataops.h @ Line 689 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Inserter' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
750 src/corelib/tools/qbitarray.h @ Line 48 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBitArray' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
751 src/corelib/tools/qbitarray.h @ Line 143 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBitRef' defines a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a copy constructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
752 src/corelib/tools/qcache.h @ Line 84 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Node' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move constructor but does not define a destructor 1
753 src/corelib/tools/qcache.h @ Line 130 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 1
754 src/corelib/tools/qcommandlineoption.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCommandLineOption' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
755 src/corelib/tools/qcontiguouscache.h @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QContiguousCache' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
756 src/corelib/tools/qduplicatetracker_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDuplicateTracker' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
757 src/corelib/tools/qeasingcurve.cpp @ Line 363 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEasingCurveFunction' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
758 src/corelib/tools/qeasingcurve.cpp @ Line 442 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEasingCurvePrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
759 src/corelib/tools/qeasingcurve.cpp @ Line 330 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 3 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 13
760 src/corelib/tools/qhash.h @ Line 128 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'MultiNodeChain' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
761 src/corelib/tools/qhash.h @ Line 160 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'MultiNode' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a move constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator or a move assignment operator 1
762 src/corelib/tools/qhash.h @ Line 185 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 1
763 src/corelib/tools/qhash.h @ Line 242 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Span' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
764 src/corelib/tools/qhash.h @ Line 416 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Data' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
765 src/corelib/tools/qhash.h @ Line 186 cert-oop11-cpp,performance-move-constructor-init move constructor initializes class member by calling a copy constructor 3
766 src/corelib/tools/qhash.h @ Line 186 cert-oop11-cpp,performance-move-constructor-init move constructor initializes class member by calling a copy constructor 3
767 src/corelib/tools/qiterator.h @ Line 269 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'pointer' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
768 src/corelib/tools/qiterator.h @ Line 275 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move constructors should be marked noexcept 2
769 src/corelib/tools/qiterator.h @ Line 277 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move assignment operators should be marked noexcept 2
770 src/corelib/tools/qlist.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QListSpecialMethodsBase' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
771 src/corelib/tools/qlist.h @ Line 82 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QListSpecialMethods' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
772 src/corelib/tools/qringbuffer_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRingChunk' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
773 src/corelib/tools/qringbuffer_p.h @ Line 93 cert-oop11-cpp,performance-move-constructor-init move constructor initializes class member by calling a copy constructor 3
774 src/corelib/tools/qscopedpointer.h @ Line 209 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QScopedArrayPointer' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
775 src/corelib/tools/qscopedpointer_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCustomScopedPointer' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
776 src/corelib/tools/qscopedpointer_p.h @ Line 107 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QScopedSharedPointer' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
777 src/corelib/tools/qset.h @ Line 102 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'iterator' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
778 src/corelib/tools/qset.h @ Line 132 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'const_iterator' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
779 src/corelib/tools/qshareddata.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSharedData' defines a default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
780 src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer.cpp @ Line 1550 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
781 src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h @ Line 130 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ExternalRefCountData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
782 src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h @ Line 156 cert-dcl54-cpp declaration of 'operator delete' has no matching declaration of 'operator new' at the same scope 1
783 src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h @ Line 718 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEnableSharedFromThis' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
784 src/dbus/qdbus_symbols.cpp @ Line 166 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'qdbus_unloadLibDBus_dtor_class_' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
785 src/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusAbstractAdaptor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
786 src/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h @ Line 93 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusAdaptorConnector' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
787 src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface.h @ Line 78 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusAbstractInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
788 src/dbus/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
789 src/dbus/qdbusargument_p.h @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusArgumentPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
790 src/dbus/qdbusconnection.cpp @ Line 76 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
791 src/dbus/qdbusconnection_p.h @ Line 110 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusConnectionPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
792 src/dbus/qdbusconnectioninterface.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusConnectionInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
793 src/dbus/qdbusconnectionmanager_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusConnectionManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
794 src/dbus/qdbuscontext.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusContext' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
795 src/dbus/qdbuserror.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusError' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
796 src/dbus/qdbusintegrator.cpp @ Line 134 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
797 src/dbus/qdbusintegrator.cpp @ Line 1207 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
798 src/dbus/qdbusintegrator.cpp @ Line 1987 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusBlockingCallWatcher' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
799 src/dbus/qdbusintegrator_p.h @ Line 131 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusActivateObjectEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
800 src/dbus/qdbusintegrator_p.h @ Line 152 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusSpyCallEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
801 src/dbus/qdbusinterface.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
802 src/dbus/qdbusinterface_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusInterfacePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
803 src/dbus/qdbusinternalfilters.cpp @ Line 113 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 6
804 src/dbus/qdbusmessage.h @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusMessage' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
805 src/dbus/qdbusmessage_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusMessagePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
806 src/dbus/qdbusmetaobject.cpp @ Line 148 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Hash' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
807 src/dbus/qdbusmetaobject.cpp @ Line 153 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the variable 'entry' of the trivially-copyable type 'QMetaType' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
808 src/dbus/qdbusmetaobject_p.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusMetaObject' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
809 src/dbus/qdbusmetatype.cpp @ Line 136 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
810 src/dbus/qdbusmetatype.cpp @ Line 137 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
811 src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusPendingCall' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
812 src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall.h @ Line 97 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusPendingCallWatcher' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
813 src/dbus/qdbuspendingcall_p.h @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusPendingCallPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
814 src/dbus/qdbuspendingreply.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusPendingReplyBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
815 src/dbus/qdbuspendingreply.h @ Line 86 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusPendingReply' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
816 src/dbus/qdbuspendingreply.h @ Line 167 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusPendingReply' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
817 src/dbus/qdbusreply.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusReply' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
818 src/dbus/qdbusreply.h @ Line 84 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
819 src/dbus/qdbusreply.h @ Line 142 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusReply' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
820 src/dbus/qdbusthreaddebug_p.h @ Line 128 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusReadLocker' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
821 src/dbus/qdbusthreaddebug_p.h @ Line 148 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusWriteLocker' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
822 src/dbus/qdbusunixfiledescriptor.cpp @ Line 115 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusUnixFileDescriptorPrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
823 src/dbus/qdbusunixfiledescriptor.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusUnixFileDescriptor' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
824 src/gui/accessible/linux/atspiadaptor.cpp @ Line 139 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'success' is never read 1
825 src/gui/accessible/linux/atspiadaptor_p.h @ Line 74 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'AtSpiAdaptor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
826 src/gui/accessible/linux/dbusconnection.cpp @ Line 123 cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'a11yStatus' 3
827 src/gui/accessible/linux/qspiaccessiblebridge_p.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSpiAccessibleBridge' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
828 src/gui/accessible/linux/qspiapplicationadaptor_p.h @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSpiApplicationAdaptor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
829 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.cpp @ Line 472 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
830 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.cpp @ Line 475 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
831 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.cpp @ Line 478 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
832 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.cpp @ Line 479 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
833 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.cpp @ Line 2260 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'txt' prevents automatic move 1
834 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.cpp @ Line 2835 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
835 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.cpp @ Line 919 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'nextBoundary' during its initialization is never read 1
836 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 410 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ActivationObserver' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
837 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 456 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
838 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 520 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleTextInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
839 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 553 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleEditableTextInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
840 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 563 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleValueInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
841 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 575 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleTableCellInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
842 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 592 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleTableInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
843 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 626 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleActionInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
844 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 652 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleImageInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
845 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 720 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleStateChangeEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
846 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 744 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleTextCursorEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
847 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 770 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleTextSelectionEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
848 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 801 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleTextInsertEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
849 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 831 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleTextRemoveEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
850 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 861 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
851 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 895 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleValueChangeEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
852 src/gui/accessible/qaccessible.h @ Line 920 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleTableModelChangeEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
853 src/gui/accessible/qaccessiblebridge.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleBridge' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
854 src/gui/accessible/qaccessiblebridge.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleBridgePlugin' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
855 src/gui/accessible/qaccessiblecache_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleCache' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
856 src/gui/accessible/qaccessibleplugin.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessiblePlugin' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
857 src/gui/accessible/qplatformaccessibility.cpp @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
858 src/gui/accessible/qplatformaccessibility.cpp @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
859 src/gui/accessible/qplatformaccessibility.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformAccessibility' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
860 src/gui/animation/qguivariantanimation.cpp @ Line 88 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'qUnregisterGuiGetInterpolator_dtor_class_' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
861 src/gui/image/qabstractfileiconprovider_p.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractFileIconProviderPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
862 src/gui/image/qicon.cpp @ Line 120 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
863 src/gui/image/qicon.cpp @ Line 552 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
864 src/gui/image/qicon.cpp @ Line 216 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'res' during its initialization is never read 1
865 src/gui/image/qicon.cpp @ Line 1384 core.NullDereference Access to field 'is_mask' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from field 'd') 8
866 src/gui/image/qicon_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIconPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
867 src/gui/image/qicon_p.h @ Line 108 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPixmapIconEngine' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
868 src/gui/image/qiconengine.h @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIconEngine' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
869 src/gui/image/qiconengineplugin.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIconEnginePlugin' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
870 src/gui/image/qiconloader.cpp @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
871 src/gui/image/qiconloader.cpp @ Line 282 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'quint32' (aka 'unsigned int') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
872 src/gui/image/qiconloader.cpp @ Line 577 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'iconInfo' prevents automatic move 1
873 src/gui/image/qiconloader_p.h @ Line 91 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIconLoaderEngineEntry' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
874 src/gui/image/qiconloader_p.h @ Line 122 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIconLoaderEngine' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
875 src/gui/image/qimage.cpp @ Line 1030 cplusplus.NewDelete Attempt to delete released memory 29
876 src/gui/image/qimage.cpp @ Line 2023 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 31
877 src/gui/image/qimage.cpp @ Line 3055 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 42
878 src/gui/image/qimage.cpp @ Line 3063 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 42
879 src/gui/image/qimage.cpp @ Line 4460 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 26
880 src/gui/image/qimage.cpp @ Line 4706 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 19
881 src/gui/image/qimage_conversions.cpp @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
882 src/gui/image/qimage_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QImageData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
883 src/gui/image/qimageiohandler.cpp @ Line 282 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QImageIOHandlerPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
884 src/gui/image/qimageiohandler.h @ Line 140 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QImageIOPlugin' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
885 src/gui/image/qimagepixmapcleanuphooks.cpp @ Line 47 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
886 src/gui/image/qimagereader.cpp @ Line 462 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QImageReaderPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
887 src/gui/image/qimagereaderwriterhelpers.cpp @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
888 src/gui/image/qimagereaderwriterhelpers.cpp @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
889 src/gui/image/qpicture.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPicture' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
890 src/gui/image/qpicture_p.h @ Line 72 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPicturePrivate' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
891 src/gui/image/qpixmap_blitter_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBlittablePlatformPixmap' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
892 src/gui/image/qpixmap_raster_p.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRasterPlatformPixmap' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
893 src/gui/image/qpixmapcache.cpp @ Line 149 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 27
894 src/gui/image/qpixmapcache.cpp @ Line 212 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPMCache' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
895 src/gui/image/qpixmapcache.cpp @ Line 473 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
896 src/gui/image/qpixmapcache_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'KeyData' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
897 src/gui/image/qpixmapcache_p.h @ Line 78 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPixmapCacheEntry' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
898 src/gui/image/qplatformpixmap.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformPixmap' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
899 src/gui/image/qpnghandler.cpp @ Line 166 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPNGImageWriter' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
900 src/gui/image/qpnghandler_p.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPngHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
901 src/gui/itemmodels/qfileinfogatherer_p.h @ Line 158 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFileInfoGatherer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
902 src/gui/itemmodels/qstandarditemmodel.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStandardItem' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
903 src/gui/itemmodels/qstandarditemmodel_p.h @ Line 203 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStandardItemModelPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
904 src/gui/kernel/qaction_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QActionPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
905 src/gui/kernel/qactiongroup_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QActionGroupPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
906 src/gui/kernel/qcursor.cpp @ Line 758 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
907 src/gui/kernel/qcursor.cpp @ Line 759 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
908 src/gui/kernel/qcursor_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCursorData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
909 src/gui/kernel/qevent.h @ Line 139 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSinglePointEvent' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
910 src/gui/kernel/qevent.h @ Line 1101 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QApplicationStateChangeEvent' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
911 src/gui/kernel/qgenericplugin.h @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGenericPlugin' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
912 src/gui/kernel/qgenericpluginfactory.cpp @ Line 49 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
913 src/gui/kernel/qguiapplication_p.h @ Line 88 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGuiApplicationPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
914 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 123 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
915 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 128 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
916 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 132 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
917 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 137 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
918 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 142 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
919 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 146 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
920 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 147 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
921 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 151 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
922 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 153 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
923 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 154 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
924 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 155 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
925 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 156 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
926 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 157 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
927 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 158 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
928 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 159 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
929 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 160 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
930 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 161 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
931 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 162 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
932 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 163 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
933 src/gui/kernel/qguivariant.cpp @ Line 170 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer 4
934 src/gui/kernel/qhighdpiscaling.cpp @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
935 src/gui/kernel/qinputdevice.cpp @ Line 261 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
936 src/gui/kernel/qinputmethod.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QInputMethod' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
937 src/gui/kernel/qinternalmimedata_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QInternalMimeData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
938 src/gui/kernel/qkeymapper.cpp @ Line 104 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
939 src/gui/kernel/qkeymapper_p.h @ Line 86 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QKeyMapperPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
940 src/gui/kernel/qkeymapper_p.h @ Line 106 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEvdevKeyMapper' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
941 src/gui/kernel/qkeysequence.cpp @ Line 1064 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
942 src/gui/kernel/qkeysequence.cpp @ Line 1065 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
943 src/gui/kernel/qkeysequence.cpp @ Line 912 cplusplus.NewDelete Argument to 'delete' is the address of the static variable 'shared_empty', which is not memory allocated by 'new' 5
944 src/gui/kernel/qkeysequence.h @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QKeySequence' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
945 src/gui/kernel/qkeysequence_p.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QKeySequencePrivate' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
946 src/gui/kernel/qoffscreensurface_p.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOffscreenSurfacePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
947 src/gui/kernel/qopenglcontext.cpp @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGuiGLThreadContext' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
948 src/gui/kernel/qopenglcontext.cpp @ Line 76 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
949 src/gui/kernel/qopenglcontext.h @ Line 76 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLContextGroup' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
950 src/gui/kernel/qopenglcontext.h @ Line 100 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLContext' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
951 src/gui/kernel/qopenglcontext_p.h @ Line 158 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLMultiGroupSharedResource' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
952 src/gui/kernel/qopenglcontext_p.h @ Line 196 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLContextVersionFunctionHelper' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
953 src/gui/kernel/qopenglcontext_p.h @ Line 202 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLContextPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
