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1 /home/cc-runs/install_dir/dev/include/QtCore/6.2.0/QtCore/private/qobject_p.h @ Line 329 core.CallAndMessage Called C++ object pointer is null 9
2 src/quick/items/qquickwindow.cpp @ Line 1369 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to 'eventType' during its initialization is never read 1
3 src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgbatchrenderer_p.h @ Line 78 bugprone-forward-declaration-namespace no definition found for 'Chunk', but a definition with the same name 'Chunk' found in another namespace 'QV4' 2
4 src/quick/util/qquickdeliveryagent_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QQuickDeliveryAgent' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
5 src/quick/util/qquickdeliveryagent_p.h @ Line 73 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Transform' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
6 src/quick/util/qquickdeliveryagent_p_p.h @ Line 80 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QQuickDeliveryAgentPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1