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1 /usr/include/c++/9/bits/atomic_base.h @ Line 207 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to '__b' during its initialization is never read 1
2 /usr/include/c++/9/bits/atomic_base.h @ Line 218 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to '__b' during its initialization is never read 1
3 src/plugins/imageformats/tga/qtgafile.cpp @ Line 251 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'reader') 10
4 src/plugins/imageformats/tga/qtgafile.cpp @ Line 251 core.NullDereference Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'reader') 13
5 src/plugins/imageformats/tga/qtgafile.cpp @ Line 46 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'TgaReader' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
6 src/plugins/imageformats/tga/qtgafile.cpp @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'Tga16Reader' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
7 src/plugins/imageformats/tga/qtgafile.h @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTgaFile' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
8 src/plugins/imageformats/tga/qtgahandler.h @ Line 49 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTgaHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
9 src/plugins/imageformats/tiff/qtiffhandler.cpp @ Line 103 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QTiffHandlerPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
10 src/plugins/imageformats/wbmp/qwbmphandler_p.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QWbmpHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
11 src/plugins/imageformats/webp/qwebphandler_p.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QWebpHandler' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1