954 src/gui/kernel/qopenglcontext_platform.h @ Line 89 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGLXContext' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
955 src/gui/kernel/qopenglcontext_platform.h @ Line 99 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEGLContext' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
956 src/gui/kernel/qpaintdevicewindow.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPaintDeviceWindow' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
957 src/gui/kernel/qplatformclipboard.cpp @ Line 48 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QClipboardData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
958 src/gui/kernel/qplatformclipboard.cpp @ Line 78 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
959 src/gui/kernel/qplatformcursor.h @ Line 79 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformCursor' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
960 src/gui/kernel/qplatformdialoghelper.cpp @ Line 195 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'FontDialogCombined' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
961 src/gui/kernel/qplatformdialoghelper.cpp @ Line 316 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
962 src/gui/kernel/qplatformdialoghelper.cpp @ Line 318 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QColorDialogOptionsPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
963 src/gui/kernel/qplatformdialoghelper.cpp @ Line 339 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ColorDialogCombined' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
964 src/gui/kernel/qplatformdialoghelper.cpp @ Line 489 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'FileDialogCombined' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
965 src/gui/kernel/qplatformdialoghelper.cpp @ Line 819 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'MessageDialogCombined' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
966 src/gui/kernel/qplatformdialoghelper.h @ Line 80 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformDialogHelper' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
967 src/gui/kernel/qplatformdrag.cpp @ Line 205 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
968 src/gui/kernel/qplatformgraphicsbuffer.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformGraphicsBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
969 src/gui/kernel/qplatforminputcontext.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformInputContext' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
970 src/gui/kernel/qplatforminputcontext_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformInputContextPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
971 src/gui/kernel/qplatforminputcontextfactory.cpp @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
972 src/gui/kernel/qplatforminputcontextplugin_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformInputContextPlugin' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
973 src/gui/kernel/qplatformintegrationfactory.cpp @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
974 src/gui/kernel/qplatformintegrationfactory.cpp @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
975 src/gui/kernel/qplatformintegrationplugin.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformIntegrationPlugin' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
976 src/gui/kernel/qplatformopenglcontext.h @ Line 131 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGLXIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
977 src/gui/kernel/qplatformopenglcontext.h @ Line 139 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEGLIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
978 src/gui/kernel/qplatformscreen_p.h @ Line 73 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbScreen' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
979 src/gui/kernel/qplatformsystemtrayicon.h @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformSystemTrayIcon' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
980 src/gui/kernel/qplatformtheme_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformThemePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
981 src/gui/kernel/qplatformthemefactory.cpp @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
982 src/gui/kernel/qplatformthemefactory.cpp @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
983 src/gui/kernel/qplatformthemeplugin.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformThemePlugin' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
984 src/gui/kernel/qplatformwindow_p.h @ Line 83 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
985 src/gui/kernel/qsessionmanager.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSessionManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
986 src/gui/kernel/qsessionmanager_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSessionManagerPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
987 src/gui/kernel/qshapedpixmapdndwindow_p.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QShapedPixmapWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
988 src/gui/kernel/qshortcut.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QShortcut' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
989 src/gui/kernel/qshortcutmap_p.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QShortcutMap' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
990 src/gui/kernel/qsimpledrag_p.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBasicDrag' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
991 src/gui/kernel/qstylehints.cpp @ Line 63 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'themeHint' prevents automatic move 1
992 src/gui/kernel/qstylehints.cpp @ Line 77 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'themeHint' prevents automatic move 1
993 src/gui/kernel/qsurface.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSurface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
994 src/gui/kernel/qsurfaceformat.cpp @ Line 780 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
995 src/gui/kernel/qsurfaceformat.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSurfaceFormat' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
996 src/gui/kernel/qtestsupport_gui.cpp @ Line 100 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QTouchEventSequence::commit' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 2
997 src/gui/kernel/qtestsupport_gui.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTouchEventSequence' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
998 src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface_p.h @ Line 110 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'WindowSystemEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
999 src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface_p.h @ Line 564 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QWindowSystemEventHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1000 src/gui/opengl/platform/egl/qeglconvenience.cpp @ Line 362 misc-misplaced-const 'config' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'void *const' instead of 'const void *' 2
1001 src/gui/opengl/platform/egl/qeglconvenience.cpp @ Line 612 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1002 src/gui/opengl/platform/egl/qeglconvenience_p.h @ Line 72 misc-misplaced-const 'config' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'void *const' instead of 'const void *' 2
1003 src/gui/opengl/platform/egl/qeglconvenience_p.h @ Line 91 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglConfigChooser' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1004 src/gui/opengl/platform/egl/qeglpbuffer_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEGLPbuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1005 src/gui/opengl/platform/egl/qeglplatformcontext_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEGLPlatformContext' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1006 src/gui/opengl/platform/unix/qglxconvenience.cpp @ Line 143 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbSoftwareOpenGLEnforcer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1007 src/gui/opengl/qopenglextensions_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLExtensions' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1008 src/gui/opengl/qopenglextrafunctions.h @ Line 282 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLExtraFunctions' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1009 src/gui/opengl/qopenglfunctions.cpp @ Line 183 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1010 src/gui/opengl/qopenglfunctions.cpp @ Line 2106 bugprone-not-null-terminated-result the result from calling 'memcpy' is not null-terminated 2
1011 src/gui/opengl/qopenglfunctions.h @ Line 237 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1012 src/gui/opengl/qopenglprogrambinarycache.cpp @ Line 223 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'FdWrapper' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1013 src/gui/opengl/qopenglprogrambinarycache.cpp @ Line 256 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'DeferredFileRemove' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1014 src/gui/opengl/qopenglprogrambinarycache.cpp @ Line 229 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 3
1015 src/gui/painting/qbackingstore.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBackingStore' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1016 src/gui/painting/qbezier.cpp @ Line 221 security.FloatLoopCounter Variable 'i' with floating point type 'qreal' should not be used as a loop counter 1
1017 src/gui/painting/qbezier.cpp @ Line 518 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'py0' is never read 1
1018 src/gui/painting/qbezier.cpp @ Line 521 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'py1' is never read 1
1019 src/gui/painting/qblittable_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBlittable' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1020 src/gui/painting/qbrush.cpp @ Line 167 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1021 src/gui/painting/qbrush.cpp @ Line 179 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTexturedBrushData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1022 src/gui/painting/qbrush.cpp @ Line 350 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullBrushData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1023 src/gui/painting/qbrush.cpp @ Line 368 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1024 src/gui/painting/qbrush.cpp @ Line 1122 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
1025 src/gui/painting/qbrush.cpp @ Line 1126 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
1026 src/gui/painting/qbrush.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBrush' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1027 src/gui/painting/qbrush.h @ Line 167 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGradient' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1028 src/gui/painting/qbrush.h @ Line 426 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLinearGradient' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1029 src/gui/painting/qbrush.h @ Line 444 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRadialGradient' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1030 src/gui/painting/qbrush.h @ Line 478 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QConicalGradient' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1031 src/gui/painting/qcolor.cpp @ Line 2871 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
1032 src/gui/painting/qcolorspace.cpp @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'cleanupPredefinedColorspaces_dtor_class_' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1033 src/gui/painting/qcolorspace_p.h @ Line 89 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QColorSpacePrivate' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1034 src/gui/painting/qcolorspace_p.h @ Line 129 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'LUT' defines a default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1035 src/gui/painting/qcolortransform.cpp @ Line 171 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1036 src/gui/painting/qcolortransform.cpp @ Line 171 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1037 src/gui/painting/qcolortransform.cpp @ Line 171 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1038 src/gui/painting/qcolortransform.cpp @ Line 575 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1039 src/gui/painting/qcolortransform.cpp @ Line 576 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1040 src/gui/painting/qcolortransform.cpp @ Line 577 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1041 src/gui/painting/qcolortransform.cpp @ Line 578 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1042 src/gui/painting/qcolortransform.cpp @ Line 578 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1043 src/gui/painting/qcolortransform.cpp @ Line 578 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1044 src/gui/painting/qcolortrclut_p.h @ Line 147 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1045 src/gui/painting/qcolortrclut_p.h @ Line 208 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1046 src/gui/painting/qcolortrclut_p.h @ Line 213 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1047 src/gui/painting/qcolortrclut_p.h @ Line 218 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1048 src/gui/painting/qcompositionfunctions.cpp @ Line 2044 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The result of the '/' expression is undefined 9
1049 src/gui/painting/qcosmeticstroker_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCosmeticStroker' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1050 src/gui/painting/qdrawhelper.cpp @ Line 3569 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'sx' is never read 1
1051 src/gui/painting/qdrawhelper_p.h @ Line 331 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSpanData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1052 src/gui/painting/qdrawhelper_p.h @ Line 362 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Pinnable' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1053 src/gui/painting/qgrayraster.c @ Line 1501 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'v_last' is never read 1
1054 src/gui/painting/qicc.cpp @ Line 419 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'currentOffset' is never read 1
1055 src/gui/painting/qicc.cpp @ Line 214 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1056 src/gui/painting/qicc.cpp @ Line 493 performance-move-const-arg passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen 1
1057 src/gui/painting/qpagedpaintdevice.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPagedPaintDevice' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1058 src/gui/painting/qpagedpaintdevice_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPagedPaintDevicePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1059 src/gui/painting/qpagelayout.cpp @ Line 122 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPageLayoutPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1060 src/gui/painting/qpagelayout.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPageLayout' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1061 src/gui/painting/qpagesize.cpp @ Line 712 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPageSizePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1062 src/gui/painting/qpagesize.h @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPageSize' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1063 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPaintEnginePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1064 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp @ Line 4463 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1065 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp @ Line 129 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 5 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 9
1066 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp @ Line 3480 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'n' is never read 1
1067 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp @ Line 3746 core.NullDereference Array access (from variable 'target') results in a null pointer dereference 15
1068 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp @ Line 3746 core.NullDereference Array access (from variable 'source') results in a null pointer dereference 13
1069 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp @ Line 4041 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The left operand of '>' is a garbage value 16
1070 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp @ Line 4193 optin.portability.UnixAPI Call to 'realloc' has an allocation size of 0 bytes 3
1071 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster_p.h @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRasterPaintEngineState' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1072 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster_p.h @ Line 130 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRasterPaintEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1073 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster_p.h @ Line 345 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QClipData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1074 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster_p.h @ Line 425 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRasterBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1075 src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex.cpp @ Line 449 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The result of the left shift is undefined because the left operand is negative 24
1076 src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex_p.h @ Line 162 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPaintEngineExPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1077 src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp @ Line 7323 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 26
1078 src/gui/painting/qpainter_p.h @ Line 145 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPainterState' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1079 src/gui/painting/qpainter_p.h @ Line 192 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPainterPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1080 src/gui/painting/qpainterpath.cpp @ Line 1965 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'y1' is never read 1
1081 src/gui/painting/qpainterpath.cpp @ Line 1968 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'y1' is never read 1
1082 src/gui/painting/qpainterpath.cpp @ Line 1972 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'y2' is never read 1
1083 src/gui/painting/qpainterpath.cpp @ Line 1975 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'y2' is never read 1
1084 src/gui/painting/qpainterpath.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPainterPath' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1085 src/gui/painting/qpainterpath_p.h @ Line 72 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVectorPathConverter' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1086 src/gui/painting/qpainterpath_p.h @ Line 131 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPainterPathPrivate' defines a default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1087 src/gui/painting/qpathclipper_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPathClipper' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1088 src/gui/painting/qpathsimplifier.cpp @ Line 252 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'BoundingVolumeHierarchy' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1089 src/gui/painting/qpathsimplifier.cpp @ Line 316 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ElementAllocator' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1090 src/gui/painting/qpdf_p.h @ Line 73 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ByteStream' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1091 src/gui/painting/qpdf_p.h @ Line 167 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPdfEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1092 src/gui/painting/qpdf_p.h @ Line 240 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPdfEnginePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1093 src/gui/painting/qpdfwriter.cpp @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPdfWriterPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1094 src/gui/painting/qpdfwriter.cpp @ Line 72 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPdfPagedPaintDevicePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1095 src/gui/painting/qpen.cpp @ Line 245 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPenDataHolder' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1096 src/gui/painting/qpen.cpp @ Line 261 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1097 src/gui/painting/qpen.cpp @ Line 263 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1098 src/gui/painting/qpen.cpp @ Line 915 bugprone-suspicious-enum-usage enum values are from different enum types 1
1099 src/gui/painting/qpen.cpp @ Line 917 bugprone-suspicious-enum-usage enum values are from different enum types 1
1100 src/gui/painting/qplatformbackingstore.cpp @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformBackingStorePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1101 src/gui/painting/qplatformbackingstore.h @ Line 76 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformTextureList' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1102 src/gui/painting/qplatformbackingstore.h @ Line 111 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformBackingStore' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1103 src/gui/painting/qplatformbackingstore.h @ Line 156 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformBackingStoreOpenGLSupportBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1104 src/gui/painting/qrasterizer.cpp @ Line 81 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSpanBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1105 src/gui/painting/qrasterizer.cpp @ Line 133 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QScanConverter' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1106 src/gui/painting/qrasterizer.cpp @ Line 906 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1107 src/gui/painting/qrasterizer.cpp @ Line 908 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1108 src/gui/painting/qrasterizer.cpp @ Line 1138 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1109 src/gui/painting/qrasterizer.cpp @ Line 1233 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1110 src/gui/painting/qrasterizer.cpp @ Line 1233 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1111 src/gui/painting/qrasterizer_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRasterizer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1112 src/gui/painting/qrbtree_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRBTree' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1113 src/gui/painting/qrbtree_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Node' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1114 src/gui/painting/qregion.cpp @ Line 939 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 3 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 10
1115 src/gui/painting/qregion.cpp @ Line 1072 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'offset' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'offset' 1
1116 src/gui/painting/qregion.cpp @ Line 3181 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The left operand of '<' is a garbage value 31
1117 src/gui/painting/qregion.cpp @ Line 3522 core.uninitialized.Assign Assigned value is garbage or undefined 23
1118 src/gui/painting/qregion.cpp @ Line 3619 unix.Malloc Potential leak of memory pointed to by field 'edgelist' 13
1119 src/gui/painting/qregion.cpp @ Line 3891 cplusplus.NewDelete Argument to 'delete' is the address of the global variable 'shared_empty', which is not memory allocated by 'new' 6
1120 src/gui/painting/qstroker_p.h @ Line 130 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStrokerOps' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1121 src/gui/painting/qstroker_p.h @ Line 196 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStroker' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1122 src/gui/painting/qstroker_p.h @ Line 262 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDashStroker' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1123 src/gui/painting/qtextureglyphcache.cpp @ Line 178 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'rowHeight' is never read 1
1124 src/gui/painting/qtextureglyphcache_p.h @ Line 74 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextureGlyphCache' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1125 src/gui/painting/qtextureglyphcache_p.h @ Line 165 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QImageTextureGlyphCache' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1126 src/gui/painting/qtransform.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTransform' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1127 src/gui/painting/qtriangulatingstroker.cpp @ Line 373 core.NullDereference Array access (from variable 'pts') results in a null pointer dereference 18
1128 src/gui/painting/qtriangulatingstroker_p.h @ Line 164 core.NullDereference Array access (from variable 'pts') results in a null pointer dereference 18
1129 src/gui/painting/qtriangulator.cpp @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVertexSet' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1130 src/gui/painting/qtriangulator.cpp @ Line 471 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QInt64Set' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1131 src/gui/painting/qtriangulator.cpp @ Line 1177 misc-redundant-expression equivalent expression on both sides of logical operator 1
1132 src/gui/painting/qtriangulator.cpp @ Line 573 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 10
1133 src/gui/painting/qtriangulator.cpp @ Line 677 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 1 uninitialized field at the end of the constructor call 10
1134 src/gui/painting/qtriangulator.cpp @ Line 733 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 2 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 10
1135 src/gui/platform/unix/dbusmenu/qdbusmenuadaptor_p.h @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusMenuAdaptor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1136 src/gui/platform/unix/dbusmenu/qdbusmenubar_p.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusMenuBar' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1137 src/gui/platform/unix/dbusmenu/qdbusmenuregistrarproxy_p.h @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusMenuRegistrarInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1138 src/gui/platform/unix/dbusmenu/qdbusplatformmenu_p.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusPlatformMenuItem' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1139 src/gui/platform/unix/dbusmenu/qdbusplatformmenu_p.h @ Line 131 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusPlatformMenu' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1140 src/gui/platform/unix/dbustray/qdbustrayicon_p.h @ Line 72 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDBusTrayIcon' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1141 src/gui/platform/unix/dbustray/qstatusnotifieritemadaptor_p.h @ Line 82 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStatusNotifierItemAdaptor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1142 src/gui/platform/unix/dbustray/qxdgnotificationproxy_p.h @ Line 84 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXdgNotificationInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1143 src/gui/platform/unix/qeventdispatcher_glib_p.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPAEventDispatcherGlib' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1144 src/gui/platform/unix/qgenericunixeventdispatcher_p.h @ Line 62 google-global-names-in-headers using declarations in the global namespace in headers are prohibited 1
1145 src/gui/platform/unix/qgenericunixthemes.cpp @ Line 258 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'icon' prevents automatic move 1
1146 src/gui/platform/unix/qgenericunixthemes.cpp @ Line 424 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'value' prevents automatic move 1
1147 src/gui/platform/unix/qgenericunixthemes.cpp @ Line 706 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGnomeThemePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1148 src/gui/platform/unix/qgenericunixthemes_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ResourceHelper' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1149 src/gui/platform/unix/qunixeventdispatcher_qpa_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QUnixEventDispatcherQPA' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1150 src/gui/rhi/qrhi_p_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRhiImplementation' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1151 src/gui/rhi/qrhi_p_p.h @ Line 296 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRhiBufferData' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1152 src/gui/rhi/qrhi_p_p.h @ Line 302 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 21
1153 src/gui/rhi/qrhi_p_p.h @ Line 316 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 22
