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  File Severity Checker name Message Bug path length Review status
1 /home/cc-runs/install_dir/dev/include/QtCore/qobjectdefs.h @ Line 352 cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks Potential memory leak 4
2 /usr/include/c++/9/bits/atomic_base.h @ Line 207 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to '__b' during its initialization is never read 1
3 /usr/include/c++/9/bits/atomic_base.h @ Line 218 deadcode.DeadStores Value stored to '__b' during its initialization is never read 1
4 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothaddress.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothAddress' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
5 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothdevicediscoveryagent.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
6 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothdevicediscoveryagent_p.h @ Line 101 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgentPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
7 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothdeviceinfo.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothDeviceInfo' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
8 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothhostinfo.h @ Line 49 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothHostInfo' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
9 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothlocaldevice.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothLocalDevice' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
10 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothserver.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothServer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
11 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothserver_p.h @ Line 95 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothServerPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
12 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothservicediscoveryagent.h @ Line 61 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
13 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothservicediscoveryagent_p.h @ Line 98 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgentPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
14 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothserviceinfo.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothServiceInfo' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
15 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothserviceinfo_p.h @ Line 90 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothServiceInfoPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
16 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothsocket.h @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothSocket' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
17 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothsocket_dummy_p.h @ Line 60 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothSocketPrivateDummy' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
18 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothsocketbase_p.h @ Line 92 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothSocketBasePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
19 src/bluetooth/qbluetoothuuid.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QBluetoothUuid' defines a default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
20 src/bluetooth/qleadvertiser_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLeAdvertiser' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
21 src/bluetooth/qlowenergyadvertisingdata.h @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyAdvertisingData' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
22 src/bluetooth/qlowenergyadvertisingparameters.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
23 src/bluetooth/qlowenergycharacteristic.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyCharacteristic' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
24 src/bluetooth/qlowenergycharacteristicdata.h @ Line 49 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyCharacteristicData' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
25 src/bluetooth/qlowenergyconnectionparameters.h @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyConnectionParameters' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
26 src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller.h @ Line 57 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyController' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
27 src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontroller_dummy_p.h @ Line 67 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyControllerPrivateCommon' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
28 src/bluetooth/qlowenergycontrollerbase_p.h @ Line 65 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyControllerPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
29 src/bluetooth/qlowenergydescriptor.h @ Line 54 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyDescriptor' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
30 src/bluetooth/qlowenergydescriptordata.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyDescriptorData' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
31 src/bluetooth/qlowenergyservice.cpp @ Line 575 performance-no-automatic-move constness of 'name' prevents automatic move 1
32 src/bluetooth/qlowenergyservice.h @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyService' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
33 src/bluetooth/qlowenergyservicedata.h @ Line 53 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyServiceData' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
34 src/bluetooth/qlowenergyserviceprivate_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QLowEnergyServicePrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
35 src/bluetooth/qprivatelinearbuffer_p.h @ Line 55 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QPrivateLinearBuffer' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
36 src/nfc/qndeffilter.h @ Line 50 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNdefFilter' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
37 src/nfc/qndefmessage.h @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNdefMessage' defines a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator and a move assignment operator but does not define a destructor or a move constructor 1
38 src/nfc/qndefnfcsmartposterrecord.h @ Line 77 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
39 src/nfc/qndefrecord.h @ Line 51 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNdefRecord' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
40 src/nfc/qnearfieldmanager.h @ Line 52 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNearFieldManager' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
41 src/nfc/qnearfieldmanager_generic_p.h @ Line 58 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNearFieldManagerPrivateImpl' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
42 src/nfc/qnearfieldmanager_p.h @ Line 66 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNearFieldManagerPrivate' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
43 src/nfc/qnearfieldtarget.h @ Line 56 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNearFieldTarget' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
44 src/nfc/qnearfieldtarget.h @ Line 100 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'RequestId' defines a non-default destructor, a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator but does not define a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1
45 src/nfc/qnearfieldtarget_p.h @ Line 68 cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions class 'QNearFieldTargetPrivate' defines a default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move assignment operator 1