1154 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 3735 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1155 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 3831 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGles2Buffer::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1156 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 3941 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGles2RenderBuffer::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1157 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 4067 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGles2Texture::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1158 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 4229 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGles2Sampler::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1159 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 4257 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGles2RenderPassDescriptor::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1160 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 4279 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGles2ReferenceRenderTarget::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1161 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 4312 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGles2TextureRenderTarget::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1162 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 4463 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGles2ShaderResourceBindings::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1163 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 4501 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGles2GraphicsPipeline::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1164 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 4620 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGles2ComputePipeline::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1165 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 4697 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGles2CommandBuffer::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1166 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2.cpp @ Line 4714 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGles2SwapChain::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1167 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2_p_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGles2Buffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1168 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2_p_p.h @ Line 92 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGles2RenderBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1169 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2_p_p.h @ Line 131 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGles2Texture' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1170 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2_p_p.h @ Line 174 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGles2Sampler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1171 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2_p_p.h @ Line 187 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGles2RenderPassDescriptor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1172 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2_p_p.h @ Line 208 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGles2ReferenceRenderTarget' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1173 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2_p_p.h @ Line 221 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGles2TextureRenderTarget' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1174 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2_p_p.h @ Line 239 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGles2ShaderResourceBindings' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1175 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2_p_p.h @ Line 281 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGles2GraphicsPipeline' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1176 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2_p_p.h @ Line 299 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGles2ComputePipeline' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1177 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2_p_p.h @ Line 316 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGles2CommandBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1178 src/gui/rhi/qrhigles2_p_p.h @ Line 693 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGles2SwapChain' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1179 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull.cpp @ Line 564 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNullBuffer::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1180 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull.cpp @ Line 601 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNullRenderBuffer::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1181 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull.cpp @ Line 630 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNullTexture::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1182 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull.cpp @ Line 684 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNullSampler::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1183 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull.cpp @ Line 703 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNullRenderPassDescriptor::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1184 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull.cpp @ Line 724 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNullReferenceRenderTarget::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1185 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull.cpp @ Line 756 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNullTextureRenderTarget::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1186 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull.cpp @ Line 807 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNullShaderResourceBindings::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1187 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull.cpp @ Line 832 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNullGraphicsPipeline::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1188 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull.cpp @ Line 855 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNullComputePipeline::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1189 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull.cpp @ Line 874 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNullCommandBuffer::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1190 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull.cpp @ Line 891 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNullSwapChain::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1191 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull_p_p.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1192 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull_p_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullRenderBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1193 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull_p_p.h @ Line 78 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullTexture' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1194 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull_p_p.h @ Line 90 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullSampler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1195 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull_p_p.h @ Line 99 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullRenderPassDescriptor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1196 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull_p_p.h @ Line 116 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullReferenceRenderTarget' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1197 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull_p_p.h @ Line 129 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullTextureRenderTarget' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1198 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull_p_p.h @ Line 145 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullShaderResourceBindings' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1199 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull_p_p.h @ Line 153 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullGraphicsPipeline' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1200 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull_p_p.h @ Line 161 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullComputePipeline' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1201 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull_p_p.h @ Line 169 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullCommandBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1202 src/gui/rhi/qrhinull_p_p.h @ Line 176 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNullSwapChain' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1203 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 4505 misc-misplaced-const 'vkvertexbuf' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'VkBuffer_T *const' instead of 'const VkBuffer_T *' 2
1204 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 4551 misc-misplaced-const 'vkindexbuf' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'VkBuffer_T *const' instead of 'const VkBuffer_T *' 2
1205 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 1638 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'flags' is never read 1
1206 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 2093 core.NullDereference Access to field 'currentFrameSlot' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'swapChainD') 9
1207 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 3272 core.uninitialized.Assign Assigned value is garbage or undefined 10
1208 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 5247 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVkBuffer::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1209 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 5402 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVkRenderBuffer::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1210 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 5518 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVkTexture::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1211 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 5785 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVkSampler::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1212 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 5844 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVkRenderPassDescriptor::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 4
1213 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 5942 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVkReferenceRenderTarget::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1214 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 5978 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVkTextureRenderTarget::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1215 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 6189 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVkShaderResourceBindings::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1216 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 6308 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVkGraphicsPipeline::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1217 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 6557 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVkComputePipeline::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1218 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 6652 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVkCommandBuffer::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1219 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan.cpp @ Line 6689 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVkSwapChain::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1220 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 73 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVkBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1221 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 106 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVkRenderBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1222 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 126 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVkTexture' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1223 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 165 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVkSampler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1224 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 179 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVkRenderPassDescriptor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1225 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 211 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVkReferenceRenderTarget' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1226 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 224 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVkTextureRenderTarget' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1227 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 244 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVkShaderResourceBindings' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1228 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 299 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVkGraphicsPipeline' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1229 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 313 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVkComputePipeline' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1230 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 327 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVkCommandBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1231 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 584 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVkSwapChain' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1232 src/gui/rhi/qrhivulkan_p_p.h @ Line 892 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'OffscreenFrame' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1233 src/gui/rhi/qshader_p.h @ Line 108 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QShader' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1234 src/gui/rhi/qshaderdescription_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QShaderDescription' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1235 src/gui/text/freetype/qfontengine_ft.cpp @ Line 121 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QtFreetypeData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1236 src/gui/text/freetype/qfontengine_ft.cpp @ Line 142 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1237 src/gui/text/freetype/qfontengine_ft.cpp @ Line 412 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1238 src/gui/text/freetype/qfontengine_ft_p.h @ Line 77 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFreetypeFace' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1239 src/gui/text/freetype/qfontengine_ft_p.h @ Line 131 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontEngineFT' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1240 src/gui/text/qabstracttextdocumentlayout.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractTextDocumentLayout' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1241 src/gui/text/qabstracttextdocumentlayout.h @ Line 139 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextObjectInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1242 src/gui/text/qabstracttextdocumentlayout_p.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractTextDocumentLayoutPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1243 src/gui/text/qcssparser_p.h @ Line 653 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'StyleSelector' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1244 src/gui/text/qdistancefield.cpp @ Line 206 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The result of the left shift is undefined because the left operand is negative 44
1245 src/gui/text/qdistancefield.cpp @ Line 217 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The result of the left shift is undefined because the left operand is negative 44
1246 src/gui/text/qdistancefield.cpp @ Line 262 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The result of the left shift is undefined because the left operand is negative 45
1247 src/gui/text/qdistancefield.cpp @ Line 275 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The result of the left shift is undefined because the left operand is negative 45
1248 src/gui/text/qdistancefield.cpp @ Line 324 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The result of the left shift is undefined because the left operand is negative 29
1249 src/gui/text/qdistancefield_p.h @ Line 72 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDistanceFieldData' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1250 src/gui/text/qfont.cpp @ Line 286 core.NullDereference Array access (via field 'engines') results in a null pointer dereference 4
1251 src/gui/text/qfont.cpp @ Line 313 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 23
1252 src/gui/text/qfont.cpp @ Line 1880 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1253 src/gui/text/qfont.cpp @ Line 2822 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1254 src/gui/text/qfont.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFont' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1255 src/gui/text/qfont_p.h @ Line 182 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontPrivate' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1256 src/gui/text/qfont_p.h @ Line 226 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontCache' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1257 src/gui/text/qfontdatabase.cpp @ Line 535 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1258 src/gui/text/qfontdatabase.cpp @ Line 536 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1259 src/gui/text/qfontdatabase_p.h @ Line 97 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QtFontStyle' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1260 src/gui/text/qfontdatabase_p.h @ Line 99 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Key' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1261 src/gui/text/qfontdatabase_p.h @ Line 153 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QtFontFoundry' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1262 src/gui/text/qfontdatabase_p.h @ Line 174 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QtFontFamily' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1263 src/gui/text/qfontdatabase_p.h @ Line 213 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontDatabasePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1264 src/gui/text/qfontengine.cpp @ Line 96 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1265 src/gui/text/qfontengine_p.h @ Line 87 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1266 src/gui/text/qfontengine_p.h @ Line 299 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Holder' defines a non-default destructor, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a copy constructor or a copy assignment operator 1
1267 src/gui/text/qfontengine_p.h @ Line 376 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'GlyphCacheEntry' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1268 src/gui/text/qfontengine_p.h @ Line 413 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontEngineBox' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1269 src/gui/text/qfontengine_p.h @ Line 451 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontEngineMulti' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1270 src/gui/text/qfontengineglyphcache_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontEngineGlyphCache' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1271 src/gui/text/qfontinfo.h @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontInfo' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1272 src/gui/text/qfontmetrics.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontMetrics' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1273 src/gui/text/qfontmetrics.h @ Line 122 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontMetricsF' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1274 src/gui/text/qfontsubset.cpp @ Line 973 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'lsb' is never read 1
1275 src/gui/text/qfontsubset_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontSubset' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1276 src/gui/text/qfragmentmap_p.h @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFragmentMapData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1277 src/gui/text/qfragmentmap_p.h @ Line 720 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFragmentMap' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1278 src/gui/text/qfragmentmap_p.h @ Line 723 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Iterator' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1279 src/gui/text/qfragmentmap_p.h @ Line 760 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ConstIterator' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1280 src/gui/text/qglyphrun.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGlyphRun' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1281 src/gui/text/qglyphrun_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGlyphRunPrivate' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1282 src/gui/text/qharfbuzzng.cpp @ Line 404 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class '_hb_unicode_funcs_t' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1283 src/gui/text/qharfbuzzng.cpp @ Line 423 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1284 src/gui/text/qharfbuzzng.cpp @ Line 572 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class '_hb_qt_font_funcs_t' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1285 src/gui/text/qharfbuzzng.cpp @ Line 595 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1286 src/gui/text/qplatformfontdatabase.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSupportedWritingSystems' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1287 src/gui/text/qplatformfontdatabase.h @ Line 102 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformFontDatabase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1288 src/gui/text/qrawfont.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRawFont' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1289 src/gui/text/qrawfont_p.h @ Line 65 cert-dcl59-cpp,google-build-namespaces do not use unnamed namespaces in header files 1
1290 src/gui/text/qrawfont_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRawFontPrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1291 src/gui/text/qstatictext.cpp @ Line 527 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'DrawTextItemDevice' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1292 src/gui/text/qstatictext.cpp @ Line 626 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 3
1293 src/gui/text/qstatictext.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStaticText' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1294 src/gui/text/qstatictext_p.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStaticTextUserData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1295 src/gui/text/qstatictext_p.h @ Line 125 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStaticTextPrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1296 src/gui/text/qtextcursor.cpp @ Line 1521 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 15
1297 src/gui/text/qtextcursor.cpp @ Line 1545 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 16
1298 src/gui/text/qtextcursor.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextCursor' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1299 src/gui/text/qtextcursor_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextCursorPrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1300 src/gui/text/qtextdocument.cpp @ Line 1310 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'idx' is never read 1
1301 src/gui/text/qtextdocument.cpp @ Line 1430 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'idx' is never read 1
1302 src/gui/text/qtextdocument.cpp @ Line 1952 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'sourceDpiX' is never read 1
1303 src/gui/text/qtextdocument.cpp @ Line 1953 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'sourceDpiY' is never read 1
1304 src/gui/text/qtextdocument.h @ Line 79 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractUndoItem' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1305 src/gui/text/qtextdocument_p.h @ Line 163 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextDocumentPrivate' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1306 src/gui/text/qtextdocumentfragment.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextDocumentFragment' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1307 src/gui/text/qtextdocumentlayout.cpp @ Line 401 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 25
1308 src/gui/text/qtextdocumentlayout.cpp @ Line 2169 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1309 src/gui/text/qtextdocumentlayout.cpp @ Line 2183 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1310 src/gui/text/qtextdocumentwriter.cpp @ Line 263 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 27
1311 src/gui/text/qtextdocumentwriter.cpp @ Line 275 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 42
1312 src/gui/text/qtextdocumentwriter.cpp @ Line 285 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 52
1313 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Itemizer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1314 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 360 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1315 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 517 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'ushort' (aka 'unsigned short') conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1316 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 1115 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'unsigned short' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1317 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 1119 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'unsigned short' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1318 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 1128 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1319 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 1151 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'unsigned short' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1320 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 1967 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'unsigned short' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1321 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 609 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'last' is never read 1
1322 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 620 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'last' is never read 1
1323 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 719 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'lastPos' is never read 1
1324 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 2406 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 22
1325 src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp @ Line 3148 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'rightPos' during its initialization is never read 1
1326 src/gui/text/qtextengine_p.h @ Line 402 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1327 src/gui/text/qtextengine_p.h @ Line 409 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'LayoutData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1328 src/gui/text/qtextformat.h @ Line 135 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextFormat' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1329 src/gui/text/qtexthtmlparser_p.h @ Line 275 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextHtmlParser' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1330 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 1627 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 7 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 6
1331 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 1683 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 31
1332 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 1145 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 3
1333 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 1226 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 3
1334 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 1323 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1335 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 1323 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1336 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 1324 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1337 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 1324 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1338 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 1566 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 3
1339 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 1567 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 3
1340 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 2517 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 3
1341 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 2517 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 3
1342 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 2517 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 3
1343 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp @ Line 2517 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 3
1344 src/gui/text/qtextobject.h @ Line 110 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextFrameLayoutData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1345 src/gui/text/qtextobject.h @ Line 187 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextBlockUserData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1346 src/gui/text/qtextobject.h @ Line 192 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextBlock' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1347 src/gui/text/qtextobject.h @ Line 291 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextFragment' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1348 src/gui/text/qtextodfwriter.cpp @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOutputStrategy' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1349 src/gui/text/qtextodfwriter.cpp @ Line 86 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXmlStreamStrategy' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1350 src/gui/text/qtextodfwriter.cpp @ Line 104 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QZipStreamStrategy' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1351 src/gui/text/qtextoption.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextOption' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1352 src/gui/text/qtexttable.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextTableCell' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1353 src/gui/text/qzip.cpp @ Line 419 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QZipPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1354 src/gui/text/unix/qfontenginemultifontconfig_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontEngineMultiFontConfig' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1355 src/gui/util/qabstractlayoutstyleinfo_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractLayoutStyleInfo' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1356 src/gui/util/qdesktopservices.cpp @ Line 80 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1357 src/gui/util/qgridlayoutengine_p.h @ Line 278 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGridLayoutItem' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1358 src/gui/util/qgridlayoutengine_p.h @ Line 342 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGridLayoutEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1359 src/gui/util/qtexturefiledata.cpp @ Line 47 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextureFileDataPrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1360 src/gui/util/qtexturefiledata_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextureFileData' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1361 src/gui/util/qtexturefilehandler_p.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextureFileHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1362 src/gui/util/qtexturefilereader_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTextureFileReader' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1363 src/gui/vulkan/qbasicvulkanplatforminstance_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBasicPlatformVulkanInstance' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1364 src/gui/vulkan/qvulkaninstance.cpp @ Line 248 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVulkanInstancePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1365 src/gui/vulkan/qvulkanwindow.cpp @ Line 1362 core.CallAndMessage 1st function call argument is an uninitialized value 34
1366 src/gui/vulkan/qvulkanwindow.h @ Line 76 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVulkanWindowRenderer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1367 src/gui/vulkan/qvulkanwindow_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVulkanWindowPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1368 src/network/access/http2/bitstreams_p.h @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'BitOStream' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1369 src/network/access/http2/hpacktable_p.h @ Line 146 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'FieldLookupTable' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1370 src/network/access/http2/huffman.cpp @ Line 388 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion in array subscript; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1371 src/network/access/qabstractnetworkcache.cpp @ Line 80 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1372 src/network/access/qabstractnetworkcache.h @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkCacheMetaData' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1373 src/network/access/qabstractprotocolhandler_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractProtocolHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1374 src/network/access/qdecompresshelper_p.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDecompressHelper' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1375 src/network/access/qhstspolicy.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHstsPolicy' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1376 src/network/access/qhttp2protocolhandler_p.h @ Line 82 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttp2ProtocolHandler' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1377 src/network/access/qhttpmultipart.cpp @ Line 526 bugprone-not-null-terminated-result the result from calling 'memcpy' is not null-terminated 2
1378 src/network/access/qhttpmultipart.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpPart' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1379 src/network/access/qhttpmultipart_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpPartPrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1380 src/network/access/qhttpmultipart_p.h @ Line 121 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpMultiPartIODevice' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1381 src/network/access/qhttpmultipart_p.h @ Line 164 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpMultiPartPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1382 src/network/access/qhttpnetworkconnection_p.h @ Line 173 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1383 src/network/access/qhttpnetworkconnectionchannel.cpp @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ProtocolHandlerDeleter' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1384 src/network/access/qhttpnetworkheader_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpNetworkHeader' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1385 src/network/access/qhttpnetworkheader_p.h @ Line 83 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpNetworkHeaderPrivate' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1386 src/network/access/qhttpnetworkreply_p.h @ Line 90 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpNetworkReply' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1387 src/network/access/qhttpnetworkreply_p.h @ Line 197 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1388 src/network/access/qhttpnetworkrequest_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpNetworkRequest' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1389 src/network/access/qhttpnetworkrequest_p.h @ Line 165 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpNetworkRequestPrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1390 src/network/access/qhttpprotocolhandler.cpp @ Line 92 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'lastBytes' during its initialization is never read 1
1391 src/network/access/qhttpthreaddelegate_p.h @ Line 82 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpThreadDelegate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1392 src/network/access/qhttpthreaddelegate_p.h @ Line 192 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNonContiguousByteDeviceThreadForwardImpl' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1393 src/network/access/qnetworkaccessbackend.cpp @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkAccessBackendFactoryData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1394 src/network/access/qnetworkaccessbackend.cpp @ Line 74 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1395 src/network/access/qnetworkaccessbackend_p.h @ Line 73 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkAccessBackend' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1396 src/network/access/qnetworkaccessbackend_p.h @ Line 177 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkAccessBackendFactory' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1397 src/network/access/qnetworkaccesscache_p.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkAccessCache' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1398 src/network/access/qnetworkaccesscache_p.h @ Line 76 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'CacheableObject' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1399 src/network/access/qnetworkaccesscachebackend_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkAccessCacheBackend' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1400 src/network/access/qnetworkaccessfilebackend_p.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkAccessFileBackend' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1401 src/network/access/qnetworkaccessmanager.cpp @ Line 100 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1402 src/network/access/qnetworkaccessmanager.cpp @ Line 106 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1403 src/network/access/qnetworkaccessmanager.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkAccessManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1404 src/network/access/qnetworkaccessmanager_p.h @ Line 76 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkAccessManagerPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1405 src/network/access/qnetworkcookie.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkCookie' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1406 src/network/access/qnetworkdiskcache_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCacheItem' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1407 src/network/access/qnetworkreply.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkReply' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1408 src/network/access/qnetworkreplydataimpl_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkReplyDataImpl' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1409 src/network/access/qnetworkreplydataimpl_p.h @ Line 83 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkReplyDataImplPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1410 src/network/access/qnetworkreplyfileimpl_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkReplyFileImpl' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1411 src/network/access/qnetworkreplyhttpimpl_p.h @ Line 83 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkReplyHttpImpl' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1412 src/network/access/qnetworkreplyhttpimpl_p.h @ Line 157 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkReplyHttpImplPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1413 src/network/access/qnetworkreplyimpl_p.h @ Line 72 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkReplyImpl' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1414 src/network/access/qnetworkrequest.cpp @ Line 410 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkRequestPrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1415 src/network/access/qnetworkrequest.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkRequest' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1416 src/network/kernel/qauthenticator.cpp @ Line 1430 bugprone-not-null-terminated-result comparison length is too long and might lead to a buffer overflow 2
1417 src/network/kernel/qauthenticator.cpp @ Line 646 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'start' is never read 1
1418 src/network/kernel/qauthenticator.cpp @ Line 1517 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'offset' is never read 1
1419 src/network/kernel/qauthenticator.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAuthenticator' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1420 src/network/kernel/qauthenticator_p.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAuthenticatorPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1421 src/network/kernel/qdnslookup.cpp @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1422 src/network/kernel/qdnslookup.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDnsDomainNameRecord' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1423 src/network/kernel/qdnslookup.h @ Line 84 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDnsHostAddressRecord' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1424 src/network/kernel/qdnslookup.h @ Line 106 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDnsMailExchangeRecord' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1425 src/network/kernel/qdnslookup.h @ Line 129 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDnsServiceRecord' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1426 src/network/kernel/qdnslookup.h @ Line 154 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDnsTextRecord' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1427 src/network/kernel/qdnslookup.h @ Line 176 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDnsLookup' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1428 src/network/kernel/qdnslookup_unix.cpp @ Line 142 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1429 src/network/kernel/qhostaddress.cpp @ Line 1044 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'invalid' prevents automatic move 1
1430 src/network/kernel/qhostaddress.cpp @ Line 1061 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'invalid' prevents automatic move 1
1431 src/network/kernel/qhostaddress.cpp @ Line 1063 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'invalid' prevents automatic move 1
1432 src/network/kernel/qhostaddress.cpp @ Line 1069 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'invalid' prevents automatic move 1
1433 src/network/kernel/qhostaddress.cpp @ Line 1076 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'invalid' prevents automatic move 1
1434 src/network/kernel/qhostaddress.cpp @ Line 1082 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'invalid' prevents automatic move 1
1435 src/network/kernel/qhostaddress.cpp @ Line 1089 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'invalid' prevents automatic move 1
1436 src/network/kernel/qhostaddress.cpp @ Line 1094 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'invalid' prevents automatic move 1
1437 src/network/kernel/qhostaddress.cpp @ Line 1104 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'invalid' prevents automatic move 1
1438 src/network/kernel/qhostaddress.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHostAddress' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1439 src/network/kernel/qhostinfo.cpp @ Line 615 core.NonNullParamChecker Forming reference to null pointer 3
1440 src/network/kernel/qhostinfo.cpp @ Line 1000 performance-move-const-arg std::move of the expression of the trivially-copyable type 'QHostInfoRunnable *' has no effect; remove std::move() 1
1441 src/network/kernel/qhostinfo_p.h @ Line 193 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHostInfoLookupManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1442 src/network/kernel/qhostinfo_unix.cpp @ Line 92 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'LibResolv' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1443 src/network/kernel/qnetworkinterface.cpp @ Line 78 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1444 src/network/kernel/qnetworkinterface.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkAddressEntry' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1445 src/network/kernel/qnetworkinterface.h @ Line 105 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkInterface' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1446 src/network/kernel/qnetworkinterface_linux.cpp @ Line 124 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'NetlinkSocket' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1447 src/network/kernel/qnetworkinterface_p.h @ Line 82 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkInterfacePrivate' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1448 src/network/kernel/qnetworkinterface_p.h @ Line 123 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkInterfaceManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1449 src/network/kernel/qnetworkproxy.cpp @ Line 249 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGlobalNetworkProxy' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1450 src/network/kernel/qnetworkproxy.cpp @ Line 393 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1451 src/network/kernel/qnetworkproxy.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkProxyQuery' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1452 src/network/kernel/qnetworkproxy.h @ Line 114 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkProxy' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1453 src/network/kernel/qnetworkproxy.h @ Line 191 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNetworkProxyFactory' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1454 src/network/kernel/qurltlds_p.h @ Line 9191 bugprone-string-literal-with-embedded-nul suspicious embedded NUL character 1
1455 src/network/socket/qabstractsocket.cpp @ Line 2203 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 19
1456 src/network/socket/qabstractsocket.cpp @ Line 2270 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 26
1457 src/network/socket/qabstractsocket.cpp @ Line 2351 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 20
1458 src/network/socket/qabstractsocket.cpp @ Line 2390 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QAbstractSocket::close' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 4
1459 src/network/socket/qabstractsocket.cpp @ Line 2642 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QAbstractSocket::disconnectFromHost' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 7
1460 src/network/socket/qabstractsocket_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractSocketPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1461 src/network/socket/qabstractsocketengine.cpp @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1462 src/network/socket/qabstractsocketengine_p.h @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractSocketEngineReceiver' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1463 src/network/socket/qabstractsocketengine_p.h @ Line 83 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractSocketEngine' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1464 src/network/socket/qabstractsocketengine_p.h @ Line 244 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSocketEngineHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1465 src/network/socket/qhttpsocketengine_p.h @ Line 168 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QHttpSocketEnginePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1466 src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine.cpp @ Line 428 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QNativeSocketEngine::close' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1467 src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine_p.h @ Line 109 cert-dcl59-cpp,google-build-namespaces do not use unnamed namespaces in header files 1
1468 src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine_p.h @ Line 204 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNativeSocketEnginePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1469 src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine_unix.cpp @ Line 1122 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'cmsgptr' is never read 1
1470 src/network/socket/qnativesocketengine_unix.cpp @ Line 1150 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'cmsgptr' is never read 1
1471 src/network/socket/qsocks5socketengine.cpp @ Line 312 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSocks5BindStore' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1472 src/network/socket/qsocks5socketengine.cpp @ Line 331 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1473 src/network/socket/qsocks5socketengine_p.h @ Line 149 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSocks5Authenticator' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1474 src/network/socket/qsocks5socketengine_p.h @ Line 185 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSocks5SocketEnginePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1475 src/network/socket/qtcpserver_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTcpServerPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1476 src/network/socket/qudpsocket.cpp @ Line 137 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'proto' is never read 1
1477 src/network/ssl/qasn1element.cpp @ Line 85 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1478 src/network/ssl/qdtls_openssl.cpp @ Line 121 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'FallbackCookieSecret' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1479 src/network/ssl/qsslcertificate.h @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSslCertificate' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1480 src/network/ssl/qsslcertificate_p.h @ Line 81 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSslCertificatePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1481 src/network/ssl/qsslcertificateextension.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSslCertificateExtension' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1482 src/network/ssl/qsslcipher.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSslCipher' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1483 src/network/ssl/qsslconfiguration.h @ Line 81 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSslConfiguration' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1484 src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_openssl.cpp @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1485 src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_openssl_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSslContext' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1486 src/network/ssl/qsslerror.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSslError' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1487 src/network/ssl/qsslpresharedkeyauthenticator.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1488 src/network/ssl/qsslsocket.cpp @ Line 427 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1489 src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp @ Line 264 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1490 src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_p.h @ Line 118 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSslSocketBackendPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1491 src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp @ Line 830 cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks Potential leak of memory pointed to by field '_M_head_impl' 12
1492 src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_p.h @ Line 106 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSslSocketPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1493 src/opengl/qopenglbuffer.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLBuffer' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1494 src/opengl/qopenglcompositor.cpp @ Line 162 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'BlendStateBinder' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1495 src/opengl/qopenglcompositor_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLCompositorWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1496 src/opengl/qopenglcompositor_p.h @ Line 77 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLCompositor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1497 src/opengl/qopenglcompositorbackingstore_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLCompositorBackingStore' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1498 src/opengl/qopengldebug.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLDebugMessage' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1499 src/opengl/qopenglengineshadermanager.cpp @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLEngineSharedShadersResource' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1500 src/opengl/qopenglengineshadermanager.cpp @ Line 104 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1501 src/opengl/qopenglengineshadermanager_p.h @ Line 257 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLEngineSharedShaders' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1502 src/opengl/qopenglengineshadermanager_p.h @ Line 369 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLEngineShaderProg' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1503 src/opengl/qopenglengineshadermanager_p.h @ Line 408 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLEngineShaderManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1504 src/opengl/qopenglframebufferobject.h @ Line 161 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFramebufferObjectFormat' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1505 src/opengl/qopenglframebufferobject_p.h @ Line 108 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFramebufferObjectPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1506 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_1_0.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_1_0' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1507 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_1_1.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_1_1' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1508 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_1_2.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_1_2' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1509 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_1_3.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_1_3' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1510 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_1_4.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_1_4' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1511 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_1_5.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_1_5' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1512 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_2_0.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_2_0' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1513 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_2_1.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_2_1' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1514 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_3_0.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_3_0' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1515 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_3_1.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_3_1' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1516 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_3_2_compatibility.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Compatibility' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1517 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_3_2_core.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Core' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1518 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_3_3_compatibility.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_3_3_Compatibility' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1519 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_3_3_core.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_3_3_Core' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1520 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_0_compatibility.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_4_0_Compatibility' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1521 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_0_core.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_4_0_Core' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1522 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_1_compatibility.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_4_1_Compatibility' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1523 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_1_core.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_4_1_Core' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1524 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_2_compatibility.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_4_2_Compatibility' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1525 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_2_core.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_4_2_Core' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1526 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_3_compatibility.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_4_3_Compatibility' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1527 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_3_core.h @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_4_3_Core' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1528 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_4_compatibility.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_4_4_Compatibility' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1529 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_4_core.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_4_4_Core' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1530 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_5_compatibility.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Compatibility' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1531 src/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_5_core.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Core' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1532 src/opengl/qopenglgradientcache.cpp @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1533 src/opengl/qopenglgradientcache_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGL2GradientCache' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1534 src/opengl/qopenglpaintdevice.cpp @ Line 196 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1535 src/opengl/qopenglpaintdevice_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLPaintDevicePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1536 src/opengl/qopenglpaintengine.cpp @ Line 894 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'data' is never read 1
1537 src/opengl/qopenglpaintengine.cpp @ Line 973 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'data' is never read 1
1538 src/opengl/qopenglpaintengine.cpp @ Line 1698 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLStaticTextUserData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1539 src/opengl/qopenglpaintengine_p.h @ Line 90 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGL2PaintEngineState' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1540 src/opengl/qopenglpaintengine_p.h @ Line 177 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGL2PaintEngineExPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1541 src/opengl/qopenglpixeltransferoptions.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLPixelTransferOptions' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1542 src/opengl/qopenglshaderprogram.cpp @ Line 246 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLShaderPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1543 src/opengl/qopenglshaderprogram.cpp @ Line 780 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLShaderProgramPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1544 src/opengl/qopengltexture_p.h @ Line 63 cert-dcl59-cpp,google-build-namespaces do not use unnamed namespaces in header files 1
1545 src/opengl/qopengltexture_p.h @ Line 76 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLTexturePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1546 src/opengl/qopengltextureblitter.cpp @ Line 174 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'TextureBinder' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1547 src/opengl/qopengltexturecache.cpp @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLTextureCacheWrapper' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1548 src/opengl/qopengltexturecache.cpp @ Line 81 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1549 src/opengl/qopengltexturecache_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLTextureCache' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1550 src/opengl/qopengltexturecache_p.h @ Line 91 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLCachedTexture' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1551 src/opengl/qopengltextureglyphcache_p.h @ Line 110 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLTextureGlyphCache' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1552 src/opengl/qopengltexturehelper.cpp @ Line 403 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'TextureBinder' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1553 src/opengl/qopengltimerquery.cpp @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLTimerQueryPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1554 src/opengl/qopengltimerquery.cpp @ Line 464 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLTimeMonitorPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1555 src/opengl/qopenglversionfunctions.h @ Line 178 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLVersionFunctionsStorage' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1556 src/opengl/qopenglversionfunctions_p.h @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLContextVersionData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1557 src/opengl/qopenglversionprofile.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLVersionProfile' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1558 src/opengl/qopenglvertexarrayobject_p.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLVertexArrayObjectHelper' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1559 src/opengl/qopenglwindow.cpp @ Line 173 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOpenGLWindowPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1560 src/opengl/qplatformbackingstoreopenglsupport.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformBackingStoreOpenGLSupport' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1561 src/platformsupport/devicediscovery/qdevicediscovery_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDeviceDiscovery' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1562 src/platformsupport/devicediscovery/qdevicediscovery_udev_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDeviceDiscoveryUDev' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1563 src/platformsupport/fbconvenience/qfbbackingstore_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFbBackingStore' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1564 src/platformsupport/fbconvenience/qfbcursor.cpp @ Line 209 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QFbCursor::lastPainted' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 5
1565 src/platformsupport/fbconvenience/qfbcursor_p.h @ Line 77 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFbCursor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1566 src/platformsupport/fbconvenience/qfbscreen_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFbScreen' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1567 src/platformsupport/fbconvenience/qfbvthandler_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFbVtHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1568 src/platformsupport/fbconvenience/qfbwindow_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFbWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1569 src/platformsupport/input/evdevkeyboard/qevdevkeyboard_defaultmap_p.h @ Line 63 misc-definitions-in-headers variable 's_keymap_default' defined in a header file; variable definitions in header files can lead to ODR violations 1
1570 src/platformsupport/input/evdevkeyboard/qevdevkeyboard_defaultmap_p.h @ Line 681 misc-definitions-in-headers variable 's_keycompose_default' defined in a header file; variable definitions in header files can lead to ODR violations 1
1571 src/platformsupport/input/evdevkeyboard/qevdevkeyboardhandler_p.h @ Line 148 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEvdevKeyboardHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1572 src/platformsupport/input/evdevkeyboard/qevdevkeyboardmanager_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEvdevKeyboardManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1573 src/platformsupport/input/evdevmouse/qevdevmousehandler_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEvdevMouseHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1574 src/platformsupport/input/evdevmouse/qevdevmousemanager_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEvdevMouseManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1575 src/platformsupport/input/evdevtablet/qevdevtablethandler_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEvdevTabletHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1576 src/platformsupport/input/evdevtablet/qevdevtablethandler_p.h @ Line 83 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEvdevTabletHandlerThread' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1577 src/platformsupport/input/evdevtablet/qevdevtabletmanager_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEvdevTabletManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1578 src/platformsupport/input/evdevtouch/qevdevtouchhandler_p.h @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEvdevTouchScreenHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1579 src/platformsupport/input/evdevtouch/qevdevtouchhandler_p.h @ Line 108 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEvdevTouchScreenHandlerThread' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1580 src/platformsupport/input/evdevtouch/qevdevtouchmanager_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEvdevTouchManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1581 src/platformsupport/input/libinput/qlibinputhandler_p.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLibInputHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1582 src/platformsupport/input/libinput/qlibinputkeyboard_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLibInputKeyboard' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1583 src/platformsupport/input/shared/qoutputmapping_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOutputMapping' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1584 src/platformsupport/kmsconvenience/qkmsdevice.cpp @ Line 124 misc-misplaced-const 'connector' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being '_drmModeConnector *const' instead of 'const _drmModeConnector *' 2
1585 src/platformsupport/kmsconvenience/qkmsdevice_p.h @ Line 105 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QKmsScreenConfig' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1586 src/plugins/generic/tuiotouch/qtuiohandler_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTuioHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1587 src/plugins/imageformats/gif/main.h @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGifPlugin' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1588 src/plugins/imageformats/gif/qgifhandler.cpp @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGIFFormat' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1589 src/plugins/imageformats/gif/qgifhandler_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGifHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1590 src/plugins/imageformats/ico/qicohandler.cpp @ Line 213 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'readBytes' is never read 1
1591 src/plugins/imageformats/ico/qicohandler.h @ Line 47 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QtIcoHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1592 src/plugins/imageformats/jpeg/qjpeghandler.cpp @ Line 744 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QJpegHandlerPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1593 src/plugins/imageformats/jpeg/qjpeghandler_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QJpegHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1594 src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/compose/qcomposeplatforminputcontext.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QComposeInputContext' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1595 src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/qibusinputcontextproxy.h @ Line 28 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIBusInputContextProxy' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1596 src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/qibusplatforminputcontext.cpp @ Line 81 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIBusPlatformInputContextPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1597 src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/qibusplatforminputcontext.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIBusFilterEventWatcher' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1598 src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/qibusplatforminputcontext.h @ Line 84 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIBusPlatformInputContext' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1599 src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/qibusproxy.h @ Line 29 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIBusProxy' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1600 src/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ibus/qibusproxyportal.h @ Line 27 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QIBusProxyPortal' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1601 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfscursor.cpp @ Line 230 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1602 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfscursor.cpp @ Line 374 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'StateSaver' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1603 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfscursor_p.h @ Line 96 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSCursor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1604 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfsdeviceintegration.cpp @ Line 74 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1605 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfsdeviceintegration.cpp @ Line 78 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1606 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfsdeviceintegration_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSDeviceIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1607 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfshooks.cpp @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'DeviceIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1608 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfshooks.cpp @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1609 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfsoffscreenwindow_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSOffscreenWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1610 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfsscreen_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSScreen' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1611 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfswindow.cpp @ Line 166 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QEglFSWindow::screen' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1612 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfswindow.cpp @ Line 176 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QEglFSWindow::invalidateSurface' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 5
1613 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfswindow.cpp @ Line 190 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QEglFSWindow::screen' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 8
1614 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/qeglfswindow_p.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1615 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/api/vulkan/qeglfsvulkanwindow_p.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSVulkanWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1616 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms/qeglfskmsgbmcursor.cpp @ Line 106 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QEglFSKmsGbmCursor::changeCursor' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 4
1617 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms/qeglfskmsgbmcursor.cpp @ Line 108 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QEglFSKmsGbmCursor::setPos' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 4
1618 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms/qeglfskmsgbmcursor.cpp @ Line 189 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1619 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms/qeglfskmsgbmcursor_p.h @ Line 81 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSKmsGbmCursor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1620 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms/qeglfskmsgbmdevice.cpp @ Line 80 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'fd' is never read 1
1621 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms/qeglfskmsgbmdevice_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSKmsGbmDevice' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1622 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms/qeglfskmsgbmscreen_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSKmsGbmScreen' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1623 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms/qeglfskmsgbmwindow_p.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSKmsGbmWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1624 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms_egldevice/qeglfskmsegldeviceintegration.cpp @ Line 110 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSKmsEglDeviceWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1625 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms_egldevice/qeglfskmsegldevicescreen.h @ Line 47 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSKmsEglDeviceScreen' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1626 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms_support/qeglfskmseventreader_p.h @ Line 93 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSKmsEventReader' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1627 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms_support/qeglfskmsintegration_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSKmsIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1628 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms_support/qeglfskmsscreen.cpp @ Line 86 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QEglFSKmsScreen::name' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 4
1629 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms_support/qeglfskmsscreen.cpp @ Line 94 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QEglFSKmsScreen::name' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 4
1630 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms_support/qeglfskmsscreen.cpp @ Line 96 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QEglFSKmsScreen::name' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1631 src/plugins/platforms/eglfs/deviceintegration/eglfs_kms_support/qeglfskmsscreen_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QEglFSKmsScreen' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1632 src/plugins/platforms/linuxfb/qlinuxfbdrmscreen.cpp @ Line 433 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'dirty' prevents automatic move 1
1633 src/plugins/platforms/linuxfb/qlinuxfbdrmscreen.cpp @ Line 441 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'dirty' prevents automatic move 1
1634 src/plugins/platforms/linuxfb/qlinuxfbdrmscreen.cpp @ Line 455 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'dirty' prevents automatic move 1
1635 src/plugins/platforms/linuxfb/qlinuxfbdrmscreen.h @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLinuxFbDrmScreen' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1636 src/plugins/platforms/linuxfb/qlinuxfbintegration.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLinuxFbIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1637 src/plugins/platforms/linuxfb/qlinuxfbscreen.h @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLinuxFbScreen' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1638 src/plugins/platforms/minimal/qminimalbackingstore.h @ Line 49 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMinimalBackingStore' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1639 src/plugins/platforms/minimal/qminimalintegration.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMinimalIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1640 src/plugins/platforms/minimalegl/qminimaleglbackingstore.h @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMinimalEglBackingStore' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1641 src/plugins/platforms/minimalegl/qminimaleglintegration.h @ Line 48 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMinimalEglIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1642 src/plugins/platforms/minimalegl/qminimaleglscreen.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMinimalEglScreen' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1643 src/plugins/platforms/offscreen/qoffscreencommon.h @ Line 96 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOffscreenBackingStore' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1644 src/plugins/platforms/offscreen/qoffscreencommon.h @ Line 120 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOffscreenPlatformNativeInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1645 src/plugins/platforms/offscreen/qoffscreenintegration.cpp @ Line 314 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 3
1646 src/plugins/platforms/offscreen/qoffscreenintegration.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOffscreenIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1647 src/plugins/platforms/offscreen/qoffscreenintegration_x11.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOffscreenX11PlatformNativeInterface' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1648 src/plugins/platforms/offscreen/qoffscreenintegration_x11.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOffscreenX11Integration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1649 src/plugins/platforms/offscreen/qoffscreenintegration_x11.h @ Line 79 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOffscreenX11Connection' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1650 src/plugins/platforms/offscreen/qoffscreenintegration_x11.h @ Line 98 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOffscreenX11GLXContext' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1651 src/plugins/platforms/offscreen/qoffscreenwindow.cpp @ Line 58 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QOffscreenWindow::setGeometry' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 2
1652 src/plugins/platforms/offscreen/qoffscreenwindow.cpp @ Line 60 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QOffscreenWindow::setWindowState' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 2
1653 src/plugins/platforms/offscreen/qoffscreenwindow.h @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QOffscreenWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1654 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc.cpp @ Line 170 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVncDirtyMapOptimized' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1655 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc.cpp @ Line 171 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVncDirtyMapOptimized' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1656 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc.cpp @ Line 172 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVncDirtyMapOptimized' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1657 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc.cpp @ Line 269 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1658 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc.cpp @ Line 270 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1659 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc.cpp @ Line 286 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1660 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc.cpp @ Line 287 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1661 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc.cpp @ Line 288 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1662 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc.cpp @ Line 541 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVncClientCursor::changeCursor' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 2
1663 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVncDirtyMap' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1664 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc_p.h @ Line 92 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVncDirtyMapOptimized' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1665 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc_p.h @ Line 139 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRfbServerInit' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1666 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc_p.h @ Line 202 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRfbEncoder' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1667 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc_p.h @ Line 368 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVncClientCursor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1668 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc_p.h @ Line 387 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVncServer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1669 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvnc_p.h @ Line 142 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 12 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 5
1670 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvncclient.cpp @ Line 163 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'r' is never read 1
1671 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvncclient.cpp @ Line 163 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'g' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'g' 1
1672 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvncclient.cpp @ Line 163 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'b' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'b' 1
1673 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvncclient.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVncClient' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1674 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvncintegration.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVncIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1675 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvncscreen.cpp @ Line 56 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QVncScreen::initialize' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1676 src/plugins/platforms/vnc/qvncscreen.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QVncScreen' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1677 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/gl_integrations/qxcbglintegration.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbGlIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1678 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/gl_integrations/qxcbglintegrationfactory.cpp @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1679 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/gl_integrations/qxcbglintegrationfactory.cpp @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1680 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/gl_integrations/qxcbnativeinterfacehandler.h @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbNativeInterfaceHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1681 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/gl_integrations/xcb_egl/qxcbeglintegration.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbEglIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1682 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/gl_integrations/xcb_egl/qxcbeglwindow.h @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbEglWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1683 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/gl_integrations/xcb_glx/qglxintegration.cpp @ Line 340 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGLXContext::getProcAddress' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 18
1684 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/gl_integrations/xcb_glx/qglxintegration.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGLXContext' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1685 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/gl_integrations/xcb_glx/qglxintegration.h @ Line 96 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGLXPbuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1686 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/gl_integrations/xcb_glx/qxcbglxintegration.h @ Line 49 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbGlxIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1687 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/gl_integrations/xcb_glx/qxcbglxwindow.h @ Line 48 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbGlxWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1688 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbbackingstore.cpp @ Line 77 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbBackingStoreImage' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1689 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbbackingstore.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbBackingStore' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1690 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbbackingstore.h @ Line 89 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbSystemTrayBackingStore' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1691 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbclipboard.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbClipboardTransaction' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1692 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbclipboard.h @ Line 83 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbClipboard' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1693 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbconnection.h @ Line 87 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbWindowEventListener' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1694 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbconnection.h @ Line 126 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbConnection' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1695 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbconnection.h @ Line 394 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbConnectionGrabber' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1696 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbconnection_basic.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbBasicConnection' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1697 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbconnection_xi2.cpp @ Line 1217 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'tool' is never read 1
1698 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbcursor.cpp @ Line 671 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 6
1699 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbcursor.h @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbCursor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1700 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbcursor.h @ Line 98 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'CachedCursor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1701 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbdrag.cpp @ Line 106 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbDropData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1702 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbdrag.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbDrag' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1703 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbeventdispatcher.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbUnixEventDispatcher' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1704 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbeventdispatcher.h @ Line 72 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbGlibEventDispatcher' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1705 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbeventqueue.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbEventQueue' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1706 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbintegration.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbIntegration' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1707 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbkeyboard.h @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbKeyboard' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1708 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbmime.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbMime' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1709 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbscreen.cpp @ Line 553 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QXcbScreen::name' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 6
1710 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbscreen.cpp @ Line 564 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QXcbScreen::name' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 6
1711 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbscreen.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbVirtualDesktop' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1712 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbscreen.h @ Line 141 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbScreen' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1713 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbsessionmanager.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbSessionManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1714 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbvulkaninstance.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbVulkanInstance' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1715 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbvulkanwindow.h @ Line 48 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbVulkanWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1716 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbwindow.cpp @ Line 504 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QXcbWindow::destroy' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 5
1717 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbwindow.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1718 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbwindow.h @ Line 281 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbForeignWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1719 src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbxsettings.h @ Line 49 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXcbXSettings' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1720 src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3dialoghelpers.cpp @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGtk3Dialog' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1721 src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3dialoghelpers.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGtk3ColorDialogHelper' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1722 src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3dialoghelpers.h @ Line 83 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGtk3FileDialogHelper' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1723 src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3dialoghelpers.h @ Line 123 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGtk3FontDialogHelper' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1724 src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3menu.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGtk3MenuItem' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1725 src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3menu.h @ Line 120 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGtk3Menu' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1726 src/plugins/platformthemes/xdgdesktopportal/qxdgdesktopportalfiledialog_p.h @ Line 49 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXdgDesktopPortalFileDialog' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1727 src/plugins/platformthemes/xdgdesktopportal/qxdgdesktopportaltheme.cpp @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXdgDesktopPortalThemePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1728 src/plugins/platformthemes/xdgdesktopportal/qxdgdesktopportaltheme.h @ Line 49 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXdgDesktopPortalTheme' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1729 src/plugins/printsupport/cups/qcupsprintersupport_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCupsPrinterSupport' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1730 src/plugins/printsupport/cups/qppdprintdevice.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPpdPrintDevice' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1731 src/plugins/sqldrivers/mysql/qsql_mysql.cpp @ Line 126 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMYSQLResult' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1732 src/plugins/sqldrivers/mysql/qsql_mysql_p.h @ Line 72 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMYSQLDriver' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1733 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 155 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QODBCResult' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1734 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 277 misc-misplaced-const 'hStmt' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'void *const' instead of 'const void *' 2
1735 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 277 misc-misplaced-const 'envHandle' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'void *const' instead of 'const void *' 2
1736 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 278 misc-misplaced-const 'pDbC' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'void *const' instead of 'const void *' 2
1737 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 322 misc-misplaced-const 'hStmt' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'void *const' instead of 'const void *' 2
1738 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 634 misc-misplaced-const 'hStmt' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'void *const' instead of 'const void *' 2
1739 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 647 misc-misplaced-const 'hStmt' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'void *const' instead of 'const void *' 2
1740 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 651 misc-misplaced-const 'hStmt' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'void *const' instead of 'const void *' 2
1741 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 680 misc-misplaced-const 'hStmt' declared with a const-qualified typedef; results in the type being 'void *const' instead of 'const void *' 2
1742 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 1931 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'r' is never read 1
1743 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 2082 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'r' is never read 1
1744 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 2097 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'r' is never read 1
1745 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 2341 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'r' is never read 1
1746 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 2435 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'r' is never read 1
1747 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc.cpp @ Line 2537 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'r' is never read 1
1748 src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc/qsql_odbc_p.h @ Line 85 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QODBCDriver' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1749 src/plugins/sqldrivers/psql/qsql_psql.cpp @ Line 119 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPSQLResult' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1750 src/plugins/sqldrivers/psql/qsql_psql_p.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPSQLDriver' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1751 src/plugins/sqldrivers/sqlite/qsql_sqlite.cpp @ Line 118 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSQLiteResult' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1752 src/plugins/sqldrivers/sqlite/qsql_sqlite.cpp @ Line 498 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'res' is never read 1
1753 src/plugins/sqldrivers/sqlite/qsql_sqlite.cpp @ Line 674 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QSQLiteDriver::close' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1754 src/plugins/sqldrivers/sqlite/qsql_sqlite_p.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSQLiteDriver' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1755 src/printsupport/dialogs/qpagesetupdialog.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPageSetupDialog' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1756 src/printsupport/dialogs/qpagesetupdialog_unix.cpp @ Line 173 bugprone-suspicious-enum-usage enum values are from different enum types 1
1757 src/printsupport/dialogs/qpagesetupdialog_unix.cpp @ Line 191 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QUnixPageSetupDialogPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1758 src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPrintDialog' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1759 src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog_unix.cpp @ Line 129 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPrintPropertiesDialog' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1760 src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog_unix.cpp @ Line 174 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QUnixPrintWidget' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1761 src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog_unix.cpp @ Line 193 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QUnixPrintWidgetPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1762 src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog_unix.cpp @ Line 227 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPrintDialogPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1763 src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintpreviewdialog.cpp @ Line 108 misc-redundant-expression expression is redundant 1
1764 src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintpreviewdialog.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPrintPreviewDialog' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1765 src/printsupport/kernel/qpaintengine_alpha_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAlphaPaintEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1766 src/printsupport/kernel/qpaintengine_alpha_p.h @ Line 91 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAlphaPaintEnginePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1767 src/printsupport/kernel/qpaintengine_preview.cpp @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPreviewPaintEnginePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1768 src/printsupport/kernel/qpaintengine_preview_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPreviewPaintEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1769 src/printsupport/kernel/qplatformprintersupport.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformPrinterSupport' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1770 src/printsupport/kernel/qplatformprintplugin.cpp @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1771 src/printsupport/kernel/qplatformprintplugin.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlatformPrinterSupportPlugin' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1772 src/printsupport/kernel/qprintdevice_p.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPrintDevice' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a move constructor 1
1773 src/printsupport/kernel/qprintdevice_p.h @ Line 79 performance-noexcept-move-constructor move assignment operators should be marked noexcept 2
1774 src/printsupport/kernel/qprintengine.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPrintEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1775 src/printsupport/kernel/qprinter.cpp @ Line 192 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPrinterPagedPaintDevicePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1776 src/printsupport/kernel/qprinter_p.h @ Line 73 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPrinterPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1777 src/printsupport/kernel/qprinterinfo.cpp @ Line 61 cplusplus.NewDelete Argument to 'delete' is the address of a global variable, which is not memory allocated by 'new' 6
1778 src/printsupport/kernel/qprinterinfo.cpp @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1779 src/printsupport/kernel/qprinterinfo.h @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPrinterInfo' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1780 src/printsupport/kernel/qprinterinfo_p.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPrinterInfoPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1781 src/printsupport/widgets/qprintpreviewwidget.cpp @ Line 61 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1782 src/printsupport/widgets/qprintpreviewwidget.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPrintPreviewWidget' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1783 src/sql/kernel/qsqldatabase.cpp @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1784 src/sql/kernel/qsqldatabase.cpp @ Line 82 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1785 src/sql/kernel/qsqldatabase.cpp @ Line 84 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlDatabasePrivate' defines a non-default destructor and a copy constructor but does not define a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1786 src/sql/kernel/qsqldatabase.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlDriverCreatorBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1787 src/sql/kernel/qsqldatabase.h @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlDatabase' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1788 src/sql/kernel/qsqldriverplugin.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlDriverPlugin' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1789 src/sql/kernel/qsqlerror.cpp @ Line 157 core.NonNullParamChecker Forming reference to null pointer 3
1790 src/sql/kernel/qsqlfield.cpp @ Line 46 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlFieldPrivate' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1791 src/sql/kernel/qsqlfield.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlField' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1792 src/sql/kernel/qsqlindex.h @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlIndex' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1793 src/sql/kernel/qsqlquery.cpp @ Line 382 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 18
1794 src/sql/kernel/qsqlquery.cpp @ Line 385 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 18
1795 src/sql/kernel/qsqlquery.cpp @ Line 858 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 20
1796 src/sql/kernel/qsqlquery.cpp @ Line 895 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 13
1797 src/sql/kernel/qsqlquery.cpp @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlQueryPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1798 src/sql/kernel/qsqlquery.cpp @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1799 src/sql/kernel/qsqlquery.cpp @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1800 src/sql/kernel/qsqlquery.cpp @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
1801 src/sql/kernel/qsqlquery.cpp @ Line 1163 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'values' prevents automatic move 1
1802 src/sql/kernel/qsqlquery.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlQuery' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1803 src/sql/kernel/qsqlrecord.cpp @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlRecordPrivate' defines a copy constructor but does not define a destructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1804 src/sql/kernel/qsqlrecord.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlRecord' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1805 src/sql/kernel/qsqlresult.cpp @ Line 222 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QSqlResult::setNumericalPrecisionPolicy' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 2
1806 src/sql/kernel/qsqlresult.cpp @ Line 232 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QSqlResult::setNumericalPrecisionPolicy' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 2
1807 src/sql/kernel/qsqlresult_p.h @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlResultPrivate' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1808 src/sql/models/qsqlquerymodel.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlQueryModel' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1809 src/sql/models/qsqlquerymodel_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlQueryModelPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1810 src/sql/models/qsqlrelationaltablemodel.h @ Line 83 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlRelationalTableModel' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1811 src/sql/models/qsqltablemodel.cpp @ Line 1048 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'stmt' prevents automatic move 1
1812 src/sql/models/qsqltablemodel.h @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlTableModel' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1813 src/sql/models/qsqltablemodel_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSqlTableModelPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1814 src/testlib/qabstracttestlogger_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractTestLogger' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1815 src/testlib/qabstracttestlogger_p.h @ Line 119 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTestCharBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1816 src/testlib/qbenchmark.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBenchmarkIterationController' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1817 src/testlib/qbenchmark_p.h @ Line 131 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBenchmarkGlobalData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1818 src/testlib/qbenchmark_p.h @ Line 163 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBenchmarkTestMethodData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1819 src/testlib/qbenchmarkevent_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBenchmarkEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1820 src/testlib/qbenchmarkmeasurement_p.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBenchmarkMeasurerBase' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1821 src/testlib/qbenchmarkperfevents_p.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBenchmarkPerfEventsMeasurer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1822 src/testlib/qcsvbenchmarklogger_p.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCsvBenchmarkLogger' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1823 src/testlib/qjunittestlogger_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QJUnitTestLogger' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1824 src/testlib/qplaintestlogger.cpp @ Line 310 bugprone-not-null-terminated-result the result from calling 'memcpy' is not null-terminated 2
1825 src/testlib/qplaintestlogger_p.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlainTestLogger' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1826 src/testlib/qsignaldumper.cpp @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1827 src/testlib/qtaptestlogger_p.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTapTestLogger' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1828 src/testlib/qteamcitylogger_p.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTeamCityLogger' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1829 src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp @ Line 297 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'TestMethods' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1830 src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp @ Line 885 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTestDataSetter' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1831 src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp @ Line 1002 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'WatchDog' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1832 src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp @ Line 1627 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'FatalSignalHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1833 src/testlib/qtestcoreelement_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTestCoreElement' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1834 src/testlib/qtestcorelist_p.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTestCoreList' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1835 src/testlib/qtestelement_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTestElement' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1836 src/testlib/qtestelementattribute_p.h @ Line 98 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTestElementAttribute' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1837 src/testlib/qtestjunitstreamer_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTestJUnitStreamer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1838 src/testlib/qtestjunitstreamer_p.h @ Line 68 performance-trivially-destructible class 'QTestJUnitStreamer' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1839 src/testlib/qtestlog.cpp @ Line 171 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1840 src/testlib/qtestresult_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTestResult' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
1841 src/testlib/qtesttable.cpp @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTestTablePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1842 src/testlib/qxmltestlogger_p.h @ Line 59 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXmlTestLogger' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1843 src/tools/androiddeployqt/main.cpp @ Line 1547 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'path' prevents automatic move 1
1844 src/tools/androidtestrunner/main.cpp @ Line 428 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'RunnerLocker' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1845 src/tools/moc/moc.cpp @ Line 792 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 't' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 't' 1
1846 src/tools/moc/preprocessor.cpp @ Line 178 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion in array subscript; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1847 src/tools/moc/preprocessor.cpp @ Line 241 misc-redundant-expression expression is redundant 1
1848 src/tools/moc/preprocessor.cpp @ Line 297 misc-redundant-expression expression is redundant 1
1849 src/tools/moc/preprocessor.cpp @ Line 372 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion in array subscript; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
1850 src/tools/moc/preprocessor.cpp @ Line 419 misc-redundant-expression expression is redundant 1
1851 src/tools/moc/preprocessor.cpp @ Line 504 misc-redundant-expression expression is redundant 1
1852 src/tools/moc/preprocessor.cpp @ Line 328 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'column' is never read 1
1853 src/tools/moc/preprocessor.cpp @ Line 485 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'token' is never read 1
1854 src/tools/qlalr/lalr.cpp @ Line 56 cert-dcl58-cpp modification of 'std' namespace can result in undefined behavior 1
1855 src/tools/qlalr/lalr.h @ Line 392 cert-dcl58-cpp modification of 'std' namespace can result in undefined behavior 1
1856 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 103 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1857 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 112 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1858 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 126 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1859 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 128 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1860 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 130 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1861 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 132 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1862 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 134 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1863 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 136 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1864 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 138 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1865 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 140 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1866 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 142 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1867 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 144 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1868 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 146 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1869 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 148 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1870 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 150 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1871 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 172 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1872 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 174 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1873 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 201 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1874 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 208 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1875 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 240 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1876 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 247 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1877 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 256 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1878 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 259 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1879 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.cpp @ Line 262 deadcode.DeadStores Although the value stored to 'token' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'token' 1
1880 src/tools/qlalr/recognizer.h @ Line 40 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Recognizer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1881 src/tools/uic/cpp/cppwriteinitialization.cpp @ Line 1606 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'spName' prevents automatic move 1
1882 src/tools/uic/cpp/cppwriteinitialization.cpp @ Line 1665 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'fontName' prevents automatic move 1
1883 src/tools/uic/cpp/cppwriteinitialization.cpp @ Line 1794 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'iconName' prevents automatic move 1
1884 src/tools/uic/cpp/cppwriteinitialization.cpp @ Line 1806 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'iconName' prevents automatic move 1
1885 src/tools/uic/cpp/cppwriteinitialization.cpp @ Line 1840 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'iconName' prevents automatic move 1
1886 src/tools/uic/cpp/cppwriteinitialization.cpp @ Line 1849 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'iconName' prevents automatic move 1
1887 src/tools/uic/cpp/cppwriteinitialization.cpp @ Line 1934 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'brushName' prevents automatic move 1
1888 src/tools/uic/cpp/cppwriteinitialization.cpp @ Line 2741 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'uniqueName' prevents automatic move 1
1889 src/tools/uic/ui4.h @ Line 769 performance-trivially-destructible class 'DomLayoutDefault' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1890 src/tools/uic/ui4.h @ Line 1250 performance-trivially-destructible class 'DomColor' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1891 src/tools/uic/ui4.h @ Line 1706 performance-trivially-destructible class 'DomPoint' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1892 src/tools/uic/ui4.h @ Line 1739 performance-trivially-destructible class 'DomRect' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1893 src/tools/uic/ui4.h @ Line 1879 performance-trivially-destructible class 'DomSize' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1894 src/tools/uic/ui4.h @ Line 1912 performance-trivially-destructible class 'DomDate' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1895 src/tools/uic/ui4.h @ Line 1952 performance-trivially-destructible class 'DomTime' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1896 src/tools/uic/ui4.h @ Line 1992 performance-trivially-destructible class 'DomDateTime' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1897 src/tools/uic/ui4.h @ Line 2299 performance-trivially-destructible class 'DomPointF' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1898 src/tools/uic/ui4.h @ Line 2332 performance-trivially-destructible class 'DomRectF' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1899 src/tools/uic/ui4.h @ Line 2379 performance-trivially-destructible class 'DomSizeF' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1900 src/tools/uic/ui4.h @ Line 2412 performance-trivially-destructible class 'DomChar' can be made trivially destructible by defaulting the destructor on its first declaration 3
1901 src/widgets/accessible/complexwidgets_p.h @ Line 109 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleTabBar' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1902 src/widgets/accessible/itemviews_p.h @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleTable' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1903 src/widgets/accessible/qaccessiblemenu_p.h @ Line 102 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleMenuItem' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1904 src/widgets/accessible/qaccessiblewidgets.cpp @ Line 763 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should return 'AttributeFormatterRef&' 1
1905 src/widgets/accessible/rangecontrols_p.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAccessibleAbstractSpinBox' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1906 src/widgets/dialogs/qcolordialog.cpp @ Line 703 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QColorPicker' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1907 src/widgets/dialogs/qcolordialog.cpp @ Line 740 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QColorLuminancePicker' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1908 src/widgets/dialogs/qcolordialog.cpp @ Line 353 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'b' is never read 1
1909 src/widgets/dialogs/qdialog_p.h @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDialogPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1910 src/widgets/dialogs/qfiledialog.cpp @ Line 91 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1911 src/widgets/dialogs/qfiledialog.cpp @ Line 514 core.NonNullParamChecker Forming reference to null pointer 18
1912 src/widgets/dialogs/qfiledialog.cpp @ Line 1348 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'i' is never read 1
1913 src/widgets/dialogs/qfontdialog_p.h @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFontDialogPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1914 src/widgets/dialogs/qmessagebox.cpp @ Line 2047 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 20
1915 src/widgets/dialogs/qsidebar_p.h @ Line 122 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSidebar' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1916 src/widgets/dialogs/qwizard.cpp @ Line 2716 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'defText' prevents automatic move 1
1917 src/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect_p.h @ Line 101 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsEffectSourcePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1918 src/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect_p.h @ Line 148 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsEffectPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1919 src/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect_p.h @ Line 177 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsColorizeEffectPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1920 src/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect_p.h @ Line 193 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsBlurEffectPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1921 src/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect_p.h @ Line 203 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsDropShadowEffectPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1922 src/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect_p.h @ Line 213 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsOpacityEffectPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1923 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 208 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPixmapConvolutionFilterPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1924 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 307 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1925 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 307 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1926 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 307 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1927 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 307 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1928 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 331 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1929 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 331 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1930 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 331 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1931 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 331 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1932 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 336 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1933 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 336 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1934 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 336 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1935 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter.cpp @ Line 336 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1936 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPixmapFilter' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1937 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter_p.h @ Line 97 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPixmapConvolutionFilter' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1938 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter_p.h @ Line 120 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPixmapBlurFilter' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1939 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter_p.h @ Line 141 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPixmapColorizeFilter' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1940 src/widgets/effects/qpixmapfilter_p.h @ Line 161 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPixmapDropShadowFilter' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1941 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsanchorlayout.cpp @ Line 228 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsAnchorLayout::count' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1942 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsanchorlayout.cpp @ Line 230 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsAnchorLayout::removeAt' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1943 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsanchorlayout.cpp @ Line 469 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsAnchorLayout::invalidate' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 6
1944 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsanchorlayout.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsAnchor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1945 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsanchorlayout_p.cpp @ Line 231 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 46
1946 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsanchorlayout_p.cpp @ Line 2506 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'dirty' is never read 1
1947 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsanchorlayout_p.h @ Line 86 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'AnchorVertex' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1948 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsanchorlayout_p.h @ Line 113 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'AnchorData' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1949 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsanchorlayout_p.h @ Line 336 google-global-names-in-headers using declarations in the global namespace in headers are prohibited 1
1950 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsanchorlayout_p.h @ Line 344 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsAnchorPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1951 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsgridlayout.cpp @ Line 133 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsGridLayout::count' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1952 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsgridlayout.cpp @ Line 134 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsGridLayout::itemAt' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1953 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsgridlayout.cpp @ Line 138 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsGridLayout::removeAt' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1954 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp @ Line 849 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1955 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp @ Line 1834 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsItem::itemChange' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 7
1956 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp @ Line 1834 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsItem::itemChange' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 10
1957 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp @ Line 2660 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 23
1958 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp @ Line 4456 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 2 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 17
1959 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp @ Line 7156 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 14
1960 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp @ Line 7169 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 16
1961 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp @ Line 9261 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsLineItem::shape' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 13
1962 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.h @ Line 521 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsObject' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1963 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem_p.h @ Line 701 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 16
1964 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem_p.h @ Line 154 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsItemPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1965 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem_p.h @ Line 701 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 36
1966 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicslayoutitem.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsLayoutItem' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1967 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicslayoutitem_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsLayoutItemPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1968 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicslayoutstyleinfo_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsLayoutStyleInfo' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1969 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicslinearlayout.cpp @ Line 207 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsLinearLayout::count' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
1970 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicslinearlayout.cpp @ Line 208 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsLinearLayout::itemAt' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1971 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicslinearlayout.cpp @ Line 212 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsLinearLayout::removeAt' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 3
1972 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicslinearlayout.cpp @ Line 339 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QGraphicsLinearLayout::invalidate' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 8
1973 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsproxywidget.cpp @ Line 485 cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'subProxy' 2
1974 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsproxywidget_p.h @ Line 62 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsProxyWidgetPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1975 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp @ Line 4678 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 2 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 13
1976 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene_bsp_p.h @ Line 69 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsSceneBspTree' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1977 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene_bsp_p.h @ Line 118 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsSceneBspTreeVisitor' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1978 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicssceneevent.cpp @ Line 277 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsSceneEventPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1979 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicssceneindex_p.h @ Line 121 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsSceneIndexPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1980 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicstransform.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsTransform' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1981 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicstransform.h @ Line 79 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsScale' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1982 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicstransform.h @ Line 118 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsRotation' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1983 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicstransform_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsTransformPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1984 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp @ Line 3525 optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject 2 uninitialized fields at the end of the constructor call 11
1985 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp @ Line 308 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1986 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp @ Line 308 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1987 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp @ Line 434 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1988 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp @ Line 460 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
1989 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp @ Line 1972 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1990 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp @ Line 1982 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
1991 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsview_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsViewPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
1992 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget.cpp @ Line 2155 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 6
1993 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget.cpp @ Line 225 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
1994 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.cpp @ Line 458 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'middlew' during its initialization is never read 1
1995 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.cpp @ Line 459 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'middleh' during its initialization is never read 1
1996 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.cpp @ Line 461 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'min_hfw' is never read 1
1997 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.cpp @ Line 789 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 8
1998 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.cpp @ Line 805 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 11
1999 src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.h @ Line 72 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGraphicsWidgetPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2000 src/widgets/itemviews/qabstractitemview_p.h @ Line 92 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractItemViewPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2001 src/widgets/itemviews/qcolumnview_p.h @ Line 147 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QColumnViewPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2002 src/widgets/itemviews/qcolumnview_p.h @ Line 184 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QColumnViewDelegate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2003 src/widgets/itemviews/qcolumnviewgrip_p.h @ Line 88 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QColumnViewGripPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2004 src/widgets/itemviews/qitemeditorfactory.cpp @ Line 339 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDefaultFactoryCleaner' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2005 src/widgets/itemviews/qitemeditorfactory.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QItemEditorCreatorBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2006 src/widgets/itemviews/qitemeditorfactory.h @ Line 95 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QItemEditorFactory' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2007 src/widgets/itemviews/qlistview.cpp @ Line 3124 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'deltaSegHint' is never read 1
2008 src/widgets/itemviews/qlistview.cpp @ Line 3132 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'deltaSegHint' is never read 1
2009 src/widgets/itemviews/qlistview.cpp @ Line 3216 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 12
2010 src/widgets/itemviews/qlistview_p.h @ Line 117 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCommonListViewBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2011 src/widgets/itemviews/qlistview_p.h @ Line 299 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QListViewPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2012 src/widgets/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp @ Line 664 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QListWidgetItem::setData' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 5
2013 src/widgets/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp @ Line 699 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QListWidgetItem::setData' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
2014 src/widgets/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp @ Line 700 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QListWidgetItem::setData' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
2015 src/widgets/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp @ Line 777 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QListWidgetItem::data' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 20
2016 src/widgets/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp @ Line 777 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QListWidgetItem::data' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 20
2017 src/widgets/itemviews/qlistwidget.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QListWidgetItem' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2018 src/widgets/itemviews/qlistwidget_p.h @ Line 79 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QListModel' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2019 src/widgets/itemviews/qtableview.cpp @ Line 1548 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'row' during its initialization is never read 1
2020 src/widgets/itemviews/qtableview_p.h @ Line 77 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSpanCollection' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2021 src/widgets/itemviews/qtablewidget.cpp @ Line 364 core.DivideZero Division by zero 33
2022 src/widgets/itemviews/qtablewidget.cpp @ Line 365 core.DivideZero Division by zero 33
2023 src/widgets/itemviews/qtablewidget.cpp @ Line 1325 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QTableWidgetItem::setData' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
2024 src/widgets/itemviews/qtablewidget.cpp @ Line 1342 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QTableWidgetItem::setData' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
2025 src/widgets/itemviews/qtablewidget.cpp @ Line 1343 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QTableWidgetItem::setData' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 1
2026 src/widgets/itemviews/qtablewidget.h @ Line 75 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTableWidgetItem' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2027 src/widgets/itemviews/qtablewidget_p.h @ Line 86 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTableModel' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2028 src/widgets/itemviews/qtreeview_p.h @ Line 83 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTreeViewPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2029 src/widgets/itemviews/qtreewidget.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTreeWidgetItem' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2030 src/widgets/itemviews/qtreewidget_p.h @ Line 70 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTreeModel' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2031 src/widgets/itemviews/qtreewidget_p.h @ Line 166 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'SkipSorting' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2032 src/widgets/itemviews/qtreewidgetitemiterator.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTreeWidgetItemIterator' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2033 src/widgets/itemviews/qtreewidgetitemiterator_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTreeWidgetItemIteratorPrivate' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2034 src/widgets/kernel/qaction_widgets_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QtWidgetsActionPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2035 src/widgets/kernel/qapplication.cpp @ Line 3200 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 29
2036 src/widgets/kernel/qapplication.cpp @ Line 373 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
2037 src/widgets/kernel/qapplication_p.h @ Line 99 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QApplicationPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2038 src/widgets/kernel/qboxlayout.cpp @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBoxLayoutItem' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2039 src/widgets/kernel/qboxlayout.cpp @ Line 91 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBoxLayoutPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2040 src/widgets/kernel/qformlayout.cpp @ Line 111 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFormLayoutItem' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2041 src/widgets/kernel/qformlayout.cpp @ Line 155 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFormLayoutPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2042 src/widgets/kernel/qformlayout.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFormLayout' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2043 src/widgets/kernel/qgesture.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGesture' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2044 src/widgets/kernel/qgesture.h @ Line 104 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPanGesture' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2045 src/widgets/kernel/qgesture.h @ Line 134 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPinchGesture' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2046 src/widgets/kernel/qgesture.h @ Line 207 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSwipeGesture' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2047 src/widgets/kernel/qgesture.h @ Line 234 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTapGesture' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2048 src/widgets/kernel/qgesture.h @ Line 252 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTapAndHoldGesture' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2049 src/widgets/kernel/qgesture.h @ Line 274 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGestureEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2050 src/widgets/kernel/qgesturemanager_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGestureManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2051 src/widgets/kernel/qgesturerecognizer.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGestureRecognizer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2052 src/widgets/kernel/qgridlayout.cpp @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QGridBox' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2053 src/widgets/kernel/qlayout.cpp @ Line 147 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QLayout::invalidate' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 4
2054 src/widgets/kernel/qlayoutitem.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLayoutItem' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2055 src/widgets/kernel/qlayoutitem.h @ Line 92 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSpacerItem' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2056 src/widgets/kernel/qtestsupport_widgets.cpp @ Line 98 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QTouchEventWidgetSequence::commit' during destruction bypasses virtual dispatch 2
2057 src/widgets/kernel/qtestsupport_widgets.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTouchEventWidgetSequence' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2058 src/widgets/kernel/qtooltip.cpp @ Line 115 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTipLabel' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2059 src/widgets/kernel/qtooltip.cpp @ Line 554 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
2060 src/widgets/kernel/qwhatsthis.cpp @ Line 138 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QWhatsThat' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2061 src/widgets/kernel/qwhatsthis.cpp @ Line 362 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QWhatsThisPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2062 src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp @ Line 2263 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'brushOriginSet' is never read 1
2063 src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp @ Line 10564 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 19
2064 src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp @ Line 11915 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
2065 src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp @ Line 11917 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
2066 src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp @ Line 11919 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
2067 src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp @ Line 11921 bugprone-signed-char-misuse 'signed char' to 'int' conversion; consider casting to 'unsigned char' first. 1
2068 src/widgets/kernel/qwidget_p.h @ Line 106 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QUpdateLaterEvent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2069 src/widgets/kernel/qwidget_p.h @ Line 219 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QWidgetPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2070 src/widgets/kernel/qwidgetrepaintmanager.cpp @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
2071 src/widgets/kernel/qwidgetwindow_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QWidgetWindow' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2072 src/widgets/kernel/qwindowcontainer.cpp @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QWindowContainerPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2073 src/widgets/kernel/qwindowcontainer_p.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QWindowContainer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2074 src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp @ Line 4927 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'h' during its initialization is never read 1
2075 src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp @ Line 664 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2076 src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp @ Line 690 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2077 src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp @ Line 764 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2078 src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp @ Line 765 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2079 src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp @ Line 3715 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2080 src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp @ Line 3747 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2081 src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp @ Line 3747 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2082 src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp @ Line 3836 bugprone-suspicious-enum-usage enum values are from different enum types 1
2083 src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCommonStylePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2084 src/widgets/styles/qdrawutil.cpp @ Line 943 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'dx' during its initialization is never read 1
2085 src/widgets/styles/qdrawutil.cpp @ Line 944 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'dy' during its initialization is never read 1
2086 src/widgets/styles/qfusionstyle.cpp @ Line 1847 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'x1' is never read 1
2087 src/widgets/styles/qfusionstyle.cpp @ Line 1848 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'y1' is never read 1
2088 src/widgets/styles/qfusionstyle.cpp @ Line 1850 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'x2' is never read 1
2089 src/widgets/styles/qfusionstyle.cpp @ Line 1851 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'y2' is never read 1
2090 src/widgets/styles/qfusionstyle.cpp @ Line 274 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2091 src/widgets/styles/qfusionstyle.cpp @ Line 1973 bugprone-suspicious-enum-usage enum values are from different enum types 1
2092 src/widgets/styles/qfusionstyle_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFusionStyle' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2093 src/widgets/styles/qpixmapstyle_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPixmapStyle' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2094 src/widgets/styles/qstyleanimation_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleAnimation' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2095 src/widgets/styles/qstylefactory.cpp @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 3
2096 src/widgets/styles/qstylehelper.cpp @ Line 224 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2097 src/widgets/styles/qstylehelper.cpp @ Line 227 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2098 src/widgets/styles/qstylehelper.cpp @ Line 228 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2099 src/widgets/styles/qstylehelper.cpp @ Line 270 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2100 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 74 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOption' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2101 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 110 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionFocusRect' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2102 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 119 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2103 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 126 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionFrame' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2104 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 144 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2105 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 154 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2106 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 170 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 1
2107 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 182 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionTabBarBase' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2108 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 194 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2109 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 203 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionHeader' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2110 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 225 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2111 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 232 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionButton' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2112 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 248 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2113 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 258 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionTab' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2114 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 287 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2115 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 301 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionToolBar' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2116 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 316 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2117 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 327 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionProgressBar' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2118 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 343 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2119 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 350 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionMenuItem' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2120 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 372 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2121 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 379 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionDockWidget' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2122 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 392 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2123 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 401 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionViewItem' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2124 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 442 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2125 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 453 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionToolBox' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2126 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 469 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2127 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 477 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionRubberBand' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2128 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 487 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2129 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 496 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionComplex' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2130 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 506 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2131 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 511 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionSlider' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2132 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 532 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2133 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 541 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionSpinBox' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2134 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 552 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2135 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 560 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionToolButton' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2136 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 580 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2137 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 589 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionComboBox' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2138 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 604 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2139 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 611 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionTitleBar' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2140 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 623 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2141 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 630 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionGroupBox' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2142 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 644 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2143 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 650 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionSizeGrip' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2144 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 659 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2145 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 665 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleOptionGraphicsItem' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2146 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 674 bugprone-copy-constructor-init calling a base constructor other than the copy constructor 2
2147 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 706 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleHintReturn' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2148 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 722 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleHintReturnMask' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2149 src/widgets/styles/qstyleoption.h @ Line 733 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleHintReturnVariant' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2150 src/widgets/styles/qstylepainter.h @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStylePainter' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
2151 src/widgets/styles/qstyleplugin.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStylePlugin' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2152 src/widgets/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp @ Line 156 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QStyleSheetStyleRecursionGuard' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2153 src/widgets/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp @ Line 868 bugprone-use-after-move 'info' used after it was moved 2
2154 src/widgets/util/qcolormap.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QColormap' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2155 src/widgets/util/qcompleter.cpp @ Line 1336 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 9
2156 src/widgets/util/qcompleter.cpp @ Line 1476 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 9
2157 src/widgets/util/qcompleter_p.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCompleterPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2158 src/widgets/util/qcompleter_p.h @ Line 144 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCompletionEngine' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2159 src/widgets/util/qflickgesture_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFlickGesture' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2160 src/widgets/util/qscroller.cpp @ Line 1791 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'oldOvershootX' is never read 1
2161 src/widgets/util/qscroller.cpp @ Line 1792 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'oldOvershootY' is never read 1
2162 src/widgets/util/qscroller.cpp @ Line 1932 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'bestSnapPosDist' is never read 1
2163 src/widgets/util/qscroller.cpp @ Line 1979 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'bestSnapPosDist' is never read 1
2164 src/widgets/util/qscroller.cpp @ Line 276 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
2165 src/widgets/util/qscroller.cpp @ Line 277 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'HolderBase' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 4
2166 src/widgets/util/qscrollerproperties.h @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QScrollerProperties' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2167 src/widgets/util/qsystemtrayicon_p.h @ Line 77 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSystemTrayIconPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2168 src/widgets/util/qsystemtrayicon_p.h @ Line 116 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBalloonTip' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2169 src/widgets/widgets/qabstractscrollarea_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2170 src/widgets/widgets/qabstractslider_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractSliderPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2171 src/widgets/widgets/qabstractspinbox.cpp @ Line 776 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'lineEditValue' prevents automatic move 1
2172 src/widgets/widgets/qabstractspinbox_p.h @ Line 90 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAbstractSpinBoxPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2173 src/widgets/widgets/qcalendarwidget.cpp @ Line 1123 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 8
2174 src/widgets/widgets/qcalendarwidget.cpp @ Line 81 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCalendarDateSectionValidator' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2175 src/widgets/widgets/qcalendarwidget.cpp @ Line 439 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QCalendarDateValidator' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2176 src/widgets/widgets/qcombobox_p.h @ Line 342 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QComboBoxPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2177 src/widgets/widgets/qdatetimeedit.cpp @ Line 2235 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'ret' prevents automatic move 1
2178 src/widgets/widgets/qdatetimeedit.h @ Line 206 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTimeEdit' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2179 src/widgets/widgets/qdatetimeedit.h @ Line 219 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDateEdit' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2180 src/widgets/widgets/qdial.cpp @ Line 391 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
2181 src/widgets/widgets/qdial.cpp @ Line 391 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2182 src/widgets/widgets/qdial.cpp @ Line 397 bugprone-incorrect-roundings casting (double + 0.5) to integer leads to incorrect rounding; consider using lround (#include ) instead 1
2183 src/widgets/widgets/qdockarealayout.cpp @ Line 195 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 4
2184 src/widgets/widgets/qdockarealayout_p.h @ Line 87 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDockAreaLayoutItem' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2185 src/widgets/widgets/qdockwidget_p.h @ Line 137 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDockWidgetLayout' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2186 src/widgets/widgets/qeffects.cpp @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QAlphaWidget' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2187 src/widgets/widgets/qframe_p.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QFramePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2188 src/widgets/widgets/qlabel.cpp @ Line 1678 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 6
2189 src/widgets/widgets/qlabel_p.h @ Line 74 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLabelPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2190 src/widgets/widgets/qlineedit_p.h @ Line 127 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLineEditPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2191 src/widgets/widgets/qmainwindow.cpp @ Line 1309 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 2
2192 src/widgets/widgets/qmainwindow.cpp @ Line 1317 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 2
2193 src/widgets/widgets/qmainwindow.cpp @ Line 1327 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 2
2194 src/widgets/widgets/qmainwindowlayout.cpp @ Line 195 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDockWidgetGroupLayout' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2195 src/widgets/widgets/qmainwindowlayout_p.h @ Line 84 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMainWindowLayoutSeparatorHelper' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
2196 src/widgets/widgets/qmainwindowlayout_p.h @ Line 446 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMainWindowLayout' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2197 src/widgets/widgets/qmdiarea_p.h @ Line 71 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Rearranger' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2198 src/widgets/widgets/qmdiarea_p.h @ Line 113 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Placer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2199 src/widgets/widgets/qmdisubwindow.cpp @ Line 2909 cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks Potential memory leak 3
2200 src/widgets/widgets/qmdisubwindow_p.h @ Line 97 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ControlContainer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2201 src/widgets/widgets/qmenu.cpp @ Line 574 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Reposter' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2202 src/widgets/widgets/qmenu.cpp @ Line 837 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'ResetOnDestroy' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2203 src/widgets/widgets/qmenu_p.h @ Line 111 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSetValueOnDestroy' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2204 src/widgets/widgets/qmenu_p.h @ Line 304 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMenuPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2205 src/widgets/widgets/qmenu_p.h @ Line 407 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMenuScroller' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2206 src/widgets/widgets/qmenubar_p.h @ Line 64 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QMenuBarPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2207 src/widgets/widgets/qplaintextedit.cpp @ Line 2276 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'v' prevents automatic move 1
2208 src/widgets/widgets/qplaintextedit.h @ Line 289 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPlainTextDocumentLayout' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2209 src/widgets/widgets/qrubberband.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QRubberBand' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2210 src/widgets/widgets/qsplashscreen.cpp @ Line 340 bugprone-integer-division result of integer division used in a floating point context; possible loss of precision 1
2211 src/widgets/widgets/qsplitter.cpp @ Line 667 core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult The right operand of '>=' is a garbage value 14
2212 src/widgets/widgets/qsplitter_p.h @ Line 63 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSplitterLayoutStruct' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2213 src/widgets/widgets/qsplitter_p.h @ Line 81 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QSplitterPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2214 src/widgets/widgets/qtabbar.cpp @ Line 2808 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'CloseButton::sizeHint' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 8
2215 src/widgets/widgets/qtabbar_p.h @ Line 87 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTabBarPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2216 src/widgets/widgets/qtabbar_p.h @ Line 136 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Tab' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
2217 src/widgets/widgets/qtabwidget.cpp @ Line 185 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTabWidgetPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2218 src/widgets/widgets/qtextedit.cpp @ Line 1870 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'v' prevents automatic move 1
2219 src/widgets/widgets/qtoolbararealayout.cpp @ Line 413 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'newPos' during its initialization is never read 1
2220 src/widgets/widgets/qtoolbarlayout.cpp @ Line 136 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QToolBarLayout::invalidate' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 6
2221 src/widgets/widgets/qtoolbarlayout_p.h @ Line 77 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QToolBarLayout' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2222 src/widgets/widgets/qwidgetlinecontrol_p.h @ Line 83 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QWidgetLineControl' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2223 src/widgets/widgets/qwidgetresizehandler_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QWidgetResizeHandler' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor 1
2224 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 971 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QDomNodePrivate::appendChild' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 9
2225 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 1342 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QDomNodePrivate::insertAfter' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 11
2226 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 1593 cplusplus.NewDelete Attempt to delete released memory 22
2227 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 1788 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 21
2228 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 1808 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 21
2229 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 2301 cplusplus.NewDelete Use of memory after it is freed 18
2230 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 3183 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2231 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 3363 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2232 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 3497 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2233 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 3806 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2234 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 4229 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2235 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 4749 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2236 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 4880 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2237 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 4988 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2238 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 5112 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2239 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 5309 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2240 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 5461 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2241 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 5578 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2242 src/xml/dom/qdom.cpp @ Line 6105 misc-unconventional-assign-operator operator=() should always return '*this' 1
2243 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 96 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomImplementation' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2244 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 125 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomNode' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2245 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 249 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomNodeList' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2246 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 278 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomDocumentType' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2247 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 304 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomDocument' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2248 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 358 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomNamedNodeMap' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2249 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 395 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomDocumentFragment' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2250 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 412 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomCharacterData' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2251 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 445 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomAttr' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2252 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 472 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomElement' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2253 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 530 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomText' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2254 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 551 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomComment' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2255 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 568 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomCDATASection' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2256 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 585 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomNotation' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2257 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 606 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomEntity' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2258 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 627 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomEntityReference' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2259 src/xml/dom/qdom.h @ Line 644 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomProcessingInstruction' defines a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a destructor, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2260 src/xml/dom/qdom_p.h @ Line 122 optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall Call to virtual method 'QDomNodePrivate::nodeType' during construction bypasses virtual dispatch 18
2261 src/xml/dom/qdom_p.h @ Line 79 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomNodePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2262 src/xml/dom/qdom_p.h @ Line 170 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomNodeListPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2263 src/xml/dom/qdom_p.h @ Line 196 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2264 src/xml/dom/qdom_p.h @ Line 244 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomDocumentTypePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2265 src/xml/dom/qdom_p.h @ Line 335 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomElementPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2266 src/xml/dom/qdom_p.h @ Line 455 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomDocumentPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2267 src/xml/dom/qdomhelpers_p.h @ Line 74 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QXmlDocumentLocator' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2268 src/xml/dom/qdomhelpers_p.h @ Line 82 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomDocumentLocator' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
2269 src/xml/dom/qdomhelpers_p.h @ Line 101 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QDomBuilder' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1